Bringing a noisy child to Chef Mickey's


New Member
I have three year old with chronic medical problems. Plus four other kids. I would like to do a character meal at Chef Mickey's but she will probably scream some (hard to explain why, but it has to do with a highly restrictive diet she's on -- she can only eat food that's been carefully weighed according to specially calculated recipes).

Anyway, Chef Mickey's is listed as "loud" by the unofficial Disney guide. I was wondering if those who have been there think that her fussing would be a problem in that atmosphere. Ie., if it's loud anyway she will probably go unnoticed.



Well-Known Member
When they say 'Loud', I think they are more referring to the things like the Napkin dance, etc.

That said, I'm sure that they would be very accomadating and understanding in your situation, though it would probably be best to call ahead and advise them.

Unfortunately I can't say the same for other guests, there will always be some who feel it their right to complain or stare. But that kind of ignorance is probably something you've had to learn to get used to.

Probably not the most helpful answer, but I hope it gives you some assistance in your decision making process.
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New Member
You've just as much right to eat in Chef Mickey's as any other guest. Or any other restaurant for that matter.

I'd say, call ahead, let Disney know the situation, then go for it and enjoy your meal.
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New Member
I've never been to Chef Mickey's but character meals are geared toward children. Therefore, they (meaning the staff as well as the other guests) must expect that there will be children there and everyone who knows children knows that they cannot be controlled 100% of the time and thus they are likely to have a noisy dining experience. If someone wants a quiet and peaceful dinner, go to an adult themed restaurant. I say go for it, let all the kids have a great time, but definitely call the chef a few days in advance to discuss the dietary restrictions.

Good luck and have fun!
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Well-Known Member
Its not you that worries me. Isn't CM a buffet? If your child has a strict diet the amount of bad food may do you in. Is your child mobile? Will she be able to attack the dessert buffet? Me first!
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New Member
LOL....the last time we visited Chef Mickey's, we were blessed with sitting near a child that was so excited that she screamed for Chip and Dale for 45 minutes....the thing that was so funny and cute about it, is when she would see one of them, she called out by name...."Chickendale"......"Mommy, look at Chickendale"...then came ..."there are TWO Chickendales" went on and on and on as the parents felt totally embarrassed by it all when, in fact, she was bonus entertainment for had to be there to appreciate it...point is, the place is loaded with kids and it's relatively loud....those that want a quiet, romantic dinner would be better advised to seek accommodations elsewhere.:lol:
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New Member
Original Poster
We may just try it -- if my wife is willing. You've all been encouraging.

Regarding her diet, we have to keep her away from any food that's not calculated in. As much as a crumb of bread could throw it off and increase her seizures. So we would bring her food -- I wouldn't expect them to have a scale that weighs food to 0.1 grams to make her meal. We would try to appease her with distracting activities and (hopefully flavored) ice chips.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
ABSOLUTELY make sure her needs are known when you make your PS.

Remind the host(ess) when you check in that she won't be eating because of her restricted diet.

They should have crayons available, and perhaps the characters could spend extra time with her.

As far as other guests go, I am sure that you have dealt with rude stares and comments before. This does not justify them by any means, but I would guess that on some level you are prepared for this.

Bottom line is, anyone who wants quiet does not go to Chef Mickey's. And anyone who has been to WDW has seen his share of tired, overstimulated kids.

In fact, I have read several posts from adults who refuse to do character meals because they prefer quiet.
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New Member
I agree with the others here. Should not be a problem, just call in advance and make them aware of your situation. I have always seen that Disney is very accomidating to those who need assistance.
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New Member
My wife and I don't have any children, but I can't think of a single character meal we've been to that hasn't had at least one screaming kid.

WDW is aimed at children and families. Not all of them are going to be happy all the time, so screaming kids kinda goes with the territory. If that sort of stuff bothers someone, I think maybe WDW isn't the best vacation spot for them.

I say go for it.
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Well-Known Member
I would also encourage you to go for it. You're going to be a party of at least two adults and five children, am I right? - so a certain amount of noise and excitement is to be expected, even in the best of circumstances. Clue the hostess in ahead of time, and I'll bet you'll find that the characters make a point of keeping your daughter's - and everyone else's - mind off the food!

Hope you have a great trip. :)
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Well-Known Member
To answer your question:

Yes...Chef Mickeys is's VERY loud. It's full of children running around screaming and there is music playing and napkin waving and a good time is had by all.

and By all means...bring your children to Chef Mickeys...ESPECIALLY the one with special needs...because that child needs and deserves to enjoy the Magic of Disney and Chef Mickeys the most.

Bring a couple of sets of ear plugs for anyone who complains...but I bet no one does. :animwink:
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Beauty and the

New Member
Take your little girl to Chef Mickey's. make sure to call them a couple of days before a briefly explain her problems I'm sure they will go out of their way to give her and the rest of you a super time.
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Active Member
Hey, the resturant is loud, you say your child may be loud...sounds like she'll fit right in! :lol:

Seriously though - everything will be fine...I'm sure she'll love the surroundings and everyone will be just fine with her! :) If they're not , they'll cope!

You said she might need some distracting activities...there should be plenty going on to amuse her! Ya'll have a great trip :)
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New Member
I definitey agree with everyone. I have been to CM with my child when he was 3, 4 and 5 every morning we stayed there. CM is located in the middle of the Contemporary. It is not closed in any way and therefore the noise just floats off. Just let them know about dietary requirements. Don't worry she'll have a blast.:slurp:
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New Member
You should definately go!! Disney is where magic happens, even if she screams through the whole thing, you will still have a magical time. I say put what she can eat in front of her and let her get messy. If you explain your situation when you call I am sure that they will help you out if they can. Good Luck!
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