This should be interesting:
HennieBogan1966 said:
We can debate how much $$$ is in the till, but the bottom line is, no matter what arm of the company it comes from, all the money winds up in the same till eventually.
This is why the parks are getting pinched by the execs. The Theme Park division is getting its spending $$ cut because other areas of the company such as ABC and keep dropping the ball and vacuuming up money! (Not to mention DCA, but that's another story for another time)
HennieBogan1966 said:
Now, had Disney said, we're going to spend 2/3 million on a new attraction, all new AA's new digital video tech,. new sound tech, etc. would that have made everyone happy?
WHOA, I sure hope not! That can't be what SGE actually cost! I mean, Tarzan's Treehouse got $6 million, for crying out loud! I really hope you weren't talking about SGE here, because it must have cost AT LEAST $20 million. (And the incredibly boring Winnie the Pooh ride at DL cost north of $40 million!)
HennieBogan1966 said:
Disney, I'm sure, did what they thought best, given the budget, and technology they had in place.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! HeheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man. Excuse me. But...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I'm trying to say here is, GOD I HOPE NOT! So do you also think that "Disney did what they thought best given the budget and the technology" when they built Journey Into YOUR Imagination? Or DCA? Yeah, great move there! (Where's all the people? And why are we getting so many complaints? Don't these idiots understand that we "did our best" with the budget and technology?)
The point is, straight out: NO THEY DIDN'T!!! You see, the public isn't stupid. They don't give a rat's behind WHAT your budget is, or WHAT technology you have available, or WHAT your construction time frame is. All they see is "bad show." Simple as that. And that's what they're seeing at SGE. Simple as that.
HennieBogan1966 said:
IT's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback and say, "Here's what I would have done." But you AREN'T there. And you DON'T know what they are having to deal with in regards to budgets, timeframes, etc.
And that's a shame! Because I'm 100% POSITIVE that MOST of the people on these boards alone know more about Disney and what Disney is about than any of these feckless executives. The point is, there should NOT be a budget that the creatives should "worry about" (ie hey we have to cut that segment out because management won't give up the extra $2 out of the budget!), and there should NOT be a timeframe that the creatives should worry about.
The Haunted Mansion was in development for OVER A DECADE! And now it's one of the most beloved attractions of all time. This didn't happen by accident! It happened because the Imagineers did NOT have a budget to worry about, and they CERTAINLY did NOT have a timeframe to worry about! And now, HM has been a tent-pole attraction since it opened in 1969 and its merchandise potentials (only being vaguely realized now) are making more $$ for the company than ever!
HennieBogan1966 said:
So, before you judge how this attraction or any attraction for that matter turns out, look at it from all angles.
I think when the public unanimously agrees, "It blows," that's all the angles you need to look at.
HennieBogan1966 said:
Again, the Wife and I enjoyed AE alot but didn't see how it fit in where it was. Or how it's storyline really fit the "Disney" concept. Yes, it was original. But NO, it WASN'T Disney. Exactly what history did those characters have with Disney? What movie were they in? How did they fit in?
Oh yeah, and what history did the characters from Carousel of Progress have with Disney when it first opened? What movie were the dolls in Small World in? How did those ghosts from Haunted Mansion "fit in?" I'm sure you've heard of them now! I'm sure they fit in now! I'm sure that they have a history with Disney now! They're ONLY the most popular attractions in the history of the themed park.
HennieBogan1966 said:
I think they were looking for an opportunity to capitalize on the popularity of the movie sales, merchandise sales, etc. THAT I understand. Again, it's a business first and foremost. I for one, like the idea of SGE. Listen, if they're going to take away my fav's, like IYHW, Mr. Toad, CoP, then at least give us something that was from a very good movie, with a very good story line to ride on.
Well, first of all, everyone agrees that SGE had a terrible storyline.
Second...sigh. OK, I'll play along here. Yes, it's a business. BUT, it was BUSINESS THAT WAS FOUNDED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF HOLDING ITSELF TO HIGHER STANDARDS AND TAKING RISKS! Not to capitalize on fading trends!!
Look, Classsic (like the "old-school" Disney attractions) is classic because it never goes out of style. The Goal MUST be to make everything you make classic. THE PARKS ARE THERE FOREVER. Quick-fixes (ie SGE) are fiction. People who propose them are liars trying to get ahead at the expense of the long-term. Their loyalty is to themselves.
It's simple: do not follow trends. Get the best people. Get the best out of thm by trusting them. When you follow trends (which, on the whole of human history, has NEVER worked) you are telling the public (who is NOT beneath you) that you do not trust your creatives. This is bad.
HennieBogan1966 said:
Let me ask this: How many of you out there go on the Swiss Family Tree House?
Get the point of that one?
Yes, I get it. You're saying that the executives in charge of the parks are so blind and cheap that they can't even pony up the few pennies necessary to update a beloved attraction that's crumbling down around them, instead investing money in sure-fail quick-fixes like "Under New Management" and "Dino-Rama," and thereby discouraging people from visiting said beloved attraction. Good point.