Brer Fox is missing an eye!


New Member
Apparently it's fixed (according to a fellow poster). Things like this long as it's taken care of right away...i dont see a problem. Now if it lasts longer than it should:mad: :hurl: .


New Member
psuchad said:
I don't think that CM's should repair things. A general CM that makes repairs could end up doing more damage than what was there originally. Just look at some of the repairs that people make on their houses. Anyone who has bought a house knows what I am talking about. Like water lines repaired with duct tape that later destroy a whole wall or ceiling.

How would a CM fix the eye? I can just see them sticking it on with gum. Let maintenance make the appropriate repair.

Hey don't knock duct tape my dad used to fix EVERYTHING with duct tape....hemmed jeans with it, patched tears with it,fixed mufflers with it, one time he used a brown paper bag wrapped in duct tape to use as luggage for a trip to Disney. It was great! I'm sure my dad could have gotten that eye to stay there with only a couple of layers of duct tape wrapped around that fox's big furry head! LOL

I have never owned a roll of duct tape takes a special kind of person to 'own' duct tape as a multi purpose fix-all...I'm not that!


Well-Known Member
Still not as bad as the time I went on SM and Brer Rabbit was missing his hand!! The AA where Brer Rabbit is pointing and laughing at Brer Bear for getting "hives." That was a truly horrible sight.


Active Member
awalkinthepark said:
Hey don't knock duct tape my dad used to fix EVERYTHING with duct tape....hemmed jeans with it, patched tears with it,fixed mufflers with it, one time he used a brown paper bag wrapped in duct tape to use as luggage for a trip to Disney. It was great! I'm sure my dad could have gotten that eye to stay there with only a couple of layers of duct tape wrapped around that fox's big furry head! LOL

I have never owned a roll of duct tape takes a special kind of person to 'own' duct tape as a multi purpose fix-all...I'm not that!

Don't forget open heart surgery! Errr, in the entertainment industry there's a tape regularly used called Gaff (or Gaffer's--depending on who you talk to). It's a cloth based tape like duct tape, but it's so much better (and more expensive).


This thread was started a few days ago, so I'm wondering whether Brer Fox's eye has been repaired yet. Anyone have any new information, news, or updates?

General Grizz

New Member
JEDIsney said:
This thread was started a few days ago, so I'm wondering whether Brer Fox's eye has been repaired yet. Anyone have any new information, news, or updates?
Yep... it's been repaired according to a couple posts on this here thread.

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