You may have more conservative clients then the state of the union I am not j/k
When I say that there will be dire consequences I never said what they were. I dont believe in capitol if that is where your are incorrect. As far as judgeing anyone, I think you have done a fine job yourself in your reply....dont you think? I am not judgeing them on how they punished their child. Only with the information given me...the lack of punishment at all. Not to mention the lack of disapline displayed by the child. If he was taught early on that this behavior was would have never taken place to begin with. Now, Yes I am not a fan of "therapist" sure I believe there is a need for them. I think there might be one or two on this very site that may need your services
Infact I have been acused of needing them once or twice in my life. I will not question your professional opinion. As I wouldnt want you to question mine. I have raised not only my son but am the oldest of several siblings, which I helped raise not to mention coaching and mentoring thousands of young people for over twenty years in organized sports. Sorry, but I have to say that spending thousands of hours gives me quite a bit of insight not only to children but just as many parenting styles. Not so good with young ladies but I know what a boy will do before he even thinks about doing it. Hitting your mother is not any kind of way to "express" yourself.
I have seen single mothers with six or seven kids and everyone of them are as well behaved as they could be and I have seen two very capbable adults have one child that I swear are going to grow up on the FBIs most wanted list. The comment "liberal hogwash" was directed to the comment that that because of some "family dynamic" was the reason that it may have been why there was a lack of punishment. If you want to take this private and discuss it I would be happy to. but I dont think the mods will allow us to get into a political debte ( as they shouldnt). I was expressing an obviously disagree with. Parenting isnt learned in a class room or from a book. Being a therapist you can not deny that there is a line in social behaviour and what is and isnt acceptable behaviour. Sorry hitting isnt one of them....just like it isnt acceptable for me to hit the child.....