break downs


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What ride do you think at this point is breaking down a lot? One ride that I always get stuck in is peter pan


Well-Known Member
Test Track does seem to have a lot of problems. I've had it stop right when the truck is supposed to come out at you after the set of turns several times. Really ruins the whole it happens quick and suprises you thing.

Also, I've had Haunted Mansion stop many, many times.

And it's rare that I can ride Spaceship Earth without a delay. Normally during the return decent. Not a comfy place to get stuck.

Miss Bell

New Member
I have heard a number of times that delays on rides like Spaceship Earth and Haunted Mansion (now that I think about it, even Peter Pan) that load on a moving belt can be caused by the loading and unloading of people in wheelchairs. They may have to stop the ramp to let people on or off that may take more time. I dont think they are going to be able to change those kind of delays, since the whole ride system is conected to those moving belts.


Well-Known Member
This is weird that I keep hearing that Test Track is the mother of all break-down attractions. Of all the times we have been on, maybe like once have we been stuck on it, and this was right at the beginning when our seatbelts are checked. On that same occasion it seemed the ride kept breaking down. But we've gone numerous times before and after and have never had a problem with the ride. Guess we're just lucky :lol:.

There was one particular trip where I think my aunt, uncle, and cousin were jinxing the rides. We went on POTC and got stuck right by the dog with the keys in his mouth (do you know what it is having to hear that for 20 minutes?!). We then went on TTA, and got stuck right there in the beginning, and there were no wheelchairs getting on because we were right by the loading platform. THEN, we went to Splash to use our FP's and we ended up not going on because the ride broke down. To this day we haven't let my aunt, uncle, and cousin live that down...they were the ones responsible for the break-downs :lookaroun


Active Member
Spaceship Earth. It stops every single time I ride it. And it's always when I'm going backwards. Well, not every time. The other night I was stuck in the Reniassiance scene for 15-20 minutes. I was kinda hoping they'd just evacuate us through the stairs since we were the last riders of the night. Was almost 9:30pm by the time I finally got off the ride! :lol:


Well-Known Member
That's funny you mention that, this past trip was the first time I NEVER stopped on SSE and the first time I had to wait for them to open TT because they were either having problems or it was from the rainstorm in the area.


New Member
Most of the rides seem to have regular stops, with the main reason probably being to give guests with disabilities a little more time to board / exit. I've been on Universe of Engergy when it ground to a halt in the midst of the dinosaurs and the ride was evacuated. Star Tours broke down once and everyone from my speeder was evacuated and placed straight onto a different speeded.

Test Track seems to have the crown thogh for seeing the sutters down whilst they fix the latest glitch.
spaceship earth and Snowwhite...

LOL grand gathering was on snow white so we took up to carts and my little cousin age of 6 was scared to go on snow white as it is and when the ride got stuck it was just before the evil queen was going to push the rock on them.... Wish i was in her cart to see he expression LOL... It is kinda mean but pretty funny that, that happened to her
BTW i have a had a pretty bad timing for going on rides it seems they break down on me.... HM was having technical difficulties when i wanted to go on then i get stuck on snow white (posted above) and after that my family and I were going to use or fast pass for Space Mountain but it had some technical difficulties so we went on buzzlighter next.... Yea and my uncle got 999,999 points on that ride but maybe that was because it got stuck to right in front of the jack in the box type alien which gives away like 10,000 each time...LOL
Disney still rocks!


Active Member
TEST TRACK!!! I've riden this ride three time and I have yet to get out of the building. I have finally given up riding it. So, I just don't understand the hype of this being a great ride. I have ton's of front of the passes though :rolleyes:


The main reason Test Track is the altime most break downs is becuase anytime lightning is within 15 miles they can't let it run because of the outside part. And ofcourse when people in wheelchairs have to get on. And anytime it has a technical glitch it takes three hours to reboot all the computers.


Well-Known Member
I got stuck on Dinosaur once when it was still countdown to extinction( i know it hasnt changed tho) and Im terrified of that ride to begin w/ tho i always seem to get drug on and we got stuck in the dark for like 10 mins and Im also afraid of the dark so it really sucked! Ive also gotten stuck in SSE, POTC, and the WORST is when you get stuck in IASW. Ohmigod shoot me now! :hammer:


New Member
I've gotten stuck on just about every ride it seems. I've been on Revenge of the Mummy over a hundred times and it seems lately that it breaks down like every other time I go on it! :( I still love it though... But for Disney I would say that Test Track breaks down a lot. I've been on Dinosaur so many times when it broke down. I always seem to get stuck right in front of the big dino. Buzz stops a lot but I think that's just because of wheelchairs. Same with Haunted Mansion.


Well-Known Member
Every time I go to the MK it seems that Pooh breaks down two or three times. Never when I'm on it, just when I come back with my Fastpass.
That would either be TT or HM.

On TT once, I got stuck on the outside loop around the building for about 5 minutes, but it was awesome because I got another ride!

On HM, I got stuck when you go backwards. That was awesome! :sohappy:


Active Member
I can honestly say that Test Track has either stopped or slowed down on about half of the times I've been on it. The first 5 or 6 times I never got to experience the ride as it was meant to be experienced. Somewhere along the line we either slowed or stopped.
Bummer when the line can be hours long at times and the ride is so short.

Man do I miss World of Motion.

Test Track's new song:
... it's fun to be free... free to get stuck... stuck in a rut...whenever you ride...


Well-Known Member
disneydummy125 said:
That would either be TT or HM.

On TT once, I got stuck on the outside loop around the building for about 5 minutes, but it was awesome because I got another ride!

On HM, I got stuck when you go backwards. That was awesome! :sohappy:
Hey that's funny, because whenever HM has stopped while we've been on, it's always when we're descending backwards. It's gotten to a point that when we go through that part and nothing happens, we're disappointed :lol:.

Miss Bell

New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
We went on POTC and got stuck right by the dog with the keys in his mouth (do you know what it is having to hear that for 20 minutes?!).
That's nothing--I was once stuck on Small World for half an hour, right at the end. The front half of the boat was in the room with "goodbye" in different languages and the back was still in the white room. We were close enough to see the exit, but not close enough to get out. And the song did not stop. Oh, well, now that is one of my funniest Disney memories.


Well-Known Member
Miss Bell said:
That's nothing--I was once stuck on Small World for half an hour, right at the end. The front half of the boat was in the room with "goodbye" in different languages and the back was still in the white room. We were close enough to see the exit, but not close enough to get out. And the song did not stop. Oh, well, now that is one of my funniest Disney memories.
I guess I can see your point :lol:. I just thought getting stuck right there in POTC was bad because now the dog's whimpering or whatever you want to call it drives us nuts :lol:. I think we've been stuck on Small World right by the exit (due to traffic) and it hasn't bothered me. Then again, we go on IASW less frequently than POTC. Oh well.

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