President of Progress City
I love what you have done hear and I believe your budget is very very managable. You have a lot room to do things with. You could add a river/boat attraction into the World Showcase if you were good with your money. To give an idea Norway cost between 30 - 45 million. So with careful budgeting I would add effects to the theatre shows. Smells for example could Elevate the experience.Here are some Ideas of what I would do. EPCOT first.
Future World Makeover - All of the core Future world buildings would receive a makeover to bring them into the 21st century and beyond. The current designs are very much dated a reek of the 80's which is not what future world is about. Buildings would be redesigned to a clean look with curves and lots of glass plus plenty of green plants and water features to highlight the designs.
Spaceship Earth - Minor updates to ride. Project Tomorrow reimagined to be less cartoony and more futuristic.
Wonders of Life Pavilion - Gone, Destroyed, Razed... sorry
(NEW) Digital Frontier Pavilion - This is what would replace Wonders of Life in that location. Technology is the Future and it's presence is severely lacking in Future World. The pavilion would center around a Tron based coaster and sorry motorbike coaster fans but its not one of those. Disney makes all of their rides to be accessible to the vast majority of guests and a motorbike coaster is NOT accessible so it would be a conventional sit down coaster. It would be a launching dueling coaster synced to lights and music providing thrills and soaking up lots of guests. Guests would exit into a computer development lab where leading tech brands would showcase some of their newest gadgets.
Universe of Energy - Ellen's (dated) Energy Adventure would be shut down and the interior of the pavilion gutted. A new dark ride attraction would take shape within the pavilion. This ride would show the future of energy in the world and where we will be getting it from. It will bring in a newly created character to explain in a fun and entertaining way different energy sources (Coal, Natural Gas, Wind, Solar, Nuclear) and the challenges facing our society in a neat little story. The Exterior would also get a minor overhaul bring out of the 80's and to match the rest of Future World.
Mission Space - Relatively unchanged minus so minor updates.
Test Track - Unchanged
The Seas with Nemo and Friends - This one is difficult because it is a working aquarium and you cant just drain it. Minor updates would be done to the main lobby area to make it more interactive and the Exterior would be updated. I'll have to think some more on some other possible improvements.
The Land - Big updates here. Exterior and interior would go through a minor refresh to emphasize the balance of civilization and nature and bring it in line with the rest of future world. Soarin' would receive a 3rd theater and the HD upgrade with a remastered version the current film playing while the new Soarin' over the World plays simultaneously. They can change films based on demand easily due to new digital systems. Living with the Land with receive significant updates to change it from a boat ride about agriculture to a ride about conservation. Ride would include lots of new scenes that would emphasis living in harmony with nature ending with the tour through the greenhouses. Small drops and audio-animatronics would give small thrills and increase popularity so it can help soak up crowds.
Imagination Pavilion - Current pavilion is a very outdated design so major refurb would happen to the exterior of the pavilion. Captain EO would be replaced by a new special effect show that showcases new technology and effects while fitting with the imagination theme. Journey to Imagination would be completely gutted to make way for a new interactive version of the attraction featuring Figment and Dreamfinder. ImageWorks would be refreshed with new technology and be focused on fostering imaginative and creative thoughts.
World Showcase - Relatively unchanged for budget purposes. With the Wonders of Life pavilion gone i would change the port of entry shops to house the main festival headquarters. Norway receives minor updates to better accommodate Frozen Characters (no update to Maelstrom). Everything else stays the same due to budget constraints (Sorry @MonorailRed )
Festivals - As currently rumored the festivals would happen year round on a seasonal basis.
Dec- Feb - Festival of the Future: Festival celebrating humanity's achievements and the promise of the future.
Mar - May - Flower and Garden Festival : Festival celebrating the beauty of nature while offering food selections from around the world.
Jun - Aug - Festival of the World: A festival celebrating cultures around the world.
Sept - Nov - Food and Wine Festival: Festival celebrating food and drink from around the world.
Estimated Costs
These are estimates based on history and project sizes AND my unprofessional opinion. Only major costs.
Future World Makeover - 150 million
Spaceship Earth - 10 million
Digital Frontier - 100 million
Universe of Energy - 40 million
Seas with Nemo - 10 million
The Land - 100 million
Imagination - 70 million
World Showcase - 25 million
Festivals - 20 million
Mics - 50 million
Total - 575 Million Estimated
Hollywood Studios is next and i only have 525 million left..... oh boy. I'll post my ideas for that tomorrow.
I have one suggestion which is to be do a PIXAR into the Imagination film in Imagination. Show the process of a pixar film in a fun enlightening. It would be a step into real world imaginators, or even a film on Imagineers. I would lean away from technology because you have pavilions dedicated to it.
What happens to Innovations if the Digital Pavilion shows off technology. I remember Innovations use to show of the latest phones and technologies. Do we leave it as is or change it.
Also smart move with the MISC budget. Something will always come up that will drive up cost and you gave your self a nice buffer.
@MonorailRed I hope you don't mind that I am evaluating these projects and submissions. I don't have time to make my own and I love seeing what people suggest.