Yes!Simple really
Disney had theme park rights for 20 years and basically did nothing
Yes!im not really sure i get this post
the OP linked an article about box office gross and never mentioned quality of either movie
both are/were extremely successful movies
And, yes! You totally get me. It would have taken me a couple of paragraphs to convey what you just did in a few brief sentences. LOL. Thank you so much!.like i mentioned above the OP linked an article about box office, of course star wars is more successful in terms of merch. that still doesnt change box office success
My favorite part of that article is this -- "It’s a room…which is covered floor to ceiling with images, characters, worlds, settings. It’s the most amazing, breathtaking thing you’ve ever seen. His challenge is to put all of that in a movie."
I would just love to see that room -- but I will just have to settle for seeing Avatar 2 at the movies and of course Avatarland.
OMG, I don't know why but I *love* Gone With the Wind. Anyway, this is an excellent analogy.Correct - Gone With the Wind would be a flop based on merchandise sales. Not saying that Avatar is a great movie but we seem to have some real overkill on this merchandise argument. It won't affect the quality of the land.