Well-Known Member
Your logic is flawed if you think “crowd levels” was ever the reason for anything.They did do that though, the prices and growing crowds - and had record crowds in 2018/19 where the biggest complain was the crowd levels
So isn't really a 15 year ago issu more what they did then which was to raise prices and try to distribute the crowd which worked (for them) for a while but now that demand has slacked a bit, isn't working
Really probably needed to have a bigger plan for expanding the other existing parks, probably thinking of a 5th gate and expanding value accomodations - but they got so focused on quarterly earnings that they wants to maximize spend per guest not total spend.
Then Vivid happened and D+ was propping up the stock price until analysts/investors realized streaming isn't all it is cracked up to be and now they are not positioned well in a couple of areas moving forward
They need to make trips easier and make guests happy and get them talking to their friends about how amazing the trip was. If you do that no on minds spending a little more than expected - they do mind spending more for a lesser product that takes more work to, well, work
Crowd levels were handled with longer hours and more space for the first 30 years in Orlando. What have they done since?
They’re more arsonists…light the fire, allow the fire to grow and then showed up with a bucket of water and charged $25 for it
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