Book trip now?


New Member
I have always booked our Disney trips on, done it all from there. Last year we took advantage of the buy 5 nights get 2 free. They have that going on again and we have to book it by the 28th. Is there ever any other discounts or such that is a better deal than that, or should I just book it now because that's a great deal...IMO. btw, going Nov 13th through the 20.


New Member
I would book that deal, I also think its a great one. I think the only way you can something better is to look on Expedia or get a CM to hook you up with their discount. The good thing about that two days free is that it includes park hoppers for the parks as well. I would go for something like that. Hope this helps.
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New Member
Original Poster
WooHooo!!! We're gonna book it!

Everytime we go we say it's going to be the last time, because we want to start a family. But at this rate......
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Naturally Grumpy

BriJul said:
WooHooo!!! We're gonna book it!

Everytime we go we say it's going to be the last time, because we want to start a family. But at this rate......

Why don't you kill two birds with one stone? :lol: :sohappy: :lol:
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New Member
Even when you start a family you'll find a reason or way to go. My daughter will be 2 in September and it'll be her 3rd trip. We just don't book the packages anymore and usually stay off site. :-( but it can save some $ and we just usually get 4 day park hoppers instead of lenght of stay. If you look around you can do it cheaper but maybe not with as much fun as staying on property but sacrifices must be made. I just find it hard not to go and share the same magic with her. Not that she remembers at this age. Have a great time don't think you can go wrong that package at this point!
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