Boo to you and you and Whew... It’s too hot for a Halloween parade - A September TR

Hello friends and welcome to my September Trip Report! I’ve only been home a few weeks and I already miss Walt Disney World like crazy! I’m already going through withdrawals and searching for the possibility of any excuse to get back down to central Florida and to my favorite place on earth. Realistically, I’m thinking February or March 2013, but I would love to squeeze a trip in between now and then... Anyway, my last two Disney trips have been one extreme to the other - weather wise. I absolutely froze in December of 2010 and turned right around and melted in September 2011. But you know what? I LOVED every minute of it!

Click here to read my December 2010 trip report

Now, on to the details of this trip...

When did we go? September 15-25, 2011
Where did we stay? Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge - Jambo House
How did we get there? We drove 8 and 1/2 hours
Who all went? Just me and my beautiful bride
Why did we go? Our 3 Year Anniversary! (Not that we need a reason to go to WDW)
Any other details to offer up? We had 9 day park hoppers and were on the dining plan

I started planning this trip before we even went on our December trip! Talk about excitement! Planning and thinking about two Disney trips at the same time was awesome!! Of course, with every trip to the World, our plans changed many times... but here is my pre trip report/itinerary so you can see what I planned and compare it to what we actually did.

We actually stuck to our plans, for the most part, at least until the end of the week. I was proud.

Ok, I stated earlier that on this particular trip, it was just me and my wife. Here we are...
First up, we have myself, Jon. Tar Heel born and Tar Heel bred. The planner and over the top WDW fanatic.


Next we have my better half, my gorgeous bride, Brittany. The WDW veteran who loves Disney but doesn’t obsess about it 24/7 like her hubby...


Man, she’s hot!!

Anyway, we had been looking forward to this trip for a long time for many different reasons. Since we walked out of EPCOT on that last night in December, we had been longing to get back! I was so pumped that I packed like a week before our trip! I NEVER do that. I’m normally a last minute packer. I was so excited because, yes, I love WDW, but also this trip was going to allow us to experience a lot of firsts. This trip would be our first trip with “just us”; this trip would be our first staying at a deluxe Disney resort; and this trip would be our first time being on the Disney Dining Plan! Wooo Hooo! We were excited! So excited, in fact, that I was up at the crack of dawn 180 days before our check in date to schedule ADRs! Needless to say, we got all the restaurants and times that we wanted. Our departure day couldn’t come fast enough!

Thursday September 15, 2011

This day started like any other day. I got up, did my normal morning routine, and was ready to go to work. The only difference (besides my heart racing from excitement and anticipation) was the fact that we were leaving for vacation in just a few hours...
Having packed a week early and having stayed on Brittany to make sure all of her packing was finished on Wednesday night to avoid feeling rushed or stressed on Thursday morning, we were all set to go the second I got home from work around noon. As I left for work that morning, this was the sight I saw as I headed out the door...


The time crept by at work that morning as it seemed to take forever for lunchtime to come. I was like a kid on Christmas Eve... Finally, it was 12:00 and it was time to start our journey! I flew out of the office and minutes later into my driveway. I ran through the door, changed clothes, and finished packing everything into our Jeep Grand Cherokee. Brittany had most of our stuff loaded up already. God bless her! We jumped in the Jeep and were ready to roll! Brittany wanted to drive because she said she had an anniversary surprise for me... I went along with it.
Our traditional in the vehicle, pre-departure photo...


We were on our way! Brittany immediately handed me a thick envelope and told me to open it. When I did, I found a letter and a CD. The letter got mushy (I’ll spare you guys the details...) and instructed me to put the CD in. Each song on the CD had a special meaning which she explained in detail in my letter. It was the sweetest thing EVER. I love my girl! When we had listened to all of the songs, we pulled off the interstate and swung into a Chick-fil-a to grab a quite bite and got right back on the road. Now, it was my turn to take the wheel... and I had it for the rest of the trip.

77 South...


I don’t mind road trips. They are fun for me. I think the anticipation makes my excitement grow higher and higher as I near my destination.
We were making great time! I was only stopping if we had to - for gas, food or bathroom and I had packed a couple of empty water jugs. Just kidding about that last part. For the next several hours, I looked like this...


And Brittany looked like this...


Typical. You get this woman in a moving automobile, and she instantly transforms into an infant. She was out, so I listened to a couple episodes of WDW Today and the Be Our Guest Podcast and of course I had to pop in The Eagles - Hell Freezes Over album. Britt doesn’t like The Eagles, so I have to take advantage of her slumber when I can...
It was around 7:30pm or so when we both started to get pretty hungry. I spotted a sign for our favorite road trip restaurant at the next exit, so we pulled off, fueled up, and filled our bellies...


Love some Cracker Barrel!

We got back on the road and only had a couple more hours of driving ahead of us for the night until we reached our first destination.
Weeks before I had booked a room for $71 at the Holiday Inn Express in Orange City, Florida, which is only about an hour from Walt Disney World. Our plan was to stop there for the night, get up early the next morning, and have just a short drive to WDW so we wouldn’t feel like we were wasting a day of our precious vacation! The more time in the parks, the better, right?!? We pulled in to the parking lot of the Holiday Inn Express at exactly 9:30pm.


It had been a long day and we were tired (although I don’t know how Britt was tired considering she slept 90% of the drive), but I still had trouble sleeping because of the excitement of knowing that in the morning we would be at Disney World! I went to the restroom and when I came out, Britt was out again already. After catching a few highlights on SportsCenter, I finally drifted off to sleep...


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Friday September 16 Continued...

Splash Mountain was a blast, but we held our composure and didn’t get too excited. We sat there with our arms and legs inside the log at all times and did nothing to draw any attention to ourselves. It is safe to say that we were on our best behavior and we have proof...


Lol. Hey, if you can’t cut loose and have fun on Splash Mountain, where can you?!?

After Splash, we wanted to do Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, but the wait time was around 30 minutes and didn’t want to chance it being that we had dinner reservations outside of the park in about an hour. We weren’t worried though, because we knew we would be back to BTMRR later in the trip.
We did have a little bit of time before we had to leave the Magic Kingdom though, and there is no way I can go to the MK and not ride Pirates of the Caribbean. So we headed toward Adventureland.
Pirates was a 5 minute wait. Perfect!


As we made our way through Pirates empty queue, I smelled that smell that everyone knows that is unique to all the water rides at Walt Disney World, but especially PotC. We boarded our boat and got to see the new Blackbeard effect where the Davy Jones one used to be...


Pirates is such a classic...



After Pirates, we hurried through Adventureland and made our way back to Main Street. We hated to leave the Magic Kingdom, but we had to get to the restaurant for our first table service meal of the trip.
As we walked back toward the train station, we saw a lonely Photo Pass photographer, so we gave her something to do...


By this time, it was 5:20 and our ADR was for 5:45, so we had plenty of time. All we had to do was hop a Monorail over to Disney’s Polynesian Resort because tonight we were eating at Kona Cafe! I had heard so many good things about this restaurant, I couldn’t wait to try it!
We got to the Polynesian with plenty of time to spare, so we figured we would check out the lobby for a few minutes before we ate. The lobby at the Poly and the resort in general is beautiful. We would love to stay there one day. Maybe if we win the lottery... Haha.




After a few pictures, we walked through the gift shop on our way back upstairs to Kona. In the gift shop, we saw one of our favorite shirts. Maybe we’ll get it next time...



Well-Known Member
We ate at Kona in May and it was pretty good. We're giving 'Ohana a whirl next month though.

And how awesome that you knocked off so many rides in that first day! Not many things in WDW compare to a walk on for SM!!! :)


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We ate at Kona in May and it was pretty good. We're giving 'Ohana a whirl next month though.
And how awesome that you knocked off so many rides in that first day! Not many things in WDW compare to a walk on for SM!!! :)

We ate at Kona and 'Ohana during this trip and both were amazing!
Yeah, can't beat a light crowd at the MK... :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Love the start of your TR. Can't wait to read more!!

To totally jump on the bandwagon...the wifes hair is so cute!

But on the flip can she not like the Eagles? I myself was not an Eagles fan (band - not the football team...Go Steelers) but knew some of their songs just didn't know who sang them. My fiance LOVES the Eagles and has totally converted me. We've seen them twice in concert and they put on an amazing show. Definitely a great band! The football team...not so much:animwink:


Well-Known Member
omg u crack me up u n britt are adorable I love your splash mountain pic too cute!!I wish I could get hubby to ride it but so far I've only ever been on it with my 6 yr old n my 8 yr old nephew(he was hilarious)


Well-Known Member
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I'm loving your TR! Keep it coming! :D


I had a late start but, I am all caught up!
Love, Love, Love the energy...keep it going!
Happy anniversay!!

Better a little late then never... MUCH more to come! Thank you!!

Love the start of your TR. Can't wait to read more!!
To totally jump on the bandwagon...the wifes hair is so cute!
But on the flip can she not like the Eagles? I myself was not an Eagles fan (band - not the football team...Go Steelers) but knew some of their songs just didn't know who sang them. My fiance LOVES the Eagles and has totally converted me. We've seen them twice in concert and they put on an amazing show. Definitely a great band! The football team...not so much:animwink:

Thanks! I don't know how anybody can not like the Eagles (band)?!? The ones from Philly on the other hand... can't stand 'em. At least they are falling flat on their faces this season!

Awesome report so far, looking forward to the rest!

Thanks! Much more is in store...

omg u crack me up u n britt are adorable I love your splash mountain pic too cute!!I wish I could get hubby to ride it but so far I've only ever been on it with my 6 yr old n my 8 yr old nephew(he was hilarious)

Thanks! Oh, you gotta get him to ride Splash!!


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Friday September 16 Continued...


It was almost 5:45, so we headed upstairs, checked in and were seating immediately. I know we could have checked in and probably been seated earlier, but we wanted to check things out first, so we were cool as long as we weren’t late for our reservations. We sat down at our table and looked over the menu, trying to make the difficult choice of what to get for dinner.


Everything sounded, looked and smelled sooo good! After a few minutes, we had figured out what we wanted and placed our orders.
First, our waiter brought out our drinks and started us off with some delicious bread...


We didn’t have to wait long before our entrees were brought out. I had the Teriyaki New York Strip with rice...


Brittany got the Pomegranate BBQ Pork Chop with fingerling potatoes...


As we would do throughout this trip, we tasted each others food so we could see if we wanted to order something different next time. We were both very pleased with our choices! Our dishes were delicious and we recommend them both!
Next up was dessert and even though we were stuffed, we were going to order something sweet! Hey, we were on the dining plan and had already paid for it, so why not?!?
For dessert, I had the Kilauea Torte...


And Brittany had the Kona Cone...


Again, both choices were delicious! We took our time eating, enjoying our desserts and each other’s company. Even after we had finished, we just sat there for a little while and chatted, letting our food digest a little before heading back to the Magic Kingdom for the evening’s special event...


We finally rolled ourselves out of our chairs and outside to the Monorail platform. Within minutes, a Monorail was there to take us back to the Magic Kingdom!
The MK had closed at 7:00pm that night for the ordinary guest, but we would be there until midnight because we had tickets to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party!


This would be our first time at MNSSHP and we were excited! We had done Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party back in December 2010 and loved it, and we had heard the Halloween party was even better, so we had to give it a try!
Which way to the party??


We headed back into the Magic Kingdom and grabbed a guide map so we could plan out our night...


Well-Known Member
I'm really enjoying your TR!

Keep the MNSSHP pics coming. We will be attending next Tues. and I am checking out everyone's pictures to make a list of things we need to make sure we see and do.

I can't wait to keep reading (I'm guessing mostly after I get home as we leave on Friday)!


Well-Known Member
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I'm really enjoying your TR!

Keep the MNSSHP pics coming. We will be attending next Tues. and I am checking out everyone's pictures to make a list of things we need to make sure we see and do.
I can't wait to keep reading (I'm guessing mostly after I get home as we leave on Friday)!

MNSSHP is awesome! You guys will LOVE it!
Why wait? Get the WDW Magic app for your phone and read while you're on your trip! It's free! ;)


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Friday September 16 Continued...

We were back in the Magic Kingdom, and even though it was still hot and humid outside, we were ready for some Halloween festivities! We looked over our guide map for MNSSHP, and decided that we didn’t really care about meeting characters or trick-or-treating. We just wanted to get a good spot for the Boo To You Halloween Parade and HalloWishes. In the mean time, we wanted to ride some attractions and get some evening pictures...


(Notice a "healthy" Cinderella in the background...)

I just love all the Fall and Halloween decorations around the Magic Kingdom! Nobody goes all out on details like Disney!


We made our way back down Main Street, toward the castle and then we would decide which way to go from there. On the way, we saw a Photo Pass photographer...


And we had to pay tribute to the Partners statue...


Once again, we chose to hit Tomorrowland first! It’s just hard for me to walk the opposite direction of Space Mountain once I enter the Magic Kingdom.
Even Tomorrowland was decorated for Halloween. This was above Stitch's Great Escape...


We made a beeline for Space Mountain, which was only a 10 minute wait, and after that, I did some more work on Buzz Lightyear - racking up a score of 113,700...


After Buzz, we walked to Fantasyland and saw that Peter Pan’s Flight only had a 20 minute wait, so we hopped in line!


After Peter Pan, we headed back to Tomorrowland and rode the TTA and then headed toward Main Street to get good seats for the Boo To You Parade because we knew we would have more time later to ride attractions.
It was dark by this time and the castle looked wicked, so we stopped for a few pictures...




The hub around the Partners statue was already filling up and there wasn’t an empty spot to be had on the curb. We headed back down Main Street, which was still pretty empty considering the parade was going to start in 20-30 minutes, and found a nice spot about 1/4 of the way down.


Active Member
Just jumping on board and loving the TR so far! How insanely delish is that Kona bread!! I had to beg our waiter to take it away for fear I would eat the entire thing! I did MNSSHP on 10/2 and LOVED it. Halloween is the best time of year and MK looks amazing when it's all fall festive!!

Looking forward to more!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just jumping on board and loving the TR so far! How insanely delish is that Kona bread!! I had to beg our waiter to take it away for fear I would eat the entire thing! I did MNSSHP on 10/2 and LOVED it. Halloween is the best time of year and MK looks amazing when it's all fall festive!!
Looking forward to more!

That bread was pretty awesome!
I agree that Halloween is one of the best times to be at WDW, although Christmas gives it a run for it's money...


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Friday September 16 Continued...

We picked out some good seats for the parade and decided to get a few pictures while we waited for it to start...





Finally, it was time for the Boo To You Halloween Parade to start. Cast members were running people off the streets and telling everyone to get back on the curb because Headless Horseman was about to ride down Main Street!


Here he comes!!


Next, it was time for the Boo To You Halloween Parade! This is now my favorite Walt Disney World parade! Enjoy...





Jack Sparrow was entertaining and very convincing. He flirted with Britt as he went by... and although I can’t blame him for trying, he would have received a Kraken sized a-whipping if he would have stepped foot off that float... Haha.

(More Boo To You pics coming in my next post...)


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Friday September 16 Continued...

More shots from the Boo To You Halloween Parade...









The Boo To You Parade was awesome! It was dark and spooky until the very end when they cheered things up with Goofy’s Candy Company! Haha. It was great and I can’t wait to go back during this time of year to see it again.
After the parade, it was time for HalloWishes! It was an awesome firework display. I don’t have any pictures of it because I shot video of the entire show. You can check it out on my YouTube page (It will be uploaded soon).
After the fireworks, we swam upstream as it seemed everyone was leaving the park even though the MK was going to be open for like two more hours.
Well, we weren’t leaving. We were going to take full advantage of our time in the MK, not to mention we paid good money for those MNSSHP tickets!
We finally made our way to the main hub and took a left toward Adventureland. Pirates of the Caribbean was first on our to do list! There was no wait and the ride was great, as usual! After Pirates, we headed straight for Mountains of Frontierland - Splash and Big Thunder! They both were walk ons and both are completely different experiences at night. BTMRR is considerably better at night. So much better, in fact, that we only rode it at night for the rest of the trip.
Next on our list was the Haunted Mansion - a must do at night and especially during MNSSHP! Like many other attractions, the HM is better and even looks cooler at night.


After we visited the 999 happy haunts, we were worn completely out. We decided that we should probably call it a night and head back to the Animal Kingdom Lodge to check in. We never did receive our text telling us the rest of our room number, so I called and they gave it to me over the phone. We were in room 5120 and it was a savanna view!!! Score!!!
On our way out, we stopped for one more picture in front of the castle...


We exited the MK and headed straight for the bus stop. We saw that the AKL bus was there so we picked it up and got on the bus just before it pulled away. We had a relaxing ride back to AKL and even though we were tired, we couldn’t wait to check out or room!


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Friday September 16 Concluded...

We finally arrived back at the Animal Kingdom Lodge Jambo House. Of course, since we were so tired, we stopped at Kadani Village first.
We were the first ones out of the door when the bus stopped, and since we had our entire room number and the guy at the front desk earlier said our keys would work, our plan was to go straight to the room. Dang it! We had to go back to the parking lot first to get our luggage. This was turning into a LONG night...
Finally we reached the 5th floor and room 5120.


Let’s go inside and check it out!










Our room was nice! We were very satisfied and impressed! After we got through checking out our room, we noticed that our message light was blinking on our phone. We checked the message and it was Mickey and Minnie wishing us a Happy Anniversary!! How cool!
Well, we were worn out so we got our showers and hit the sack! We would have to check out our balcony in the morning and see if any animals were out and about.
Whew! What a first day at Disney and we’ve only just begun...

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