have a point. But,...It's not something that happens just in "here". This "judginess" exists it every nook and cranny of the entire wide.The judginess in here.
Disney will make decisions and the market will ALWAYS "judge" those decisions for good or bad. This is what the entire market does by its very nature.
Example: Disney decides to fiight against their cast members on pay raises. Yes!....the market...Disney's customers..."judge" Disney on that decision. What Disney needs to do today? Is make decisions based on UNDERSTANDING how the market WILL judge them for it.
Today....I believe that Disney is making decisions with NO consideration for how the market will "judge" them for it. It seems to me that Disney thinks: "Haha...we can do ANYthing we want...because we are just too big to fail, haha.."
This has led them to NOT care how the market will juge them.