Until OLC managers tried to impose their traditional (Read: 1980's) behavioral standards on "Guests" and Cast Members alike. Then watch people here, paying visitors and WDW CM's,
scream bloody murder that they were being held to a higher standard than they wanted to be held to while they were at work or on vacation.
Stuff the OLC requires of their "Guests" and actively police in Tokyo Disneyland parks and hotels, like... Visible tattoos not allowed at Disney hotel pools. Jackets required for men at fine dining restaurants. No sitting on the curb more than one hour before parade time. No chewing gum in attractions (a CM will take out a little pad of paper and tear off a sheet and require you to spit your gum out and wrap it up and put it in the trash before you are allowed to enter the queue/building). And when they are that serious about gum chewing, you can darn well bet you won't be bringing your Coke or popcorn into a queue or building either. No flash pictures, and no photography of stage shows, or you will be escorted out of the show or building politely yet firmly.
Stuff the OLC and Tokyo Disneyland management require of their CM's, like... Perfectly pressed and fitted uniforms, with perfectly coiffed hair. No facial hair of any kind for men. Shined leather shoes with a defined heel, no sneakers or athletic shoes. No CM sign-in privileges because the parks are already busy enough. (Tokyo CM's have an opportunity to buy a limited number of Tokyo tickets per year at a slight discount, but can't even get themselves into the parks for free). An extremely high standard for professionalism, courtesy, poise and polish, and proactive customer service where loafers and leaners and grumps are not allowed.
If the Oriental Land Company were to take over WDW or Disneyland Resort, and then actually impose their current management practices that impact both visitor expectations and employee standards, most 21st century Americans would absolutely lose their mind. Internet message boards would explode in rage from DVC'ers, AP's, and CM's alike.
I can just hear it now...
me to a higher standard?!? Not allow me to display my trashy tattoos in public?!? Not let me into California Grill wearing my Jorts and Crocs?!? Not let me and my family into the parks for free as a CM 16 times per year?!? Forget the OLC, bring back George Kalogridis and Meg Crofton and their lower standards of theme park management!!!