Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

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Well-Known Member
I agree it has an affect on Cast Members. However, it has nothing to do with their employment, pay or benefits. The affect is entirely outside of their employment. Thus it does not belong on the general boards. I do not agree with everything The Walt Disney Company does but I love WDW and themeparks and so I go to many different parks. It doesn't matter what position the company takes on political issues, what matters is do I have a great time in the parks. Vacations are to escape the bad news in the real world and we really need that after two plus years of Covid19 and now, even worse, watching innocent people being killed in the Ukraine.
Then unfollow the thread. And if you ignore the original poster, you won't even see it.

ETA: The situation in Ukraine is horrific.


Well-Known Member
Hi Lilo. Could you point me in the right direction? I read the entire bill @TP2000 posted. That doesn't seem to be what is being discussed though. So can you link me to the correct thing? I am a bit lost.

If you read the link posted from a member Ian, whereischapek , that's summarizes what the cast are thinking about.

To be fair, and perhaps clear up some of the confusion, this is a "break time walkout" not for the hourly, front line CM's in the theme park properties. It's a "break time walkout" planned for white collar employees in Disney's office complexes around the country, and thus it's rather meaningless and self-indulgent in my opinion because they have the luxury and career safety of doing that without any repercussions.

Their entire website is instructing how to set up your easy-peasy and no-harm statement on "Outlook" and "Slack", which are email and office tools the white collar cubicle army uses every day. And it's all scheduled for the 3:00 to 3:15 "Break Time", because those cubicle dwellers have the luxury and white collar comfort of having dedicated and predictable break time every day where they pad down the hall to an air conditioned coffee room and kitchen facility.

Or, even better, they're all still working from home in their pajamas with a coffee mug full of Merlot, and they'll make the big, bold and entirely safe and virtue signaling statement of not appearing on the 3 o'clock Zoom call until 3:15. :rolleyes:

If enough cast members walk they will not be fired. The PR nightmare would be overwhelming plus the fact they are short staffed already helps the employees.

If a CM operating a ride, or driving a parking lot tram, or cooking chicken nuggets at a deep fryer walks off the job suddenly at 3 o'clock, they put their fellow CM's and a bunch of paying customers in harms way on purpose. They could open themselves up to criminal charges for abandoning safety positions and putting human lives at risk like that. Not to mention being reprimanded and losing out on 15 minutes of pay.

This whole "walk out" concept is being communicated and planned solely for white collar employees in the cubicle farms of Celebration and Burbank and Bristol and Emeryville. Thus, it's a self-indulgent and rather meaningless statement that does not put any of those employees at risk for reprimand or criminal proceedings or lost pay. Not only is it something that requires no real risk on their part, in most situations their bosses will smile and tell them how "brave!" they are for standing up for the 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community, or thank them for "being a wonderful ally!" 🤢

Like most white collar elite Social Media stunts, this break time walkout is easy, vapid, and essentially self-serving for participants. But you can darn well bet the holier than thou participants will Tweet and 'gram the heck out of it! Don't forget to Like and Subscribe! :rolleyes:

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Does "instruction" require a detailed pre-planned lesson? Does that lesson need to discuss same-sex relationships in depth, or would the simple acknowledgement that some children have two daddies suffice? Does a teacher's response to a child's question amount to instruction? Would a picture on a teacher's desk of a same-sex partner be considered instruction? Please don't just give your opinion, but respond with legal precedent - or point to a legal expert who supports your reading and engages in depth with the text of the bill.
[Second time writing this reply. The original never posted.]

Same types of questions can be posed for any piece of law. Consider the First Amendment: Can a state, as opposed to the federal government, make a law respecting an establishment of religion? Can a government opt to not charge a church property taxes? Can a law be imposed if it has a disparate impact on religion? Is racist speech protected? Is speech that furthers a stereotype protected? Does a person's right to free speech include the right to lie about someone else? Does writing on a cake constitute speech? Does the amendment only apply to political speech? Are political contributions speech? Do corporations have the right to adopt policies based on religious principles? What defines protected journalism as opposed to other similar initiatives? etc.

My point is NOT that answers to these questions have not eventually been crafted by our country. My point is that the people did not refrain from passing the first amendment until all definitions, clarifications, limitations, and applications were settled. If the establishment of law required us to wait for such things, there would be no law.

That said, this bill is by no means reckless or arbitrary.

Describe how you feel a bill intentionally designed to be "unworkable" will be "scrapped." How and when will that occur?
It could be repealed or modified by the legislature. It could be over-turned in the courts or modified by the courts (by decisions under the law that define and constraint its meaning, purview, and application).

The impetus for these actions could be chaos created by BOTH sides filing suits under the law regarding who holds whose hands in a cartoon. This would quickly become unworkable until the courts defined the concepts, boundaries, and applicability of the law (as they have done over time with, say, the first amendment).

Would it alter your opinion of the bill if you knew that their was a well-funded network of special interest groups ready to file numerous lawsuits against even passing acknowledgement of same-sex partnerships with the intention of imposing considerable hardships on school districts and creating a sense of confusion and unease among educators that creates a chilling effect? What if the authors of the bill were specifically aligned with these groups?
Generally, I do not buy into conspiracy theories. But just for the sake of the discussion, it would not alter my confidence in understanding the TEXT of the bill knowing that it is the text which is controlling. [edit]
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Well-Known Member
To be fair, and perhaps clear up some of the confusion, this is a "break time walkout" not for the hourly, front line CM's in the theme park properties. It's a "break time walkout" planned for white collar employees in Disney's office complexes around the country, and thus it's rather meaningless and self-indulgent in my opinion because they have the luxury and career safety of doing that without any repercussions.

Their entire website is instructing how to set up your easy-peasy and no-harm statement on "Outlook" and "Slack", which are email and office tools the white collar cubicle army uses every day. And it's all scheduled for the 3:00 to 3:15 "Break Time", because those cubicle dwellers have the luxury and white collar comfort of having dedicated and predictable break time every day where they pad down the hall to an air conditioned coffee room and kitchen facility.

Or, even better, they're all still working from home in their pajamas with a coffee mug full of Merlot, and they'll make the big, bold and entirely safe and virtue signaling statement of not appearing on the 3 o'clock Zoom call until 3:15. :rolleyes:

If a CM operating a ride, or driving a parking lot tram, or cooking chicken nuggets at a deep fryer walks off the job suddenly at 3 o'clock, they put their fellow CM's and a bunch of paying customers in harms way on purpose. They could open themselves up to criminal charges for abandoning safety positions and putting human lives at risk like that. Not to mention being reprimanded and losing out on 15 minutes of pay.

This whole "walk out" concept is being communicated and planned solely for white collar employees in the cubicle farms of Celebration and Burbank and Bristol and Emeryville. Thus, it's a self-indulgent and rather meaningless statement that does not put any of those employees at risk for reprimand or criminal proceedings or lost pay. Not only is it something that requires no real risk on their part, in most situations their bosses will smile and tell them how "brave!" they are for standing up for the 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community, or thank them for "being a wonderful ally!" 🤢

Like most white collar elite Social Media stunts, this break time walkout is easy, vapid, and essentially self-serving for participants. But you can darn well bet the holier than thou participants will Tweet and 'gram the heck out of it! Don't forget to Like and Subscribe! :rolleyes:

To be fair, and perhaps clear up some of the confusion, this is a "break time walkout" not for the hourly, front line CM's in the theme park properties. It's a "break time walkout" planned for white collar employees in Disney's office complexes around the country, and thus it's rather meaningless and self-indulgent in my opinion because they have the luxury and career safety of doing that without any repercussions.

Their entire website is instructing how to set up your easy-peasy and no-harm statement on "Outlook" and "Slack", which are email and office tools the white collar cubicle army uses every day. And it's all scheduled for the 3:00 to 3:15 "Break Time", because those cubicle dwellers have the luxury and white collar comfort of having dedicated and predictable break time every day where they pad down the hall to an air conditioned coffee room and kitchen facility.

Or, even better, they're all still working from home in their pajamas with a coffee mug full of Merlot, and they'll make the big, bold and entirely safe and virtue signaling statement of not appearing on the 3 o'clock Zoom call until 3:15. :rolleyes:

If a CM operating a ride, or driving a parking lot tram, or cooking chicken nuggets at a deep fryer walks off the job suddenly at 3 o'clock, they put their fellow CM's and a bunch of paying customers in harms way on purpose. They could open themselves up to criminal charges for abandoning safety positions and putting human lives at risk like that. Not to mention being reprimanded and losing out on 15 minutes of pay.

This whole "walk out" concept is being communicated and planned solely for white collar employees in the cubicle farms of Celebration and Burbank and Bristol and Emeryville. Thus, it's a self-indulgent and rather meaningless statement that does not put any of those employees at risk for reprimand or criminal proceedings or lost pay. Not only is it something that requires no real risk on their part, in most situations their bosses will smile and tell them how "brave!" they are for standing up for the 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community, or thank them for "being a wonderful ally!" 🤢

Like most white collar elite Social Media stunts, this break time walkout is easy, vapid, and essentially self-serving for participants. But you can darn well bet the holier than thou participants will Tweet and 'gram the heck out of it! Don't forget to Like and Subscribe! :rolleyes:

What's the source on "White collar walk out " on March 22? You didn't mention a topic of mass walk out on 3/22 that was the shared link.


Well-Known Member
What's the source on "White collar walk out " on March 22? You didn't mention a topic of mass walk out on 3/22 that was the shared link.

Here's their schedule. It's a series of four days of 15 minute "walk outs" during their scheduled afternoon coffee breaks this week. Then on Tuesday the 22nd there's a "full day walk out".

Considering that white collar employees at Disney receive between six and eleven weeks of paid time off per year, depending on their company tenure (two weeks of "personal care days" annually, 11 paid Holidays or Comp Days annually, between two and five weeks of paid vacation days annually depending on tenure), taking a Comp Day or Personal Day on a random Tuesday is only slightly more of a sacrifice than spending the afternoon coffee break Tweeting on the patio. I mean, who wouldn't want a day off to celebrate the arrival of Spring? ;)


Well-Known Member
Would it alter your opinion of the bill if you knew that their was a well-funded network of special interest groups ready to file numerous lawsuits against even passing acknowledgement of same-sex partnerships with the intention of imposing considerable hardships on school districts and creating a sense of confusion and unease among educators that creates a chilling effect? What if the authors of the bill were specifically aligned with these groups?
Luckily this can’t happen. As the bill is quite clear. Lawsuits are based on a schools lack of response to parent requests. Phew!

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
Luckily this can’t happen. As the bill is quite clear. Lawsuits are based on a schools lack of response to parent requests. Phew!
No, they are based on a "concern" that "is not resolved" - ie, the school district doesn't do what the parent wants to the parents satisfaction.

I ask everyone in this thread, and I ask in good faith - can anyone direct me to a LEGAL EXPERT (not primarily a political pundit) who engages in depth with the text of the bill to explain why the concerns surrounding it are unfounded?


Well-Known Member
I'm not telling you what town I live in. I will say that the person in question had been doing the same things in different towns across the state (and causing problems while doing so) and was eventually arrested at a protest after getting violent with someone else.
Got it. I see where this is going. Have a good evening.


Well-Known Member
No, they are based on a "concern" that "is not resolved" - ie, the school district doesn't do what the parent wants to the parents satisfaction.
“Each school district shall adopt procedures for a parent to notify the principal, or his or her designee, regarding concerns under this paragraph at his or her student's school and the process for resolving those concerns within 7 calendar days after notification by the parent.
a. At a minimum, the procedures must require that within 30 days after notification by the parent that the concern remains unresolved, the school district must either resolve the concern or provide a statement of the reasons for not resolving the concern.”

That’s the words.

It’s all right there guys.
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