To be fair, and perhaps clear up some of the confusion, this is a "break time walkout"
not for the hourly, front line CM's in the theme park properties. It's a "break time walkout" planned for white collar employees in Disney's office complexes around the country,
and thus it's rather meaningless and self-indulgent in my opinion because they have the luxury and career safety of doing that without any repercussions.
Their entire website is instructing how to set up your easy-peasy and no-harm statement on "Outlook" and "Slack", which are email and office tools the white collar cubicle army uses every day. And it's all scheduled for the 3:00 to 3:15 "Break Time", because those cubicle dwellers have the luxury and white collar comfort of having dedicated and predictable break time every day where they pad down the hall to an air conditioned coffee room and kitchen facility.
Or, even better, they're all still working from home in their pajamas with a coffee mug full of Merlot, and they'll make the big, bold and
entirely safe and virtue signaling statement of not appearing on the 3 o'clock Zoom call until 3:15.
If a CM operating a ride, or driving a parking lot tram, or cooking chicken nuggets at a deep fryer walks off the job suddenly at 3 o'clock, they put their fellow CM's and a bunch of paying customers in harms way on purpose. They could open themselves up to criminal charges for abandoning safety positions and putting human lives at risk like that. Not to mention being reprimanded and losing out on 15 minutes of pay.
This whole "walk out" concept is being communicated and planned solely for white collar employees in the cubicle farms of Celebration and Burbank and Bristol and Emeryville. Thus, it's a self-indulgent and rather meaningless statement that does not put any of those employees at risk for reprimand or criminal proceedings or lost pay. Not only is it something that requires no real risk on their part, in most situations their bosses will smile and tell them how
"brave!" they are for standing up for the 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community, or thank them for
"being a wonderful ally!"
Like most white collar elite Social Media stunts, this break time walkout is easy, vapid, and essentially self-serving for participants. But you can darn well bet the holier than thou participants will Tweet and 'gram the heck out of it! Don't forget to Like and Subscribe!
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