Hey everybody!!!!! Me and my girl are going to be staying in a Tower Suite on the 14th floor in October and I want some info about the birds. LOL. I already know don't eat on the patio because once the birds see that, they'll flock to your patio expecting to be fed. But does anybody have anymore useful tips on keeping the birds away from the patio? I want to avoid this situation below.
I think the birds are protected because of the conservation Disney has on the property. But my biggest concern besides what's shown in that YouTube clip is the birds congregating on the patio whether you eat or even use the patio or not. Will they do that? Will we be able to use the patio? I was thinking of getting some strong bug spray like Raid and spraying certain areas of the patio to keep them at bay, will Disney allow us to use any type of bug spray towards the birds? I love nature like the next guy and don't want to necessarily KILL the birds or harm them too badly, they was here before we were after all. I just want to make sure that me and my girl are able to use the patio without any concern of a flock bothering us whenever we decide to stay in. Any tips you guys give me will be greatly appreciated.
I think the birds are protected because of the conservation Disney has on the property. But my biggest concern besides what's shown in that YouTube clip is the birds congregating on the patio whether you eat or even use the patio or not. Will they do that? Will we be able to use the patio? I was thinking of getting some strong bug spray like Raid and spraying certain areas of the patio to keep them at bay, will Disney allow us to use any type of bug spray towards the birds? I love nature like the next guy and don't want to necessarily KILL the birds or harm them too badly, they was here before we were after all. I just want to make sure that me and my girl are able to use the patio without any concern of a flock bothering us whenever we decide to stay in. Any tips you guys give me will be greatly appreciated.