I am going the 1st weekend/2nd week in December with friends for their first family trip. I tried to emphasize the importance of getting ADRs/ect 180 days out & volunteered to do all of that for them, but my friend really wanted to do it herself and then got overwhelmed after staying up until midnight to try and book online, only to have the site crash & then only get half of the ADRs she was hoping for when she called the next AM. She completely forgot about BBB until this week (she's also sad about missing out on the Princess Tea). I am now scrambling trying to get her 4 year old into BBB because I know she is going to see other girls dressed up and want that too. Any pro tips on how to possibly snag a last minute rez? I am single with no kiddos, so I have never done this before!
Thinking worse case scenario we can bring a little tiara, some hair glitter & do her hair ourselves & at 4 she probably won't know the difference?
Thinking worse case scenario we can bring a little tiara, some hair glitter & do her hair ourselves & at 4 she probably won't know the difference?