Well-Known Member
Can't agree with you more! To be honest while it is far from my first choice, if they turn Energy into a Superhero Pavilion, that happens to have a Gotg ride, it could actually work out really well. Not my first choice, but definitely better than tot going, and since it is currently aiming for an E that would make it a solid attraction. Another thing to note is Dca's tot is great but not outstanding like Hws's. I was at DLP in May, and I loved tot there (identical to DCA), but honestly the more I think about it tot getting a retheme along with a Marvel land actually will mend up working out pretty well. In the meantime DCA will have an odd sight line, but when completed it will be great, but WDW's if it would be rethemed there would be absolute outrage as that is truly the classic tot. Not to mention it anchors one of the best lands in any theme park, Sunset boulevard.I certainly agree, but some see the possibility of using Tower and RnRC down the line. I also don't trust Disney not to do something like this. I believe our Tower's saving grace may be the fact that it's one of five rides at DHS currently. DCA can afford to lose it and locals will pour in once it's done.