So yeah, besides the rock carvings, the logo and the
16 foot fictional character featured in the middle - almost nothing Moana at all about it so far.
Yes, yes, yes - I'm fully aware of the "numerous mentions" - I thought that was obvious by my post where
I mention them mentioning it. We heard about this in the vaguest of terms early on and they've said not a peep about that in what? a year? two years? and they've had plenty of opportunity to mention it with the updates they
have given, including the imagineering hype videos where they say we will learn how water can be our friend and have personality.
Maybe that's the edutainment? Learning that water is in fact alive and sentient?
I'm not disputing something educational might still be in there. I'm saying they seem to have completely pivoted in their messaging in that regard since the initial announcements and it's looking a lot more like a Moana water walk-through with fancy water tricks designed solely to entertain and a lot less like a Moana inspired educational experience.
I mean, the updates are all referenced here on this site to look at if you want to point out where I'm wrong about this.
If you feel differently and can point to some sources, I'm open to having my mind changed.
You just telling me I'm wrong isn't going to sway me, I'm afraid.
Otherwise, I'm happy to agree to disagree.