Ultimately the game of Big Brother is broken. I know people hate the survivor blindside/whispering that is new school survivor. But seriously, this is the polar opposite. The whole season might as well have been scripted (and in some ways was from the start).
The first HoH holds too much power. Merely looking back whoever is first HoH traditionally is making it to the final two (or winning) the last few seasons. Tyler experienced that two seasons ago. When you have the first power, you can basically make a final two deal with every house guest and take out two random floaters.
We've had the Veto used once this season, which just seems odd. Maybe in part it was the over-abundance of Tyler being picked constantly.
Maybe moving forward they can have two Hoh's every week or something. But something needs to fundamentally change .
As an aside I do think Cody deserves to win. I don't like this season at all, but he's played a really solid game. Yes the Derrick pregaming helped... but he's in this position because he won that first HOH.