We have eaten there on our past two trips, and I have our ADR in for our trip in May. My oldest son specifically requested we eat there again. My family (wife, two sons 15 & 18) enjoy the band and the atmosphere. I am not a connoisseur of German/Bavarian style food (I cannot handle sauerkraut - yech), but the food seems to be as good if not a little better than meals I've had in other German/Bavarian style restaurants.
I hope you've checked out the menu...some people are a little disappointed with the food. It's not fancy, but you can get your fill.
I love trying to get my wife out on the dance floor with me when the band plays. I am a little rusty on the polka, but I can still hold my own on a waltz! People are encouraged by the band to get up and dance, but not many do. I think if more people tried dancing, and toasting, the atmosphere would get a lot more festive. I have a great time (and I think my wife does, too...she just won't admit it).:lol: