Best WDW Android App


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I've seen lots of stuff about iPhone apps... What about the Android apps? Which one is best? I want to make sure I've got the best info next month when we go :) Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I've seen lots of stuff about iPhone apps... What about the Android apps? Which one is best? I want to make sure I've got the best info next month when we go :) Thanks!
I haven't found anything yet. So far the world of Disney hasn't realized that the Android has shot past the iphone in popularity and numbers and come up with something for us. I have Verizon and their site states that there is an app for the incredible. When you actually go look for it, it doesn't exist. I signed up for some type of notification thing where you get texted with updates, but so far it has been very lame and I don't recommend it.
If you find something before me, please post because I'm still interested.


New Member
the one I use is Disney World by Undercover Tourist. It free and pretty good and can be found in the android marketplace. The other one I have is the Disney Mobile Magic, its has the same info as the free Undercover tourist one but cost something like $2.99 ( but don't quote me on the price, i cant remember ;) ) To find the Disney Moblie Magic one you have to go throught the Verizon App Store not the android marketplace. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
the one I use is Disney World by Undercover Tourist. It free and pretty good and can be found in the android marketplace. The other one I have is the Disney Mobile Magic, its has the same info as the free Undercover tourist one but cost something like $2.99 ( but don't quote me on the price, i cant remember ;) ) To find the Disney Moblie Magic one you have to go throught the Verizon App Store not the android marketplace. Hope that helps.
I did go to the Verizon app store and couldn't find a Mobile Magic that worked on the Android. Do you have a link by any chance?
Oh, when I saw your screen name, MoUsE_DrOpPings I fell out of my chair! I guess it's just because it's still early and I haven't finished my coffee yet.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I use the Lines app by touring plans. I find it to be fairly accurate and it has the showtimes listed now as well. I don't really need anything other than that since I have all the park info I need stored in my head lol.


Active Member
I use the Lines app by touring plans. I find it to be fairly accurate and it has the showtimes listed now as well. I don't really need anything other than that since I have all the park info I need stored in my head lol.

:lol: I think that my head would explode with all the silly stuff I keep putting into for Disney, I too, hope an app comes out for certain help! :sohappy:


New Member
I did go to the Verizon app store and couldn't find a Mobile Magic that worked on the Android. Do you have a link by any chance?
Oh, when I saw your screen name, MoUsE_DrOpPings I fell out of my chair! I guess it's just because it's still early and I haven't finished my coffee yet.

Here is the link that I found:
When you fell hope you didnt hit your head! lol :wave:


New Member
It's the same link I went to. :( It's not available for the Incredible. In fact, I don't see any of the HTC phones on the compatibility list.
Thanks anyway, it was a shot.

I have the driod incredible. Do you have v cast apps on your phone? I went in there used the search and typed in Disney Mobile Magic. It came up and was $1.99. its called Disney Parks Mobile Magic in there. I hope you find it.


New Member
I've used the WDW Lines app from It has only limited usefulness without a subscription, but if you already have one, then it's pretty good. It relies on crowd sourcing alongside their own internal algorithms. I plan on using it again this summer.


Well-Known Member
I have the driod incredible. Do you have v cast apps on your phone? I went in there used the search and typed in Disney Mobile Magic. It came up and was $1.99. its called Disney Parks Mobile Magic in there. I hope you find it.
Dude, you are awesome!:sohappy:
It worked!
I promise to never call you mouse poo again!
Well, not out loud anyway.


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Original Poster
I have the Undercover Tourist one and WDW Lines by Touring Plans loaded... I have been watching them for a couple days and the times are normally different... sometimes only 5 minutes or so but sometimes up to 30 minutes.... I'm going to watch them when we are there next month and see which is more accurate :) Thanks for your help everyone.


Active Member
What's out there does seem helpful...

I've used the WDW Lines app from It has only limited usefulness without a subscription, but if you already have one, then it's pretty good. It relies on crowd sourcing alongside their own internal algorithms. I plan on using it again this summer.

I'm using this one as well, with the subscription. I like the detail with lots of data and the ability to set up days that you'd like watched and it will send you an update if the estimated crowd rating goes up or down. The live wait times updating with user detail is nice as well. The cheat sheets for what are the best times to ride rides for the 4 parks is interesting as well.:king:

I also have the app from Undercover Tourist, I like checking in while at work and decided which ride I'd be waiting for if I was their right now...


Well-Known Member
I love that Lines has touring plans in the app now.
I don't use the touring plans, but they're fun to read when I'm having a bad day :lol:


Well-Known Member
Been trying to play with the Disney Mobile Magic app I installed yesterday just to get a feel for it. It's been down all day long. I'm getting an Error box containing "connection error, retry?" With a Retry and Exit button. Same thing in the menu.
Anybody have this app that's willing to test it out? There's no way to tell if it's a localized problem to my phone, or something more widespread. Another thing I'm discovering is there isn't any tech support for this. Or if there is, I can't find it. I just want to know which end the problem is on.

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