Best Rain Experience at the Parks??


Original Poster
Hearing about the recent rain at WDW reminded me of our most memorable downpour. We were on the Jungle Cruise, had waited in line about 30 minutes when the sky just opened up. It was dark and there was thunder and lightning. We had to push the water up off the tarps on the roof of the boat and everyone was getting soaked. The CM drove the boat into the temple and we just sat in there and had the best time. We were on a boat full of Europeans and our kids were the only ones on the boat. The CM entertained us for about 15 minutes and we all got to know each other. They all seemed relieved that my DH was in the Coast Guard, guess they figured that if the boat sank he'd come in handy! When it finally let up, we went back to the loading area and there was NO ONE waiting in line so the CM said hey let's go around agian and everybody was game so soaking wet we did the Jungle Cruise again. The kids thought we were loony but they still talk about what fun we had and that was 6 years ago!
Anyone else care to share their best damp experience at the parks?


Well-Known Member
We had a similar experience in '99, though it was actually at IOA. It was a beautufl day, then 5 minutes later the skys were black and the rain fell, it was bouncing up a foot of the ground.

Everyone ran for shelter, 10 minutes or so later it was gone and the skies clears.

30 minutes after that everything had dried up...


New Member
My wife and I went to DW March of last year. Before leaving home we checked the extended forecast wich called for rain the first two days. Being die hard park fans we were determined to have fun. We went to Wal-Mart and each bought rainsuits like you would wear while riding a motorcycle. We got to the Magic Kingdom at about 2:00pm right in the middle of heavy down pours. We just put our hoods up and started what would become an adventure. As we entered the park, people were leaving in droves. It poured all day and well into the night but we were high and dry. People kept asking us where they were selling the rain suits, all were dissapointed when we told them not here. As people where running from place to place my wife and I strolled along at a normal pace. Best thing about it, hardly any lines. Longest wait was for space mountain 25 min. We rode Big Thunder Mountain 7 times in one hour, there was no line twice we were the only ones on the train. We are going back this April and are hoping for a rain day!:lol:


New Member
It's not a really'nice' experience, but it made a dreary, rainy day enjoyable. We had just gotten off the Monorail at Epcot. All of hte sudden it started to rain - catching just about everyone off guard (it had been a nice day in the morning). We were soaked and my sister was starting to complain. I was starting to get a little annoyed at her, and since I didn't want to get into an arguement and I was raised to not hit girls, when we walked past Ice Station Cool I pushed her in. Considering she was already drenched to the bone, that nice cool blast didn't help. :)

As mean as it sounds, everyone (even her) got a laugh out of it.

Luau Cove

New Member
Good you ask this. I'll respond with a mysterious happening that occured to me at least 5 times in Disney of the many visits to the World.
I usually go on Summer or Winter vacations, but this seemed to happen on both type of trips. The story is that, on World Showcase, every time we entered Germany to have some Pretzels and sit down for a while, it started raining. Sometimes just some drops of water, sometimes quite a storm where Epcot was a Poncho World of yellow people, but the truth is this happened to me and my family many many times, and always on the same spot: Germany. So every time we stop in this pavillion we always fear that a "maelstrom" might start any moment.


New Member
I have many a rain story to tell!
1)As we were entering MGM in mid August 99 the heavens opened! We struggled to get into the park through the crowds coming out, we just got through the gates and started towards the chinese theatre and it started raining harder, more people left the park, honestly we were like 4 fish swimming upstream! anyway we to sunset boulavard and saw the wait times get changed for both ToT and RnR, Tot went down from 90 mins to 10 and Rnr went from 100 mins to 5, we rode both over and over and over as the rain poured down, there was literally no one there!
2) we were at typhoon lagoon towards the end of the day when it started to rain, most people just thought, "hey, wewill just go home a alittle early", however we were just starting to eat our meal so juat took cover and stuck it out. After we had eaten we went back down to the main pool and there was NOBODY there, not a soul apart from the lifeguards, they hadnt closed the park, its just everyone had gone! any way a lifeguard came up to us and said they were starting the big waves again, so we were the only ones in that huge pool with the huge waves. It was so much fun!

Grim Grinner

New Member
You know, that's strange.... That's happened to my family almost every time we go to Epcot! It always ends up raining in that weird Africa pavilion. We always find ourselves huddles under those tent-like things with the drums...

We have a bunch of pictures of it, and its since become an ongoing joke...
This was a great rain experience for my daughter and our friends daughter. We were at MGM in 98 and it started to pour like crazy. We took shelter under the canopy at one of the stores, along with everybody else, so the street was fairly empty. All of a sudden our daughters started screaming and pointing. Walking down the middle of the street in the rain was 2 of the guys from NSYNC (I think it was Joey and Lance). They followed them to the TOT, where they were going to ride. We went down stairs to catch them when they came off the ride. Unfortunately, all the people that rode before them were waiting also. So when they got off the ride, about 25 girls started screaming and the CM took them out the back door. This wasn't the most exciting experience for me, but my daughter will never forget it.


New Member
ooo i just remembered another one! how could i forget.....! We were in Mgm walking towards ToT down Sunset bouleverd when it started to pour down, everyone went to the canopys either side if the road, my brother had a little umbrella and so he opened it and we strted danicing aROUND SINGING, were singing in the rain, and twirling the umbrella, everyone was laughing but we were getting wet so we stopped, just as we walked a way, 2 cms dressed as theose glamourous lady`s (you know the ones?) with their umbrellas joined us! we got a long line of people walking down sunset boulevard singing in the rain!!! true disney fun


Well-Known Member
In Mk, just stepping off of the TTA, when the heavens open. They stop the escalators up to the ride and they're virtually pushing people out from under the canopy. So we wait till the lightning sdies down, then skip through the rain, to Space mountain (we had fastpasses), whilst watching all the other people doing that weird running throught the puddle where they try to keep dry, but it gets them even wetter anyway! The best fun I've ever had in the rain.


Well-Known Member
Best Rain experiance?


Magic Kingdom

3:00 PM

95º heat

Lots of Women in white Tank tops

No Bras

Sudden downpour

I Love Florida!!

Nuff said:dazzle: :) :D :zipit: :fork:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Scooter
Best Rain experiance?


Magic Kingdom

3:00 PM

95º heat

Lots of Women in white Tank tops

No Bras

Sudden downpour

I Love Florida!!

Nuff said:dazzle: :) :D :zipit: :fork:

Way hey!!!


New Member
big thuner mountain railroad in the rain i the best ride of all time. I was also on hulk once when it started to downpour and that was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Rain experiences

We've all had 'em at Disney, but it seems that every single time I set foot on the Polynesian property, a previously unclouded blue sky turns black as pitch and I am saturated within seconds!!!


New Member
Originally posted by Scooter
Best Rain experiance?


Magic Kingdom

3:00 PM

95º heat

Lots of Women in white Tank tops

No Bras

Sudden downpour

I Love Florida!!

Nuff said:dazzle: :) :D :zipit: :fork:

Haha sounds like you had fun! Ya thats one major perk of Florida, unexpected rain all the time. LoL :lol: its great.


New Member
My mom got cheap on our last vacation and decided to buy 99 cent emergency ponchos (Essentially garbage bags with hoods) from Wal-Mart before we left. I absolutely refuse to wear ponchos in the first place, so I had a good time while watching everyone else try to put on ponchos that looked like they were made with Cling Wrap in the middle of MK, in the pouring rain.


New Member
One for me is a trip i took to Mk I was riding on Splash Moutain and had just gone down the fall and was under the bridge think hey im safe, not wet, ill be dry all day. Came out the other side and an incredible rain storm happened, causing all the guests to leave the park. i may have been soaked and made fun of by my cousins but hey i got to ride what i wanted when i wanted. Lol

Luau Cove

New Member
I just remembered that once, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, we were visiting Typhoon Lagoon on summer, and suddenly a mass of clouds blocked the sun and a typical Florida tropical storm started. We all thought that this was going to last some minutes, but the storm grew bigger and all visitors were stuck under the parasols near Humunga Kawabunga zone. We had to wait like an hour til the storm passed, we were really afraid cause the summer before we had suffered the Saint Andrews Hurricane, and we didn't want another of those...


New Member
Originally posted by Luau Cove
Good you ask this. I'll respond with a mysterious happening that occured to me at least 5 times in Disney of the many visits to the World.
I usually go on Summer or Winter vacations, but this seemed to happen on both type of trips. The story is that, on World Showcase, every time we entered Germany to have some Pretzels and sit down for a while, it started raining. Sometimes just some drops of water, sometimes quite a storm where Epcot was a Poncho World of yellow people, but the truth is this happened to me and my family many many times, and always on the same spot: Germany. So every time we stop in this pavillion we always fear that a "maelstrom" might start any moment.

Maybe you follow the same pattern and are by Germany at around 4pm.... that´s usually when the rain comes in the summer! haha :D ;)


New Member
Ya thats one major perk of Florida
Well put! ;)

Anyways, I enjoy all moments of pouring down rain in WDW, except when I have my camera / photo equipment on me.

When it pours and I don't have anything critical on me, I'll stay out in the rain. The lines are shorter, and the sidewalks are empty. The rain is a perfect time to head to those outdoor lines like Splash Mountain, and to any ride who's line extends outside past the covered area.

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