Best queue at an attraction


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but I was wondering what everyone's favorite queues were, as well as ones they thought were most efficient. Everyone always talks about the rides themselves, while the actual wait time is a much larger portion of the actual attraction. You know, when you're in a good queue you don't notice how long it is taking to get on the ride since they are really well laid out or have stuff to look at.

Personally, I like Space Mountain (nice and cool) as well as Tower of Terror for it's ambience :animwink:
Haunted Mansion

If the Foyer and Gallery (stretching room) count then I'd say the Haunted Mansion because it makes the que a part of the ride. Other than that I like the ques of The Jungle Cruise, Tower of Terror, Space Mountain, Body Wars, and um Its Tough To Be a Bug(tree of life carvings duh!) to name a few.


New Member
Oh, I personally get bored in Space Mountain. It is cool, yes, but how boring is that movie? I hate it. It seems as though it's too short, too, like you see it three times in the full as you wait, and it's so dark in there. I really enjoy Tower of Terror, too. The creepy feeling and the music outside just gets you in the mood for the ride, then when you actually get into the hotel, it's like an actual hotel, with stuff to look at while you wait. Then the boiler room freaks you out, too. It's cool all around. I can't think of any other ride in which you aren't too bored. Haunted Mansion's okay, you have the tombstones to read and laugh about, and you can watch people over at the Robinson Family Treehouse across the river. But it's still basically boring. Even Rockin' Roller Coaster can be boring, especillyif you've seen the Aerosmith movie thing ton's of times, and majority of your wait is outside. There's my opinion!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Hypersonic XLC at Kings Dominion because you watch the cars go flying and you get all sorts of build up going.


I mean Tower of Terror. hehe :eek: :lookaroun :p


I like the Tower of Terror queue as well as the Test Track :animwink: queue line.
:lookaroun My favorite is the Spaceship Earth Queue... The themeing of the silver metal queue bars is great! Its just so authentic.......:animwink:

Imagineer Jer

New Member
Originally posted by Glasgow
Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but I was wondering what everyone's favorite queues were, as well as ones they thought were most efficient. Everyone always talks about the rides themselves, while the actual wait time is a much larger portion of the actual attraction. You know, when you're in a good queue you don't notice how long it is taking to get on the ride since they are really well laid out or have stuff to look at.

Personally, I like Space Mountain (nice and cool) as well as Tower of Terror for it's ambience :animwink:

Well I have waited in alot of queues, but I would have to say that , Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Its tough to be a bug, and the Tower of Terror. I don't think anybody would disagree with me on any of these attractions queue lines. But the best queue line is no queue line at all!

Imagineer Jer

New Member
Re: Re: Best queue at an attraction

Originally posted by Imagineer Jer
Well I have waited in alot of queues, but I would have to say that , Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Its tough to be a bug, and the Tower of Terror. I don't think anybody would disagree with me on any of these attractions queue lines. But the best queue line is no queue line at all!

Just to add on to what I was saying, I think all of Disney's attractions are awsome with the queues. Disney has the best queue lines in the whole amusement buisness I think! That is just half of the ride, waiting in line.


New Member
overall I would have to say Dueling Dragons at IOA, dont think Disney has awesome queues like that, but I personally dont care about the queues, I just care about the rides


New Member
ToT. the detail in the hotel lobby is phenomenal. The gardens are great too but too hot. The basement. The cast. They went all out and it shows.

Second favorite has to be Space Mtn. Have liked it since I first walked through that simulated centrifugal-gravity corridor when it first opened.


New Member
All Time favorite Line at Disney, Tower of Terror...No second thought about it. But there are others that i enjoy as well....

DAK- Dinosaur/ CTX- The Museum Setting

MK - Haunted Mansion- Duh...I mean, Seriously, why ask?

Epcot- Test Track- IMO, more detail than any of the others in the park.

MGM- Besides Tower of Terror, Rock and Roller Coaster, I like the whole studio setting

DL - Indy Jones/Haunted Mansion/ Former Rocket Rods

DCA- Soarin' Over CA


New Member
Favorite queues?

1. Tower of Terror (the most detail of any attraction in WDW)
2. Splash Mountain
3. Muppet Vision 4D
4. Pirates of the Caribbean (nostalgia)
5. Great Movie Ride
6. Haunted Mansion
7. Tomorrowland Transit Authority (because there never is one!)

Least favorite?

1. Countdown to Extinction / Dinosaur (can you say HOT?)
2. Space Mountain
3. Rock 'n Roller Coaster
4. Any Fantasyland attraction


Well-Known Member
I sometimes find myself going to attractions and enjoying the queues much more than the ride itself. It's gonna be hard to pick my favorites. Here we go, in no particular order:

1. Space Mountain: There's just so much variety here. Multiple kinds of themed rooms with 4 different audio loops that I know of, and this is BEFORE you get to the video screens. While it's not the prettiest or most interesting queue, it may well be the best executed, with great combination between storytelling, slickness, and near-perfect balance between at communicating both the forboding and intriguing aspects of space travel.

2. Splash Mountain: There's a great theme going on here that I bet a lot of people miss. The queue is representitive of the Song of the South as a movie, as most of what is used to decorate the area are impliments and touches which illustrate the plantation-life "real world" of the movie while the talking-animal characters of the animated section of the movie are only around as voices, shadows, or artwork. In other words, not until you read the words of Uncle Remus are you finally transported into the realm of Brer Frog and allowed to see him directly.

3. Star Tours: Multiple talking animatronics? Cohesive theming? A freaking AT-AT WALKER?! You bet this one's in my top ten. The Ewok Village and Droid Rooms are both full of more sounds and visual details than you can ever take in, and only look better at night. This one's a real treat for fans of the film.

4. T4wer of Terr4r: The appearance of neglect is very well done here, and everything is very cohesive with the theming of the ride itself. I love the eerily echoing big band/jazz/hollywood guitar soundtrack played around here, because like everything else in the queue it's not forboding out of context. Add in the bazillion little references to the TV show and you have another winner.

5. Kali River Rapids: There's just so much to take in here that it's worth going through standby just for a chance to check out all the cool artifacts and exhibits. A mini-museum of semi-randomly chosen Asian cultural elements, and plenty of birds and things to watch as you wait. Too bad the ride itself is such a dissapointment.

6. Haunted Mansion: I dare you to find anyone who goes to Walt Disney World for more than 6 hours and doesn't remember the sudden feeling of trepidation when they look at that house and hear the wolf's howl. Everything about the queue here is so classic Disney that I'm not going to even bother to explain why it's awesome. Ok fine, I will. This queue is great because it is the definitive example of what a Disney attraction seeks to accomplish: To transport the visitor into another world where everything is at once more interesting, more dangerous, and much funnier. Even after nearly four decades there's no special effect in the entire theme park business quite as effective as that dusty, cobweb-strewn chandelier. This one's definitely art.

7. Test Track: I know everyone's going to dissagree with me, but I really dig the TT queue. Sure it's loud, long, garish, and totally devoid of charm, but it's just so darn cool to see all the junk at work in here. Even the outside queue stretch space wins a point or two thanks to the nifty view of the passing vehicles inside the ride itself.

8. Backstage Studio Tour: As with Kali River Rapids, this one makes my list because it's worth going through to see all the nifty artifacts and props around here. The real test of what makes a good queue is when you have a little trouble remembering when the line ends and the ride begins, and this one fits this definition to a T. It's a bit irritating though, because you have to balance your desire to actually get on the tram with your desire to gawk at the rifle from Starship Troopers or whatever else I've found. Did I mention I like to go into Planet Hollywoods and tromp around, then leave without eating anything?

9. Pirates of the Carribbean: Sure, it's a little sparse, but what's there is cool and like the Haunted Mansion it sets the mood for what's to come without actually showing you anything. The whole thing has a great subterreanean feel to it, and the themed music is classic and still perfect. It's a real shame that there's never an actual queue in this area as every time we go we just stomp through the whole thing without enjoying it. If only there was a little more stuff to see in here I'd rank it higher.

10: Rock N' Rollercoaster: Just a fun place to wait, really. The music choices are commendable, the theme is impossibly complex and yet they pull it off, and there's many small details to see and enjoy. Besides, who doesn't enjoy the sound of eighty-thousand children running their hands over the bead doors while you try to hear yourself think?

The Great Movie Ride queue would be there too, but I'm going to have to disqualify it because it's technically just one big preshow.

Well that was so much fun I think I'll tacklke the other side of the issue. Here, once again in no particular order, are the top ten WORST queues at Walt Disney World:

1. Snow White's Scarey Adventures: I'd sleep if I didn't have to keep standing up.

2. Winnie the Pooh: Ditto

3. Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin: I'm quite sure that this is the elevator music played when you're going down to the infernal abyss.

4. Kilimanjaro Safaris: So. Much. Wasted. Potential.

5. Countdown to Extintion: See above, multiply by 3.

6. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad: I never thought I would seriously contemplate assaulting an old lady to steal her bottled water, but the conditions in this line proved me wrong. Almost as bad as a 6-flags queue. At least this one has a water fountain or two.

7. Spaceship Earth: Ok, I can understand that you really CAN'T have a queue for this thing, given both the usual short line and the nature of the architecture, but part of me doesn't care. At least it's in the shade... most of the time.

8. Alien Encounter: The 2nd best preshow in the entire property, uber-awesome architecture, plants in cages, and we STILL spend the entire thing in winding, outdoor chain-gangs? I know they did the best with the space provided, but give me a break.

9. It's Tough to Be a Bug: This one makes my naughty list only because it takes at least 8 minutes of walking just to get into the thing... WHEN THERE'S NO LINE.

10. Jungle Cruise: Sure, it's themed fine, with lots of nice, coherent junglely things and I really dig the idea of the radio broadcast, but, Lord, if I got back all the time I've spent waiting in this non-line I'd have enough time to write a phonebook. I know that's right.


I would have to say that my favorite queue lines are...The Universe of Energy or 3D Muppet. I love the shows, what can I say. Both are hilariously funny and help pass the wait time. My summer favorites are any that provide ceiling fans and shade...:lol:

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