Best Disney Song?


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Original Poster
I was thinking the other day what is the best song in a Disney movie, TV show, Play, or theme Park? For me the anwser would be Circle of Life from the Lion King. What does everybody think?


New Member
I don't think I can choose! Circle of Life is awesome!! But I also love Just Around the River Bend, A Whole New World, and You Can Fly! I think those are my favorites. :)
In movies, I think the entire Beauty and the Beast soundtrack and the Little Mermaid soundtrack win.

In the parks, my top two are Spectromagic and Illuminations

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
It is not really a matter of opinion. Without any doubt, the best Disney song is “When You Wish upon a Star”. It won the 1940 Academy Award for Best Original Song and the American Film Institute ranks it seventh in their 100 Greatest Songs in Film History, the highest ranked Disney animated film song.

It is the official theme song of The Walt Disney Company. :wave:


"Zip a Dee Do Da". (I know, I'm sure that I haven't spelled it right.) I always find myself singing this song, especially when I'm in the World.


New Member
Where's the love for Herc?!
Best soundtrack in my opinion, with "Go the Distance" as my favorite Disney song of all time.
Brings a tear to my eye everytime I hear the small part it has in Wishes! Fireworks


Active Member
Spectro or Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. We have both on my iPod and always play them as we drive down Western Way. It really gets you excited and in the Disney spirit.


Active Member
I am a fan of "Whistle While You Work" I sing and whistle this at work at least a couple of times a week. Really helps me to remember that Walt was always so positive and optimistic, in return making my day better.

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