Best Cast Member


Well I would give the award of "best host" to the waiter at Crokets Taveren (Fort Wilderness) cus hes a really nice guy and he gave us a REALLY BIG bag of those mickey chocolates cus he liked us!!

Security Boy

New Member
I nominate myself, everybody liked me in FL. (In Ca they despise me because I am Security "Can I see your ID Please") LOL

I met Cynthia Harris once (she runs Disneyland Resort) and she is so Sweet! Otherwise, I like it when one of the cute boys flirt with me from Brazil or TOT ;) :lookaroun :cool: :D :) ;)

Skipper Timekpr

New Member
I'm not going to go as far as to nominate myself, but my most memorable comment was by a UK family who I let her daughter drive the boat it was their last day there and she said I made their vacation and loved the jokes. I love having energenic guests on my boat it keeps ya going and if they aren't ya can always get them with the Elephants. j/k


The award for best CM at Disney goest to.... the enveloppie pleeze... Yes it's Bill the driver of the horse drawn trolly down main street.... after he completed the day's run... (about 11:30) we were walking by as he unhitched the horse and took him over to the barn....He let my daughter (about 9 or 10 then) water and brush the big Clysdale.... It was the highlight of her trip... we always make it a point to stop and say hi to this special person... By the way .... If you get married at Disney... he is the coach driver too....Thanx Bill!

Beauty and the

New Member
Original Poster
I forgot to name my nominee, Tom the Security man on the Gate at the Contemporary, for three weeks in August this man adopted my three little guys taking the time to make a fuss of them daily, so much so that as we where leaving the Kids made us go back to the gate just to say bye. One super guy lets hear it for Tom:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


I have to nominate Captain Ron, our boat captain for the Illuminations cruise. Captain Ron was just great, gave us a firstrate tour, some great Disney trivia, and dropped us off at the MGM dock so we could catch a bus straight back to our resort and beat all the crowds.

I also had a wonderful tourguide for the behind the scenes tour a couple years ago.


New Member
i have 3-

jan- he was this ver enegetic german gy workin at Old Key West as waitor/bartender..hes the best..hes soo fun and made are trip lots of fun..can really make your day!

the bartender at Old Key West. He was a male.cant remeber his name, but he always remebers us and what we like to order, and we've only been staying there for 6 yrs one a year!

and the dude at the animal kingdom! OMG he was soo funny! he had these macaws and he said "any questions about the macaws" its a 4 yr inside joke. it was soo funny its an inside joke with me and my uncle.



Well-Known Member
Ok I have 2....
The first one is Debby, who works in the Art of Disney shop in EPCOT. She has been there for years, and I always get to see her when we go. She has sold me some of the best stuff, and is always so knowledgeable. IF you ever need any art, go see her! She is an absolute sweetheart!
The second is Justin, who works in Guest relations at EPCOT. He is super friendly and knowledgeable, and he was great with all of the questions we were asking! He sold us our tix for Mickeys very merry this year, and I hope to chat with him again soon!
Two great examples of what CM's should be!:)


New Member
Skipper Timekpr he didn't want to make a big deal about himself, but he is one of the best cast members I have ever seen. I hope Disney doesn't over look him! If he play's his cards right he'll own that park! Go Jungle cruise!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by nWo_Thunder
I guess you didn't read the first post. Read it then my post and you will understand.


Oh, okay. Again, I would like to remind you of the "quote" feature. There is a button for it just above the one you hit to reply. Many times we don’t all read a thread from beginning to end at once because the posts come over time and some grow to be several pages long. It would take us all forever if we read every single thread all the way through every time someone ads a new post to it. That’s why we have that quote feature. It keeps you from having to cut and paste anything at all and also makes what you’re talking about clear to everyone reading your posts :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by nWo_Thunder
I like to stick to the topic of a thread.

Sometimes I do go off the topic to reply to peoples posts.


Right, but sticking to the topic doesn’t always mean posting a reply to the original post. You yourself have posted replies to other peole before you in other threads that were not the original posters.

If someone else had posted something to this thread before your post made it on here, people would have assumed you were responding to that person and not me and then your post wouldn't have made any sense (trust me, that can and does happen when there are a lot of us on here at once) We use the quote feature as a courtesy to the people reading our posts so that they understand what we are talking about. It requires no more effort than hitting the reply button and not using it when you know how is sort of viewed as disrespectful to everyone who cares about your opinion and reads your posts.


New Member
Originally posted by nWo_Thunder
I like to stick to the topic of a thread.

Sometimes I do go off the topic to reply to peoples posts.


Sometimes your posts have ZERO value, contribute nothing to the subject and rub people the wrong way....much like this post to you.:mad:


New Member
Well I can think of several.

First Scoop Sanderson and his Pin Talk. Boy does he know pins.
Second Mark Jones who coordinates the services for the deaf.
Third the interpreters especially Vince, Tara, Jennye and Marvin.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
At Uptown Jewlers (the watch store on Main Street in MK) I wanna say the cm's name is Josh... I bought a really cool lookin Chronograph watch and he had the band and everything adjusted right then and there...and we struck up a nice conversation as he was doing so....

He is from as heck... I have bounced back and fourth from Milwaukee to Chicago with my career and family stuff most of my life... So, after he took my credit card...he asked to see my Drivers lisence(casue i dont sign my plastic...i write "see photo ID" instead)...and he said "oh you are from Milwaukee too!!!" he was talking about home and stuff...Great guy...ever need a watch?...see my bud Josh...he'll hook you up!


New Member
Originally posted by talkinghands
They are pretty awesome aren't they.

I love them all! They made me feel like never leaving. AKL is now my favorite Disney Property and I do not care if they are out of the way a little. It was nice to be out of the way and still feel the magic.



New Member
I absolutely love all the CM's at the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Play It attraction, especially Inez. I spent a lot of time there last July/August and when I returned to WDW in December, they remembered me!!! It made me feel important even though I knew that I was just one of many thousands of guests that they must see over the course of a summer.

I am also partial to the people that are in the DVC kiosks. I have had the opportunity to get to know some of them and they seem like a nice bunch of people.

I would like to meet Scoop Sanderson someday. I hear good things about him from my pin collecting friends. I have met Leighton over at the Boardwalk pin cart (although I probably spelled his name wrong). He's a great person to spend time with as well.

I guess that I've named way too many CM's. They are what make WDW special.

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