Best- The look on my boyfriends face after I rode Splash Mountain for the first time. You see, I'm a chicken and even though I'm a CM, I really do hate all of those rides...even Splash Mountain, not even when my friends or family beg. And he loves it, because he has this huge thing for Song of the South, and well, he is always talking about how beautiful the ride is. So one day I swallow my fear and we go on it, my idea entirely. And well, I was scared the whole time, but did my best to hide it (not very well). But man, the look on his face...and even every time he brings it up. I don't think I'll be riding it any time soon, but would I go back in time and do it again?
For that a heartbeat.
Worst- I'm a Photopass CM at MK, and one morning a guest(from England) cut in front of one family I was shooting, and well, to be fair I told him I would take his family in just a second, but that this family (they're American) had been waiting in line, and well...he stopped and said very upset "Oh right, I forgot Americans always come first." Which breaks my heart because I would never ever discriminate against a British person, or anyone for that matter. He walked off very upset before I could even start after him. It was aweful really, I felt horrible for the rest of the day.