Because of Slappy


New Member
I live in PA and have a few airport options. Since there are two of us, when we go to Disney, we fly. I'm not so sure what we would do if we were a family of four.

Is it a tough decision for you to fly or drive? What's the deal breaker: time, money...?

Members from the UK don't have to answer, but can if you want.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I think though most any day I'd choose a few hours putting up with the other airline passengers (and there's always the off chance that an air marshal will deal with them too.. :lol: ) vs. many many hours dealing with the same wackos and all their cousins on the road!

ah, but you forget I'm a newlywed, and every hour with just the two of us alone is bliss! Bliss, I tella ya!

Granted, flying means more "alone" time in the hotel, but we always seem distracte by the parks (yeah, we're LAME newlyweds), so the drive gves us nice bonding time.
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Well-Known Member
We drive from MD. Make it in around 12.5 hours. So pumped on the way down it's no problem. Kids sleep all night watch couple movies and we arrive. On the way home we've been walking in the parks for a week so you don't mind sitting for a while. Also, we talk about the week and all the fun we had.
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New Member
We take the kids out of school [gasp!] at 1;00 and head south on a Friday afternoon in May. We drive until north of Atlanta and crash at a decent hotel of our spur of the moment choice. On Saturday, we drive to the Holiday Inn Sunspree across from the main gates to Disney and swim and rest up for the next day. We check into our Disney resort on Sunday morning early, and check out at 2;00ish on the following Saturday. We drive to the Atlanta or Chattanooga area and crash for the nite. We then head to beautiful Southern Indiana and arrive home around 5ish and literally collapse into a huge pile of laundry. This is cheaper for us than flying with a family of four. The kids watch the portable dvd player in the back of the SUV and we enjoy good conversation and oldies on the radio. It works for us, but I know that long once a year roadtrips are not for everyone. To each his own.
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