Beach Club Resort - 20 Month Refurb


If it didn't absolutely need it or the walls would crumble, it wouldn't get it.
We are currently at BCV and our room is in fantastic shape, all things considered. Biggest complaint is a leaky, drippy bathtub faucet. Our studio does have a full balcony. I believe the "ledges" people are referring to in relation to BC resort are Juliet balconies, just big enough to maybe stand on, no room for chairs.


Well-Known Member
The resort has many rooms that have what I consider a ledge as opposed to a balcony. I don't even understand why someone felt that this alternative to a true balcony was even acceptable to begin with.

Considering that rooms at the Polynesian and Garden Wing rooms at the Contemporary also lack balconies... I don't really see why this would be considered 'unacceptable.'

I'd say the exterior design of the BC is one the most aesthetically pleasing 'fronts' on property. The Boardwalk side of the Inn and Villas also come to mind.

For those curious as to what the new rooms look like:


Well-Known Member
So I have been critical of the standards that the Beach Club have fallen to lately (and the lack of full balconies).

Well, the trip we are currently on ends with one night at the Beach Club. We are always willing to give places a second chance. We heard that the BC was being renovated, starting with the 5th floor club level rooms and lounge. So we decided to stay one night club level. We checked in a few minutes ago and the welcome we received was very nice. I feel like the staff was retrained a bit. The lounge is at least twice as large as it was. The reception area, hallways, everything looks and smells new. Blurs and tans are the prominent colors used throughout. The rooms are exceptionally rethemed. Now I realize this all comes down to personal preference but I like it and the boss (i.e. Wife) loves it. Great job all around.

Oh yes, and our room does have a full balcony overlooking the main entrance (not one of the cheap ledges many of the rooms have - they need to get rid if them :mad:).

Overall, a huge improvement!


Well-Known Member
We started at BC in September and were sadly disappointed with the quality of the room (except the balcony was HUGE). I'm excited to learn that they are finally being redone. I agree with many- I will give it another shot when they are redone. For the record, I actually wanted one of those little ledge balconies to stand at. For some reason, I found it appealing :)

Little Green Men

Well-Known Member
Here's two , I'll post more later



Well-Known Member
If it's announced it is probably happening, I'm guessing and only guessing it's a De-Furbishment like what's happening at WL where the theming is being removed from the rooms in favor of the new "One Resort" color scheme where everything is off white or beige and is no longer themed to a single resort in order to allow 'Economy of Scale' in purchasing.

Is this a serious post or sarcasm?


Resident Curmudgeon
Is this a serious post or sarcasm?

Unfortunately it's serious. The new 'OneDisney' linens are SIGNIFICANTLY inferior to past linens and are below the standards of even a Hampton Inn's linens in both thread count and weight.

They are now at BLT as well, The so called blankets are on the order of airline blankets in quality.


Resident Curmudgeon
Have you seen the finished sections of the poly? If you're basing a refurb soley on the fountain removal, then I urge you to step away from the tunnel vision. Based on the bits and pieces that are slowly coming out from behind construction walls, the poly refurb is an upgrade. Will there be anything in the lobby to compare to the fountain, no, but the rest of the resort, including the entrance to the GCH will not disappoint. Add many of you seem to believe, Disney has not lost their quality touch, you just think they have because the changes have not been what you think they should have been.

I've BEEN to the new Poly and I stand by my opinion that it's a net 'De-furbishment' - there are ALREADY cracks in the end tables and that was after lobby was open for 24 hours. As to the furnishings Hospital ER furnishings are significantly more comfortable.

I'm sure the accounting department was very happy with the Lobby re-do, As a Guest I am underwhelmed.


Well-Known Member
We stayed in the BC over Thanksgiving in a newly refurbished Club Level Room. Both the room and the new club level lounge were fantastic. My wife really liked the look of the entire floor.

The only reason I type this is because we stayed at the Beach Club in 2013 and I was completely underwhelmed with the building and our room. This refurb was desperately needed and I think that it was extremely well done. The lounge was more than double in size at both the food/beverage locations and the sitting areas.

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