Bad timing this year?


Hello everyone,
I'm a new member here, but not new to the site. I've been coming here for awhile for anything WDW and always satisfied with information that I find here. Let me start off by saying I'm 27 years old and my first trip to Disney was unfortunately 2011. It took a lot of convincing, but I was finally talked into going. I went once and was hooked, we went back again last year and this year is no different... kinda. (bear with me, this is a long post)

This year me and my girlfriend are in a bit of a pickle for our (possible) trip to WDW. The situation we are in is this: My girlfriend is a teacher, so realistically the only time we can go is during spring break (both times we went was during spring break-last week of march) or summer. We COULD go in late may or summer, but I'd really rather stay away from Florida in the summer because of the heat.

Anyway, My concern about going in March this year... besides the ridiculous flight prices, is obviously the crowds. This year spring break also happens to be the same week as Easter. Our trip dates would be 3/24- 3/31, we would be leaving on Easter Sunday. I'm a bit worried about it being overcrowded or not even being able to get into the parks because of them closing for capacity.

As an alternative, we are considering going late may, either the last week of may or the week before. This would be excellent because we would be saving $700 on flight hotel and car... huge difference. My problem with this is, 1-is it too hot by then to enjoy the parks and being outside for 12+ hours? 2-Is the weather really an issue (as far as rain) as much as I keep reading about? 3-This is kinda personal preference, but I really love Epcot spring and garden festival, will I really being missing out on the beautiful landscape by going in may, or is it just as beautiful?

Sorry I bombarded you guys with questions, we are just really undecided about what to do or when to go this year. People keep telling us to go somewhere else besides WDW for once, but its hard to turn your head on a guaranteed great vacation. Anyway, sorry for rambling and the long post... hoping for some clarity- Doug


Well-Known Member
Flower & Garden is special but Epcot is always beautiful!
I have only been during May once, but it was so much easier than the time I went in March. I went right around Easter in March too, and that was the busiest I have ever seen the parks.
May was warm, but not unbearably humid like the end of August. The crowds were pretty low, and the parks still had decent hours. I would suggest May over spring break any day. Just take breaks during the day, like scheduling sit-down lunches instead of dinners, and take advantage of the air conditioned attractions mid-day.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
OMG:eek: Did you say crowds! You mean other people who are enjoying the magic along with yourself.:mad: Sorry,but if you read my threads,then you'll know that this is one my my pet hates. We have been 5 times since 2004,all in July.Love the party atmosphere,but Ive read that after midnight,the parks are all yours for yourself.I would give an arm and a leg to go to WDW in any month of the year.Ok.Thats my rant over. Go and enjoy all the magic of Disney and think of the families that can't afford the trip of a lifetime.;)
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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I'm a new member here, but not new to the site. I've been coming here for awhile for anything WDW and always satisfied with information that I find here. Let me start off by saying I'm 27 years old and my first trip to Disney was unfortunately 2011. It took a lot of convincing, but I was finally talked into going. I went once and was hooked, we went back again last year and this year is no different... kinda. (bear with me, this is a long post)

This year me and my girlfriend are in a bit of a pickle for our (possible) trip to WDW. The situation we are in is this: My girlfriend is a teacher, so realistically the only time we can go is during spring break (both times we went was during spring break-last week of march) or summer. We COULD go in late may or summer, but I'd really rather stay away from Florida in the summer because of the heat.

Anyway, My concern about going in March this year... besides the ridiculous flight prices, is obviously the crowds. This year spring break also happens to be the same week as Easter. Our trip dates would be 3/24- 3/31, we would be leaving on Easter Sunday. I'm a bit worried about it being overcrowded or not even being able to get into the parks because of them closing for capacity.

As an alternative, we are considering going late may, either the last week of may or the week before. This would be excellent because we would be saving $700 on flight hotel and car... huge difference. My problem with this is, 1-is it too hot by then to enjoy the parks and being outside for 12+ hours? 2-Is the weather really an issue (as far as rain) as much as I keep reading about? 3-This is kinda personal preference, but I really love Epcot spring and garden festival, will I really being missing out on the beautiful landscape by going in may, or is it just as beautiful?

Sorry I bombarded you guys with questions, we are just really undecided about what to do or when to go this year. People keep telling us to go somewhere else besides WDW for once, but its hard to turn your head on a guaranteed great vacation. Anyway, sorry for rambling and the long post... hoping for some clarity- Doug
Hello Doug!!! Welcome to wdwmagic! :) Easter at Disney, will be no doubt busy!! Weather may be a bit cooler than May, but you will encounter larger crowds. End of May, would be my choice actually. If one park is busy, chances are another one wont be (or not AS crowded) so very doable, either time frame though. (This is where the park hopper option works well) As far as hot weather, you do always have the choice to do a pool afternoon at your resort, or one of the water parks, then in the evening, hit Magic Kingdom :) I would say chose the time frame that is more friendly for your wallet, and all else will definately fall into place. Have a terrific time!!!
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Well-Known Member
We never took our kids out of school for trips so for years the only option was spring break for our trips.Summer was always baseball, softball time and since my DH husband was a coach summer trips were out as an option as well. We never let the crowds get in our way, stay late, go early, don't let the crowds ruin your day. Some of my BEST memories are of our family on those spring break trips, we always took spare kids with us to keep our teens happy, so we had our own crowd too. Plan ahead, get to the food court early, take breakfast items and water with you to the parks, sit and people watch when the crowds get overwhelming. It will work! Go and have fun for the rest of us that are still months away from a magical trip!
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
By the way Doug.I hope you didn't think I was attacking your question,Ive just re read my reply and it looks Ive went off the rails a bit..Apologies to you.. But I sometimes get peeved off when people are concerned about crowd level,as far as busy,Ive always presumed its busy 12 months of the year.So once again,excuse my rant and accept my sincere apologies..:(
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Well-Known Member
May is an excellent time to go, the earlier in May the better...Crowds are very manageable and the oppressive heat and humidity of summer has not set in so bad. F&G ends earlier now than it used to, so you will miss that at Epcot, going late May, but Epcot is great any time of year. Of course you could just go in July and hang with hatter and the rest of the crazies...
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Well-Known Member
By the way Doug.I hope you didn't think I was attacking your question,Ive just re read my reply and it looks Ive went off the rails a bit..Apologies to you.. But I sometimes get peeved off when people are concerned about crowd level,as far as busy,Ive always presumed its busy 12 months of the year.So once again,excuse my rant and accept my sincere apologies..:(
We all love ya Hatter!!!
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Well-Known Member
By the way Doug.I hope you didn't think I was attacking your question,Ive just re read my reply and it looks Ive went off the rails a bit..Apologies to you.. But I sometimes get peeved off when people are concerned about crowd level,as far as busy,Ive always presumed its busy 12 months of the year.So once again,excuse my rant and accept my sincere apologies..:(
Oh hatter, crowd levels can be the main determining factor for some just can't imagine how much more magical it is when lines are so short you don't even need fast passes.
One time we did ToT four times off and right back on, no line at all...until I started getting dizzy and had to stop.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
May is an excellent time to go, the earlier in May the better...Crowds are very manageable and the oppressive heat and humidity of summer has not set in so bad. F&G ends earlier now than it used to, so you will miss that at Epcot, going late May, but Epcot is great any time of year. Of course you could just go in July and hang with hatter and the rest of the crazies...
Your welcome to join my July Mad Hatter party,it's like Mardi Gras & Rio rolled into one.;) Not Samba but Simba time.
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Well-Known Member
I have been there in February, May, July, August, September and October through the years. Never had an issue with the weather - I just planned my trip differently to accommodate.

I have been there in Feb when it was cold - so wore my sweathshirt and my leather jacket and spent more time indoors than I would have.

In August, I knew it would be humid in the middle of the day, so I made sure I was up early and at the parks at open and did everything I wanted until the peak heat/humidity and then went back to the hotel to cool off in the pool and chill in the AC if needed. Then after 5 pm, I headed out for dinner and maximized my time with the EMH.

I would avoid Spring Break/Easter....I would prefer one of the 'less' crowded times, but if someone said let's go, my bag would be packed and I would be at the airport in less than an hour.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Oh hatter, crowd levels can be the main determine factor for some just can't imagine how much more magical it is when lines are so short you don't even need fast passes.
One time we did ToT four times off and right back on, no line at all...until I started getting dizzy and had to stop.
Yes.I agree that other months are quieter,but because of school ( where my DW works ) and my DS still attending,it's July/August for us..I think that were just lucky enough to go in the first place,whilst other only dream about going to this magical place.;)
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Well-Known Member
Your welcome to join my July Mad Hatter party,it's like Mardi Gras & Rio rolled into one.;) Not Samba but Simba time.
As much as I would like to hang out with you hatter, I went once in July and vowed never again. I am just not a heat, humidity and crowd person.
This photo was taken in the middle of the afternoon this past September during our anniversary trip. Took it to show some friends who had gone in the summer and said it was too crowded. I know you like the warmth of Florida summers, but I live in Georgia and we get plenty of heat and humidity here too. Of course not right is 29 degree and some light snow flurries as I type this...but the heat will be here soon enough.
Party on in July...then meet us in Sept., May, or Dec. sometime and, while it won't be a will be like having the place to yourself...and a few thousand opposed to a few zillion others.

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Well-Known Member
Yes.I agree that other months are quieter,but because of school ( where my DW works ) and my DS still attending,it's July/August for us..I think that were just lucky enough to go in the first place,whilst other only dream about going to this magical place.;)
And you are right...I'll agree it is a blessing to be able to go at any time...Since we were not blessed with children then we have to look at other blessings...and one of them is the blessing of having jobs where we can travel when we want...mostly spur of the moment...and several weeks per year so we can do WDW and still go somewhere else too.
If we were blessed with children, they and us would be there in the summer...making the best of the heat and crowds, shaking our heads at the people who say they won't come in the summer...wondering what they are complaining about while we are at WDW having a wonderful time.
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Original Poster
Thank you all for the quick replies, It looks like the majority of you say may is better, so maybe we'll look more towards going then. The two times we went was during spring break, and honestly the wait times weren't that bad. The lines were longer last year than the year before. I was more so concerned about the heat than anything. I expect Disney to be crowded all the time, but this year the combination of spring break and Easter might be a little bit too much. Thank you all again!
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Well-Known Member
You can maneuver through crowds and deal with crowds at any time of the year. Just be prepared to get to the parks at opening every day. I went over Easter week two years ago and was able to get on all of the rides I wanted to. Maybe not as many times as I wanted to, but I still had a great time. You just need a little planning.

As for the heat, I went once in either June or August and the temps were anywhere from 90-110 degrees. To be honest, I didn't think it was that hot. Just stay hydrated and duck into some air conditioning every so often. Also, don't wear jeans to the parks. It's just not smart.
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Active Member
Hello everyone,
I'm a new member here, but not new to the site. I've been coming here for awhile for anything WDW and always satisfied with information that I find here. Let me start off by saying I'm 27 years old and my first trip to Disney was unfortunately 2011. It took a lot of convincing, but I was finally talked into going. I went once and was hooked, we went back again last year and this year is no different... kinda. (bear with me, this is a long post)

This year me and my girlfriend are in a bit of a pickle for our (possible) trip to WDW. The situation we are in is this: My girlfriend is a teacher, so realistically the only time we can go is during spring break (both times we went was during spring break-last week of march) or summer. We COULD go in late may or summer, but I'd really rather stay away from Florida in the summer because of the heat.

Anyway, My concern about going in March this year... besides the ridiculous flight prices, is obviously the crowds. This year spring break also happens to be the same week as Easter. Our trip dates would be 3/24- 3/31, we would be leaving on Easter Sunday. I'm a bit worried about it being overcrowded or not even being able to get into the parks because of them closing for capacity.

As an alternative, we are considering going late may, either the last week of may or the week before. This would be excellent because we would be saving $700 on flight hotel and car... huge difference. My problem with this is, 1-is it too hot by then to enjoy the parks and being outside for 12+ hours? 2-Is the weather really an issue (as far as rain) as much as I keep reading about? 3-This is kinda personal preference, but I really love Epcot spring and garden festival, will I really being missing out on the beautiful landscape by going in may, or is it just as beautiful?

Sorry I bombarded you guys with questions, we are just really undecided about what to do or when to go this year. People keep telling us to go somewhere else besides WDW for once, but its hard to turn your head on a guaranteed great vacation. Anyway, sorry for rambling and the long post... hoping for some clarity- Doug

My family goes around Easter (probably 6-7 times) because my brother is a teacher and his spring break is always that week. Yes the crowds are bad but not until noon. If you plan and go to the park early for EMH which is usually 7 or 8AM you can get a lot of stuff done before 12/1. We usually head back to the hotel for pool time and/or a nap. Then head back to the parks around 6 or so, the parks will start to thin out around the firework.

We are able to do every ride we want at all the parks and not have to wait more than 30 minutes. Plus the weather is perfect that time of the year

I have been in the summer as well where its busy also and hot. Easter time is way better.As long you plan and have time management it will be fine. Others will scare you away that its too busy but it is not that bad
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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Anyway, My concern about going in March this year... besides the ridiculous flight prices, is obviously the crowds. This year spring break also happens to be the same week as Easter. Our trip dates would be 3/24- 3/31, we would be leaving on Easter Sunday. I'm a bit worried about it being overcrowded or not even being able to get into the parks because of them closing for capacity.

As an alternative, we are considering going late may, either the last week of may or the week before. This would be excellent because we would be saving $700 on flight hotel and car... huge difference. My problem with this is, 1-is it too hot by then to enjoy the parks and being outside for 12+ hours? 2-Is the weather really an issue (as far as rain) as much as I keep reading about? 3-This is kinda personal preference, but I really love Epcot spring and garden festival, will I really being missing out on the beautiful landscape by going in may, or is it just as beautiful?
Welcome to the threads!

For some perspective, we went Easter week last year and temperatures were in the 90s every day! It was unusual but you should not assume the weather will be better than late May. We've also visited in mid-March and had daytime highs in the low 60s. Late May's weather should be more predictable. We've been in May and, yes, the weather was in the 90s too. We always seem to visit during record cold or record heat spells.:(

Crowds are really bad Easter week, the second busiest time of the year. Nearly all major attractions had wait times of 2 hours or longer for most of the day. Is it possible to get some good touring done in the morning? Sure. However, given the choice between Easter week and end of May, I'd go with end of May. Crowds will be much lower and at least you can be sure that you'll wear your shorts!:)

Star Wars weekends end June 9. Perhaps this is something to consider instead of Epcot's garden festival?
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Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the quick replies, It looks like the majority of you say may is better, so maybe we'll look more towards going then. The two times we went was during spring break, and honestly the wait times weren't that bad. The lines were longer last year than the year before. I was more so concerned about the heat than anything. I expect Disney to be crowded all the time, but this year the combination of spring break and Easter might be a little bit too much. Thank you all again!

Welcome to WDWMagic! If you'd rather not face the crowds, I think you are wise to chose May over Easter. We will be lucky enough to stop by WDW for a day or two the week before Easter and I am already not looking forward to the crowds. As others have said, the crowds are manageable if you aren't expecting to do too much and are ok with the whole 'be there at rope drop, leave after lunch and return after 5' thing. But I know that on my second trip to WDW I couldn't do that. I was park commando all the way. :) Open to close (or until I dropped) baby! :)
I've told this story (many) times before, so my apologies to those who are reading again. Our first trip to WDW was at Easter. I will never forget the Monday after Easter Sunday, standing at the top of the exit hill from the Jungle Cruise (right after park opening - JC was our first ride) looking toward the Magic Carpets (which my son wanted to ride) and trying for 5 to 10 solid minutes to cross the crowd of people walking to/ from Frontierland and being unable to cross.
The crowd of people on that walkway was 10 people solid across and the flow of traffic was non stop - about 5 people across going left toward Pirates/ Splash Mountain and, closest to us, about 5 people across going toward the Hub/ Main Street. After those 5 to 10 minutes of trying to cross, we finally said 'forget it!' and just merged with the crowd toward Main Street and out the gates back to the Poly. THAT's how bad the crowds were at park opening the day after Easter. We still had an awesome trip! We just saw much less of the parks and much more of the pool and the resort. Ha! :)
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