Bad Test Track Experince

Last month I went to epcot with my family and a friends family. Me and my friends went on Test Track, we have been on it many times while the parents waited outside. They had never been on it and descided to go on it. So we go back on the ride with the parents to show them this wonderful attraction.

So ofcourse something bad has to happen to make this wonderful ride we had been talking about so much....

At one of the test brake runs or w/e its called the car starts speeding up and reaches around 40 mph (well atleast thats what the incar monitor thingy said) and than all of a sudden it slams on the slammed on the brakes before the actually brake era. It wasn't a gentle brake it literally gave us whiplash.....So we go through the next area going really slow and than we reach the brake thing with no ABS brakes or how ever the order is, and this time we get up to an even faster speed and the ride brakes real quick. The ride than stops us in the cold air for awhile and you hear the technical difficulty messages come over the loudspeaker. The parents all thought this was part of the ride.... Which it wasnt....

So now were headed outside to the 60 mph test run or whatever its called. I tell all the little kids to make sure there head is back on the head rest and to hold on because I dont want this car making an emergancy stop going 60 mph we all would have been injured.

Lucky enough after the ride the CM's let us ride it over this time every thing worked out.

I guess there was some mositure on the track and it messed up the censors..


New Member
Yuck!!!! :(

I went with a couple of friends once on my CP, and it took us over 20 min to go through. The car would stop dead about every 50 feet, and we'd have to sit and wait for it to start up again. We had all been on it before of course, so it was more of an inconvenience to us than anything. But the poor couple behind us was on their first time on Test Track. Luckily one of the friends I was with actually worked at Test Track, and he had a few re-entry passes with him that he gave to them.



Well-Known Member
Before riding Test Track, I had heard many a story and complaint about how Test Track will often break down. I rode it five times in a row and didn't notice anything. I rode it again the following ride and that's when it broke down. It broke down just before it takes off to "crash" into the wall and then speed off down the track. We had to wait there for five minutes and then there was a flash, which was the camera taking a photo of a car full of people picking their noses and twiddling their thumbs waiting for the ride to pick up. The photos at the photo station showed how we couldn't have been more bored when we were actually supposed to be excited. Still, I think this is a great ride. When it's working properly.


New Member
Original Poster
Oh I forgot about the part where it would move 5 feet than stop for a minute, the only real movement was outside Im glad it worked perfect out there.


New Member
Original Poster
Nope no free pictures. I doubt they do that considering how many cars would have had problems along with ours thats just to expensive for them to get out that many free pictures.


Well-Known Member
my last visit in dec 2002, my family and i were on it and right before it speeds up to go through the "wall" the ride stopped for like 5 minutes. i had been on TT many times before and it is def by far one of the best, but i just kept thinking how bad it would be if the wall didnt open, silly thought lol, but i looked nervous in the pic haha.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an E-stop. Happens all the time. Its a tempermental ride, and theres no way youre going to get more than a re-ride out of disney when it happens.

No one has been injured (to my knowledge) when it E-stops on the loop. Happens waaaaay too often tho.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kenan
Wanna bet money on that?
:lol: Yeah! Really! It definitely wasn't an E-Stop. You would have been evacuated if it were. It takes over an hour to open the ride back up after an E-Stop. And no free pictures. Just a reride. Hopefully next time you bring your parents, you'll have a better experience.

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