Backstage Walking Tour & Filming at the Studios


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I must say I'm going to miss the Backstage Walking Tour. Sure I only got to see sets from 'Home Improvement' and '101 Dalmations', plus the filming of 'Mortal Kombat the Series', but I STILL thought it was cool. It was what a STUDIO theme park is SUPPOSED to be about!! Plus it was much more fun than the Backlot Tram Tour - bleck! (Oh WAIT, I forgot about seeing a boat from the Tom Selleck movie 'Gator' on the Tram tour - ooooooooooooooooh :snore: )

Personally, I think they should bring back the taping of actual shows and movies at the studio and let park attendee's to be involved... instead of attending a fake game show like 'Who Wants To Look Like A Jackass' coughsuckcough

Anyone have a thought on this???


Well-Known Member
I agree!

I don't think it is un-reasonable to expect to see actual live production going on at a "real working studio".

If Disney could swing a full-time programming schedule at MGM with live tapings during park hours that park guests could attend, it just may become the favorite park of many!

It looks like they get abut 1,000 people in a taping of "The Price is Right" for every show. Even if They could get a daily gig like that, it would be awesome! A chance to win REAL prizes!

I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed on my first couple visits and tours to hear stuff like: "This is where the set would be if we were filming something today..." and "Somebody famous once tried on that jacket over on that chair....." and "Ed McMahon is rumored to be on the property today - keep your eyes open!"

Same goes for the Animation studios tour. Everytime I am there, there's exactly 2 people with walk-mans on drinking diet sprites and talking on the phone. Not a colored pencil in sight! HAHA!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I enjoyed the backlot tour. I thought the walk through part was a bit boring and sometimes pointless, but I liked the tram part. I agree that the show could use some live tapings of some sort to draw a bigger interest.


New Member
Backlot tour

So, i used to work at the backlot tour... at the special effects water tank portion (so i understand your pain with the shuttles) But i just wanted to start a rumor...hehe... rumor has it, that they might soon be recording the Special Effects Water Tank show, "Harbor Attack" on DVD's for volunteers to take home.... its been at a huge demand by all the volunteers... rumor is that if it goes through, they will sell them at AFI..

right now, each show is erased when we reset the show, it shouldnt cost much for disney to make them, afterall it would be at a supply-demand kind of idea, where they would only record it if the guests requested it.


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Now correct me if I'm wrong... but wasn't the Backstage Walking Tour seperate from the Tram Tour?? It's been so long.. but I thought that the Water Tank scene was part of the Walking Tour.


I miss it also!!!!!! I used to wait with anticipation to see something that I hadn't seen before..........the anticipation was sometimes greater than what we actually saw but my son was part of the show (Honey I shrunk the kids) and it was just a blast. I am definitely going to miss it!!!!!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by hallowboy11
Now correct me if I'm wrong... but wasn't the Backstage Walking Tour seperate from the Tram Tour?? It's been so long.. but I thought that the Water Tank scene was part of the Walking Tour.

The Backlot Tour is now the Water tank and Shuttle tour. The Backstage Pass used to be a walking tour through the studios and sets, but that recently closed. At one time they were combined to one big tour but it was so long that guests didnt enjoy it.. I believe that the Animation tour was also part of it.


Well-Known Member
I thought I saw recently that the show "Boy Meets World" was filmed at Disney MGM Studios is that correct? i know they had at least one episode when they went to WDW, but was it filmed reguraly there?

What other programs, if any, where filmed there daily?


New Member
i'm not familiar with Boy Meets World being filmed there. But other shows, are Donnas Day, Sheena, and The New Mickey Mouse Club


That would be kewl and all even though I like who wants to be millionaire play it! I've been on there twice. It's all luck! lol
It says its a working studio well let's see them work!!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
I don't think it is un-reasonable to expect to see actual live production going on at a "real working studio".

Well.. that is what they DID try and do. But, no one booked the soundstages for a production.. and they sat empty the majority of the time....(I beleive the rates were pretty high). How fun is that to see on a tour...?

So as far as Studios being a "working studio"... the only work they are going to see for a long time is whatever Burbank farms out to them animation wise.
For my own information - I always seem to get to MGM on a week-end day and when we take the animation tour there is no one at work. This March when I come down - I had planned to take my grandson on a Thursday so we could see me more animators at work - Am I making an incorrect assumption? Please someone that has gone on a weekday and a weekend day - let me know if I will be disappointed and not really see any more on a week-day than on a weekend day.



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by DisneyGrandma
For my own information - I always seem to get to MGM on a week-end day and when we take the animation tour there is no one at work. This March when I come down - I had planned to take my grandson on a Thursday so we could see me more animators at work - Am I making an incorrect assumption? Please someone that has gone on a weekday and a weekend day - let me know if I will be disappointed and not really see any more on a week-day than on a weekend day.


Try to go before 5pm ET on a weekday... you should see more animators at work :) :wave:


New Member
Originally posted by hallowboy11
... instead of attending a fake game show like 'Who Wants To Look Like A Jackass' coughsuckcough

Anyone have a thought on this???

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I must admit, my fastest finger was trying its hardest to look like a j@ck@ss


New Member
Two things...
First, if I'm correct....The load panel for the original part of the backstage walking tour (upstairs near the SE and Water Tank Show) is still in place and so to are the signs on the doors (Caution: Automatic Doors)..So, if im correct in assuming, the tour was never gutted...

Didn't part of the original catwalk space for the walking tour become the technical area/production center for Who Want's To Be A Millionare Play It?

Anyone know?


New Member
I've gotta agree - BRING IT BACK! BRING IT BACK!

I'm a bit disappointed because I've always been somewhat of a movie buff, and being at the Studios for live tapings, tv shows or otherwise, was always one of the biggest thrills at Disney for me. I remember being there when Tom Hanks was filming From the Earth to the Moon, and I was fortunate enough to be an audience/dance sequence member for a few of the New Mickey Mouse Club tapings. It was amazing for me, and those memories have long been some of my favorites to recall.

By the way, I believe Boy Meets World was filmed in California, but I could be wrong about actual production. The house, however, is indeed located on Residential Street at the Studios. For fans of Even Stevens, I'm pretty darn sure it's the same house used in that show as well.

But yes, I'd love for some backstage action to return. My love for vintage Hollywood came from my visits to the "working sets" and the Great Movie Ride as a kid and led me to the career path I've chosen. However, after graduating from college last May, I STILL have yet to find a it just may be possible that Disney delivered me to the UNEMPLOYMENT LINE!! :brick:

Thanks a lot. :animwink:

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