Backpack or pack?


Active Member
Maybe this is an age thing with all the people so against packs. I have a small black one with the Disney icon heads all over it. I usually start off strapping it around my waist (but not tight), but if my back hurts later in the day, I just wear it over one shoulder and rest my arm inside the strap. This really works great. A backpack is always so cumbersome when you are riding the roller coasters or wet rides. And my son is now 14 so I carry only the necessities.

Like you, I also have a small black leather Mickey pack and I use mine the same way, sometimes around my waist and sometimes on my shoulder. I totally do not understand what some people have against packs? I guess I was not aware that I was under scrutiny of the fashion police when I am at WDW. I see no reason to wear Prada to WDW. I never notice what other people use to carry their junk around and assumed no one was watching me either? I just like being hands free all day. A back back would be way too big, and a shoulder bag would get annoying after a while too. I will say that I have never traveled there with kids, and my next trip will be with my 2 kids so I will most likely have to use something larger to carry all the extras. I know, I will use my husband to carry all the extras and I guess he can worry about what kind of bag he wants to haul around all day. :drevil:


New Member
I've used both...the bumpack semmed to get in the way all the time when sitting down for an attraction or lunch. The backpack always seemed to work better for us.


New Member
When it was just me - pack...just the right size for camera, cards, keys, travel toothbrush/toothpaste , bandaids, excedrin...I will be going back to a pack as soon as the kids are a little older and I am not carrying emergency underwear and shorts...although hubby sometimes requests emergency underwear for himself...he claims it's because of the water rides...but now I wonder...hmmmm..I may never get back to a pack.

The backpack was a great counter balance while pregnant and frozen water bottles were great on my lower back....poor hubby got lots of dirty looks though for using his very pregnant wife as a pack mule. I have used a samsonite backpack for about 10 years now that has a padded compartment for a laptop...great for breakables...cameras, fragile souvies, stuff that we didn't want to bend or fold.

packs and crocs.....I love it!


Active Member
I see nothing wrong with people thinking certain things are ugly or not their style and choosing not to wear them themselves. There are certain things that I find ugly, or are not my style (like crocs) so I choose not to wear them. is the "OMG, I would just DIE if someone saw me wearing a (insert clothing object here....fannypack, crocs, whatever....)" attitude that is hard for me to understand.

If I had to wear crocs (I think they are hideous) for some reason, I would not be walking around the parks all embarrassed.....I have enough self confidence to realize that NOBODY CARES what I am wearing on my feet or what I look like!! And likewise, I do not care if people wear crocs or think that they are commiting some sort of fashion crime....I understand that some people find them to be very comfortable for walking and getting wet on water it makes perfect sense to me that people would want to wear them at a theme park.....even though I find them to be ugly.

I have a husband who loves me and thinks I look great regardless of what I am wearing, so I am surely not trying to impress any guys.

And again....I am a very confident person, so I could care less if a woman looked at my shoes and thought to herself "OMG, just LOOK at what that woman is wearing on her feet...OMG". And I serioulsy doubt anyone would have that reaction anyway. And if they did, I would never even know it....and even if I did know it, it would not bother me.:shrug:

I think alot of this attitude is an age thing.....I can understand the teenagers and people in their early twenties feeling this way....I remember a time when I would "not be caught dead" without make up on. But....I was a teenager:rolleyes:. I think that MOST people get more confident as they age, and they realize that there are some things that just do not if you wear a pack to a theme park.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, but seriously....hopefully you reach a point in life where you realize there are more important things than what people think of the bag you choose to carry at a theme park.

And I'll say it again....I think it is fine to think something is ugly and not want to wear it yourself....but I promise you will not "die" if you ever were put in a situation where you had to wear something you thought was ugly. All of the people that you THINK are looking at you and judging you, really aren't....I promise.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I see nothing wrong with people thinking certain things are ugly or not their style and choosing not to wear them themselves. There are certain things that I find ugly, or are not my style (like crocs) so I choose not to wear them. is the "OMG, I would just DIE if someone saw me wearing a (insert clothing object here....fannypack, crocs, whatever....)" attitude that is hard for me to understand.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, but seriously....hopefully you reach a point in life where you realize there are more important things than what people think of the bag you choose to carry at a theme park.

Well said. :sohappy:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
backpack or cool trendy shoulder bag, NEVER a fannie pack!!!

who decides if its cool and trendy, or if in fact your an out of touch sad act with something thats soooooo last season? :shrug:

Never been vacuous enough to be bothered about trend, practicality is the name of the game.


Active Member
While I am firmly on the "no pack" side of things - I personally couldn't care less if you wear a pack. I am certainly not wasting any of my time at WDW, that I am frankly paying an arm and a leg for, worrying about what others are wearing. Wear what you want, and have a great time!

But, please, parents remember to have your kids wear good sneakers - NOT sandals. I have given many bandaids away (out of my backpack) to little girls wearing very cute sandals that are making raw meat out of their heels. :(


New Member
Personally, I'm a small drawstring bag person but (and perhaps it's because I'm not at all a fashion-conscious person) I really don't get this whole "I wouldn't be caught dead in a fannypack" thing. Perhaps someone can explain the rationale for the hatred of the fannypack?

And to those giant backpack wearing persons, please remember that when you do that you are adding 12-18 inches of width to your body. I can't tell you how many times someone who is wearing a backpack that is stuffed to the gills has "taken out" about 3 people with that backpack when he suddenly swings around while on the monorail, bus, or line. Yes, the dreaded "whirling person with backpack" is almost as dangerous as the "stroller battering ram" parents. You know them....the ones pushing one of those WDW strollers (the ones with the blunt front) who use it as a crowd battering ram! I could swear that I once heard a mom yell out "ramming speed, Captain" to her husband as she and her family were cruising through Aventure Land.

I totally agree. I don't know how many times I've been hit by people turning around with giant overstuffed backpacks. I used to use the pack but now I'm using the drawstring bag more. To each their own.

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