back from a weeks trip with some concerns


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Original Poster
Ok everyone, now before I begin I want everyone to know that although there will be some negative remarks, I really am a Disney lover.
First I would like to start with Fastpass, I believe this needs to be modify, I went to epcot on weds. and made it over to Soarin at about 2pm-2:30pm and all Fast passes were unavailable for the rest of the day, I couldnt believe they went so quickly. so here would be my suggestion, if I pay good money to stay at the resort, I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?
second, and I wish I got a picture of this but since its a small world just had a rehab, why did one of the dolls already have a big crack in it, that I noticed?
3rd, wow pepper market at the coronado holy expensive, I never in my life paid 17.00 for a soup and salad, all in all fantastic time, caught the last day of star wars, very crowded but well worth it, magic kingdom barely a wait, how sad I thought though about cop used to be so very popular yet when my family went which was a party of eight, we were the only ones in the show, and I still love it :)
stitch was alright, never went to the alien encounter, so I dont have nothing to compare it to although every one else in my party, had been on it and said stitch does not do any justice to alien, which is why I was thinking, if it was so popular, why didnt they just move it over to MGM, I think it would of worked being an aliens thing and could of blended in well over in the park.
Animal kingdom, not really impressed, Everest coming along VERY nicely and very huge, pictures do not do this ride justice, you have to see it in person, and lastely Epcot, just my concern in the beginning didnt wait for Soarin so Im going to catch it the next time, Im there, all in all well worth the wait :) cant wait until next time!!!!!


Le Meh
Premium Member
sueybee said:
...and lastely Epcot, just my concern in the beginning didnt wait for Soarin so Im going to catch it the next time, Im there, all in all well worth the wait :) cant wait until next time!!!!!

So did you or did you not ride Soarin?

Also.....Summer @ Disney = Crowded.

Glad you had a good time overall.


New Member
Holy runon sentence Batman!

First, let me start by saying that i'm not really surprised that Soarin's fastpasses were gone by 2-2:30. I wouldn't have been surprised if they were gone by 12! Remember when Test Track first opened? Future World would open at what? 8:00? And by 10:00 all of the fastpasses were GONE. You gotta get there early, especially in the summertime when there is higher attendance. If someone pays to get into the parks, they have just as much of a right to a fastpass as people staying at the resorts. Resort guests already get Extra Magic Hours, don't tell me they should also get dibs on fastpasses too? I could see total chaos coming out of that one. Plus, before I was a CM I was an annual passholder, and I paid $400 for it, but because I wasn't staying in a resort I can't get a fastpass? Come on now.

About the Pepper Market, 3 words: It's Disney Food. It's going to be expensive. I pay just as much of an arm and a leg as everyone else does with the food. But also, aren't the prices listed on the menu? Also, I remember the Pepper Market portions being decently sized. My Mom got a taco salad there one time that was bigger than her head.

Last but not least, IASW doll with a crack in it? Which one? I might have to check this out for myself...


New Member
sueybee said:
if I pay good money to stay at the resort, I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?

Your paying good money to stay at the resort, and gain all of the resorts benefits........not the parks. Fast pass should be first come first serve like it is.

Some people go down just for the day why should they be penalized?

sueybee said:
I couldnt believe they went so quickly

Get their earlier is my suggestion.


New Member
sueybee said:
if I pay good money to stay at the resort, I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?
Ummm - no. That's a suggestion that can be filed where the sun don't shine ;) As WDWKat26 already pointed out you already get extra hours, during which you can ride it with a shorter queue. Also Walt did not want an elitist two tier deal in his parks, so it would go against his principles.

sueybee said:
Animal kingdom, not really impressed
It appears to be a love it or hate it type park. I personally am in the love it section. It's a nice change of pace and I find it very relaxing. But for the ride junkies, it's not what they are after.

HakunaMatata's equation of Summer @ Disney = Crowded certainly holds true. I had the opportunity to go this week. Tempted though I was, one of the deciding factors was that I would not enjoy the crowds. I'll stick to going off-peak.

Can you make your next trip during an off-peak season?


Well-Known Member
Kevin Yee at wrote an interesting article about fairness at WDW and he specifically addressed the future of FastPass in it. Apparently, Disney has been tinkering with FastPass recently including allowing you to have more than one FastPass at a time sometimes.

He theorized that at some point in the future, Disney may offer 2 levels of FastPass. One for the regular park guests and one for visitors at deluxe-level on-property resorts. The advantages to Disney are obvious in that people will be more likely to stay on property and in deluxe resorts no less.

He also addressed concerns that this would be unfair and un-Disney. While he acknowledged that this was more openly unfair than other Disney policies, he did point out that Disney has a history of offering more and better services to those with more to spend. It's just usually not something so blatant as dual levels of FastPass.

In the end of the article, he endorsed this possible change saying that it was good for tourists (at the expense of locals - and he is a local). He tends to be in favor of anything that benefits out-of-towners because he believes they are the heart and soul of WDW and that it will result in the need to build more and newer attractions to keep the out-of-towners coming back (which obviously benefits locals and tourists alike).

Personally, I'm not sold on the idea. It's just too blatant for my tastes. While I know in the back of my mind that there are those who can afford to get more out of their Disney vacation than I can, I'd hate to have it rubbed in my face every time I wait in a line.


New Member
sueybee said:
First I would like to start with Fastpass, I believe this needs to be modify, I went to epcot on weds. and made it over to Soarin at about 2pm-2:30pm and all Fast passes were unavailable for the rest of the day, I couldnt believe they went so quickly. so here would be my suggestion, if I pay good money to stay at the resort, I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?

i 100% agree with u on the whole fastpass thing!! but rumor has it that disney is goin to let hotel guest use there room keys as fast passes for anyride! u just show up to a ride, show ur room key and BAM! front of the line! just like how @ universal u can do that if u stay at one of there on-site hotels.


New Member
i<3disney4ever said:
i 100% agree with u on the whole fastpass thing!! but rumor has it that disney is goin to let hotel guest use there room keys as fast passes for anyride! u just show up to a ride, show ur room key and BAM! front of the line! just like how @ universal u can do that if u stay at one of there on-site hotels.

Are you kidding me? Have you read any of the other posts on here? First off as if we haven't said like 50 times how it would be so un Walt-Like to do something like that, separate resort guests from guests in general, but to let Resort guests have dibs on fastpasses too? Then there would be no point for Floridians or anyone who stays off grounds to come to Disney, if they're going to spend their whole days waiting in line for an attraction. I believe every guest who enters the park is an equal, whether they are a resort guest or not. Sueybee made poor judgement by going to Soarin at 2:30 in the afternoon, the week before July 4th, at one of the most POPULAR rides on grounds and tried to get a fastpass. So because of this non-resort guests should suffer? I don't think so.


New Member
i<3disney4ever said:
i 100% agree with u on the whole fastpass thing!! but rumor has it that disney is goin to let hotel guest use there room keys as fast passes for anyride! u just show up to a ride, show ur room key and BAM! front of the line! just like how @ universal u can do that if u stay at one of there on-site hotels.
Universal only has a small percentage the number of resort guests that Disney has, so they can offer this without as big a negative knock on to all the other visitors.

Snobbery, that is the "I'm better than you" is one thing I like to escape at Disney where everyone is there to enjoy themselves.


New Member
When Fastpass first came out, I nicknamed it the "Cheater's Pass" and really didn't care to use it on my visit, by by the end of the vacation I must say they're good. The one thing that works for it is that it is open to EVERYONE, so even though people seem to be "cutting" you, their benefits are no greater than yours. It doesn't matter how much money you've got, you can only have one fastpass at a time! :)

I would like to see Disney operate without fastpases, though. You know, like the good ol' days! The queue really helps you get pumped up for the ride, I feel!!!


New Member
My only response is the time you visit is a huge part of whether you'll have a positive or a negative experience. Having done both, I can say that I will never go during a busy time again. The quality of the experience is far more enjoyable for me when Fast Passes are not a big issue. The lines are manageable so the need for Fast Pass is much lower. Also, when it comes to a new ride, how can one not anticipate above normal demands for the ride.

Bottom line. When you can focus on having a good time and not have to focus on dealing with a lot of people, it can be a much better experience. :D


Well-Known Member
sueybee said:
I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?
NO I don't want Disney to be a two tier theme park.
You chose which part of the year to go - you chose to spend more money and stay in a Disney resort. Why should someone from a poorer social background (who's family have scrimped and saved for years to get to WDW) have to stand in line and watch those with more money walk to the front of the line while they feel humiliated in the queue ?
Sorry - but WDW is a theme park for all to enjoy and if that means standing in line along with everyone else then I'll do it and just be glad that I'm at Disney
Thanls for sharing your thoughts and opinions :wave:


New Member
Why does everyone have to be so hung up on wait times anyway? I am married to a teacher and because of that, I will always have to visit WDW between June and late August. I have accepted the fact that the parks will be crowded and waits may be long. It is for this reason that we are going for 2 weeks, so that we can have plenty of time to do the Disney magic. Because of the expense of the 2 weeks, we are unable to stay on property and we are renting a house in Kissimmee with another family. *WARNING* RANT TO BEGIN! Now you suggest that I cannot use Fastpass because I am staying off property :mad: Give me a break! May I suggest that if you do this to the off property and local folks that I/we will no longer spend our money at your parks! Suck it up "Disney On Site Royalty" and stand in line with us common folk. *RANT OVER - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT*


I've personally never had a problem with fast pass, and whenever they might be all out for the day, I come to terms with it, rather quickly. When I'm down there I really don't care if I don't get to ride ASAP, as long as I'm having fun, and for me, just being in the parks is fun. I don't think fastpass needs any type of rethinking, and while Universal's is nice, but I've waited in a line just as long as the regular, so that kinda defeated the purpose.

Anybody else notice the ones who complain the most, also have the worst grammar?


Active Member
So are the rides maxed out with fastpass distrobution? Meaning is there no way to squeeze more fastpasses from the machines in a day without messing up the ride? I think they should issue a bunch more. So the line gets longer?

What needs to hapen is more rides get built. Build the parks to where there is enough rides to keep everyone in shorter lines even when the park reaches max cap. I know it'll never happen but the lines do get ridiculous and fastpasses do sell out.


Well-Known Member
What needs to hapen is more rides get built. Build the parks to where there is enough rides to keep everyone in shorter lines even when the park reaches max cap. I know it'll never happen but the lines do get ridiculous and fastpasses do sell out.

The problem with that idea is that as new rides are built and added, the max cap of the park increases.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Just think back to the days before fastpass - hour waits for E Rides were the norm. Now, if there is a way to lower the wait times for those willing to get the parks earlier all the better. If Fastpasses have run out on one day, that`s the luck of the draw. There will be more tomorrow. You just have to queue the old fashioned way. Fastpass offers an extra limited benefit - limited in ammount available, not in features. By it`s very nature it will run out.

I, for one, think Fastpass is excellent. If we have saved for 5 years to stay at WDW for what ammounts to 13 days, and out of that spend maybe 7 or 8 days in the Disney parks anything that lets us get full value is welcome; we can see more, maybe ride Test Track once or twice more than we could have waiting in line, and if not we have the option of queing up or not - if we do we can enjoy the preshow area theming we may not have seen as we hurried along the fastpass corridor.

More choice for more people. And more rides for tourists :D


Account Suspended
Disney13Scott said:
Why does everyone have to be so hung up on wait times anyway? I am married to a teacher and because of that, I will always have to visit WDW between June and late August. I have accepted the fact that the parks will be crowded and waits may be long. It is for this reason that we are going for 2 weeks, so that we can have plenty of time to do the Disney magic. Because of the expense of the 2 weeks, we are unable to stay on property and we are renting a house in Kissimmee with another family. *WARNING* RANT TO BEGIN! Now you suggest that I cannot use Fastpass because I am staying off property :mad: Give me a break! May I suggest that if you do this to the off property and local folks that I/we will no longer spend our money at your parks! Suck it up "Disney On Site Royalty" and stand in line with us common folk. *RANT OVER - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT*

Maybe you might want to consider staying on property. :lookaroun

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