baby its cold outside , bring me some Hot choclate {hot choclate 15k }


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so ladies and gentalmen, as i signed up for this race i had the song Hot choclate from Polar express stuck in my head.. , and so just pitcure that .. for a moment as you read my report!!! lol.,
Friday feb13-
the family and i hit the road about 11ish bound for the music city ( which i love , bc it so much to do)
but we arrived at 12 ish or so., we checked into our hotel ., which was a block up from bridgestone arena.
after checking in and geting everything ready , the adventure begins .. trying to find the packet pick up!
I knew where it was , it was just finding the right streets to walk . , after much confussion , we found it .. and it was located at Munsipal auditourm , at the back entrance where the musican hall of fame is.. , its small , but very neat. so we walk in i get in line to get my packet .. that was easy. got my bib , and off to get my hoodie and bag.. , and yes i said hoodie . i will post pics when we get them up ... , but the hoodie is quite nice and warm... and so we walked around got my pic taken with gumbo . the jvc mascot.. did some shopping, bought me a benie , and a long sleeve running shirt, it says choclate made me do it.. and then we tasted the choclate treats.. then we decided to leave and go get some food.. , but as we left the expo we tried to find the race start... , since this was my first time doing this event.. . so we did some what find it .. but then we gave up and went for food , of Course .. we made three stops ... before making our mind up . but we Ended up eating at Pucketts nashville , which was right down from our hotel ... and this would be trip one of many more on that later.. I had a sandwich , but I regreated it later that night , seeing we had to get up at 4, to be at the start by 6. after diiner we headed back to the room . for a early start the next cold morning!.. --- Next installment : brutal cold , hills and a minor injury!


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Now where did i leave this freezing report at.. , so hold on to your hats. :P,
Sat feb. 14th, - there is something going on this day besides the race .. it was so cold it was in the air , umm thats right its valentines day.. and a very awesome one at that for me more on that coming up ... - but any ways. we set our alarms for 4:45 am , yes you heard and saw right .. 4:45.. and at this point and time it was in single digets.. yes you would think hadies has frozen over bc its that cold in the south.. , i blame the northern folks for this .. .. Kristy.. ;), any who as we walked to find the start .. we were walking down hill into the wind .. and yes it was cold ... - it would be this way all day and it was like this all weekend. , we finally found the start . after walking though a parking lot.. of the state park . down across the road.. but we found it ... and so we wait and mom and dad are telling me instuctions.. , and so forth.. and so we walk around .. and look at everything.. - and then they call for corrals.. and lucky thank good ness i was in corral A for this race.. , bc the quicker i could get done and be in the warm .. , anyways .. they sent the wheelchairs off first.. then it was our turn.. , I found a guy from a local running club here in Huntsville so we said our good lucks and we were off.. , the first mile was easy and we looped around the back side of the park so you could see the other corrals.. , and the 15k / and 5k stayed together unitl 2.5 mile spilt.. ans we got going pretty good , we ran out past our hotel and down a street over from bridge stone arena , this is where i was stuggling alittle due to the cold . so i started walk a bit .. and next thing i know I hear you got this man... you can do.. , and its the guy from the running club.. so i picked him up .. and he paced me .. up until mile 6 , until my legs / calf felt like they couldnt give any more.. so i lost him about mile 7 though cenntenial park. , but what was cool abou running with him was the fact that about mile 5 nashville pd who was working the race .. was shouting encouragment to the runner and he saw us.. and he goes nice team work .. pace each other there you go. , then we hit mile 8 i look over and see the kispy kreme guy out with hot Donunts .. standing in the road.. --- at mile 6. , that was so much fun and energy. , we hit mile 8 1/2 crossed the bridge coming back in to town.. ( you look up and yuou can see the sky line , nashville is a beautiful city). , then we hit mile 9 .. this mile was like just a straight shot down a open highway. , which is where you can make some ground. then you come around to the finish area, the famers market.. and then the final spit , telling you 15k stay to the right , and 5k to the left. , bc Ive never seen what was about to happen.. , we come though and looped around a circle.. you look up and it says mile 3 , for 9.3 , then you book it to the finish.. I was feeling so energized , i guess from not running the whole race by my self.. that i actully had enough gas to push to finish!.. and we hit the finish.. , i looked up at the clock .. i had ran it in 1:20:15 , so close to being 1:19. but ill take it .. got my medal.. and water... yes water .. even though it was so cold it would freeze.. , funny , bc my chcolatefondue did freeze.. and i didnt get to eat it. but i drank my hot choclate and ate my banana.. but my other stuff we took back to the room. wegot this cool mug with choclate goodies in it!/ . so we head back to the hotel... we headed stright for breakfast.. bc I got done at 830 ... but walking back to the hotel it was 9 and they stoped serving breakfast at 10. so we were all starved.. , after breakfast we head up to the room shower.. and i tired to sleep but i couldnt , i guess i was wired from the choclate. .. after we woke up .. we got readty and went for a walk for lunch. , we ate at Lugies pizza. , me and mom found this place last year during the country music marathon ... man is it good. . we ate light ,.. bc i had dinner / concert to go that night. @ pucketts.. yes again. . but this was a fun event.. i really enjoyed it if it wasnt so cold, it would have been better , but the cold really helped .. i think.

Now on to the Injury. coming down about mile 8 , bc we come down hill on the expressway.. i step and i feel a slight pain / burning in right shine.. so i pull up bc it huer so bad.. , but i was tghinking oh crap .. so manged to finish,... but after get to the finish and find mom and dad i tell them about it , and iced it and put meds on it .. , and i have iced it for a few days now.. it still hurts to touch some what.. its part of my shin , down by my foot!... i dont know what esle to do,...

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Hot Krispy Kremes mid-race? Now that's my kinda race! And now I want a donut!
So sorry about your injury. Hopefully RICE will help (Rest Ice Compression Elevation).


Well-Known Member
Hey, hey, hey! Don't blame us Mid-Atlantic Northerners. We don't want it either. Blame the way up Northerners!

Sounds like a good race besides the injury! Hopefully it will heal up soon. I would love a Krispy Kreme mid race although I am not so sure my stomach would! Those things are belly-bombers!!

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