Avoiding Pop Warner - Which Resort?


New Member
We are planning a trip at the same time the Pop Warner championships will be held in December. Last three trips we have stayed at POR. Our very first stay was at ASMu. We are considering a vaue again on this trip. It is just me and my wife. I have nothing against all the Pop Warner participants, congratulations for making it that far, however, we would prefer to stay where they are not as many. Has anyone been at WDW when Pop Warner was going on? Any suggestions?. Unfortunately, Deluxe is out and we are not that crazy about the other moderates.


New Member
The Pop Warner people are very good, nice people. The problem is just that there are so many there that week all at one time.

We had to stay at Pop Century one year because we waited too late to make reservations and Port Orleans Riverside was all booked up. I think they offered special discounts there for the Pop Warner visitors, as well as at some of the All Stars.
We never had any problem at Pop Century due to Pop Warner visistors.
We had a preferred location room in the 60's building.

The only time we were really affected by the extra crowd due tp Pop Warner was on the Friday of that week. Most of the football and cheerleading events were over by then and so all the people came to the parks. EPCOT and MGM were packed.

Good luck and have fun.
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POR and POFQ are definitely your best bet to avoid these crowds..However if you were able to swing it and get yourself a cheaper deluxe (WL possibly, although Holiday time around there books up very fast especially at this resort) then I would say go for that...Other wise shoot for the moderates. Another thing I suggest is going to sites such as myresort.com and looking to see if someone is getting rid of their timeshare for that weekend (OKW and SSR seem to be the cheaper one), alot of things occur around the holidays and may force someone from not being able to get away to their disney destination, in the result of this they may be trying to salvage whatever value they can for their timeshare...and that would be very QUIET...
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New Member
We stayed at AS Sports at the beginning of Pop Warner. We didn't have issues with noise level problems in our room. The only problem was the kids running through the common areas, especially the arcade and food court. Our son was 3 at the time and wasn't able to go into the arcade because of the behavior of the older kids. They were loud in the food court and ran through the lobby. If I was going back during this time, I would probably try Pop Century before any of the other AS resorts. I don't know how many of them stay at Pop. There were a ton at AS sports. We've been to AS Music at the start of it as well and I don't recall as many of them there.

I would try Pop and see if its any better. To make sure you avoid Pop Warner, I would go with a moderate.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
When you say "Deluxe is out and we are not that crazy about the other moderates" do you mean that the only mod you like is PO-R? If that's the case, have you already written off NOT staying there again? Or is it just that you want a change of scenery and don't prefer the moderates?

If that's the case, then my suggestion (and I don't know nothin' about nothin') is to call and talk to a CM, tell them the nights you're planning to stay on property and ask if there are any promotional offers during that time for OKW and SSR. I happen to think they're both lovely resorts, but they often tend to be the least crowded, especially considering their size. And since they ARE strictly DVC resorts ("strictly" meaning that all of the rooms are considered DVC rooms, but they can be rented out by non-members the same way the DVC villas at Boardwalk Wilderness & Beach Club can be rented by non-DVC members), then sometimes they offer promotional prices just to get people onsite to consider becoming DVC members. DON'T WORRY, there will NOT be a sales pitch! If there is a promotional price, it won't come with a 2-hour lecture and tour of the grounds, this is NOT how DVC operates. They might make a pitch FOR the pitch ("While you're there, would you be interested in taking a DVC tour?") and you say No, and that's that.

I know that, in late August and through September, Annual Passholders and some random recent guests got flyers promoting studios in those 2 resorts for 164 or 169 a night. A little more than a mod at that time of year, but maybe worth it for you to consider?

Another possible option is see about renting the points of a DVC member. For around or less than the price of a moderate for a week, you could wind up getting a studio in any of the DVC villas.

And if you still have your heart set on a Value (or there are no promotions in OKW or SSR) it seems that there are less Pop Warner/cheerleader/class trips booked at Pop than at All-Stars, though that could be a misperception on my part.
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New Member
Original Poster
Yeah, POR is pretty much the only moderate we would consider. Maybe French Quarter. Running the numbers, with AAA discount, the values are really appealling. For the difference in price between value and moderate, we could invest in a 10 day non-expiring ticket and invest for the future rather than buying a 5 or 6 day ticket. :)

I had not thought about checking OKW or SSR. That might be attractive enough to go a little out of our price range. Good idea, thanks.
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New Member
Our first few days during Dec. 06 were during the Pop Warner games staying at the POR. The concierge informed us on our way over to the Aloha Dinner Show that a lot the the teams and cheerleaders stay in the POR since it is the least expensive resort wto accomodate 5 guests per room. All I know for sure is, Sat, Sun and Mon bus rides included a lot of young chaperoned girls, presumably cheerleaders...they were all loud anyway...:)
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Well-Known Member
Avoid AS Sports, POR, and POFQ, and I've heard I believe at least one and two years they had the Pop Warner kids at ASMo. I would suggest Pop Century to avoid them all together.
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I know that, in late August and through September, Annual Passholders and some random recent guests got flyers promoting studios in those 2 resorts for 164 or 169 a night. A little more than a mod at that time of year, but maybe worth it for you to consider?


Actually it was 159/night at saratoga and old key west... as of 3 nights ago the old key west was booked and no more studios at that price were available.
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