here is that discussion on
Hi, My husband and I are going to Disney World, The happiest place on earth, during Gayday 2003. We have three young girls. At Gayday are people openly sexually affectionate in public, or are they modest? We are straight, and have no problem sharing the park with homosexuals. We do however wish to avoid gay or straight make out sessions, and public fondling. We believe outward affection should be limited to hand holding and a quick quick kiss. Are we going to be disappointed? The only reason I ask is....Once we went to the tip of Cape Cod (can't remember the name of the town). We read it was a " Popular hang out for Gays." No big deal, we thought.....Yikes! We saw some scary stuff. Men in thongs groping one another, and people having heavy petting sessions in public. We would have been just as grossed out if they would have been straight people! Please tell me Gayday is a family friendly day. Please , tell me we won't regret our choice to visit during Gayday....My husband said, " Honey, what difference does it make if gay people are in the park or straight people ?." I hope he is right....??? I want to believe he is. Thanks, Tiny
330 Posts Posted - 18 February 2003 : 07:43:53
Tiny, Gay Day is family friendly. That said, there's always someone somewhere doing something inappropriate for where they are, but definately nothing so extreme in the Disney parks that you're going to have a problem.
I think the way you described "the tip of Cape Cod" I'd have read it more like "make-out point". Gay or straight, there's places like that!
Starting Member
4 Posts Posted - 19 February 2003 : 01:25:16
Thanks...we are going to go! I read a few other discussions, and was appalled with how rude some of my fellow Christian brothers were! I'm sorry some have shown you such hate! That is not what Jesus is about. God is love, and in Him there is no hate at all! Disneyworld here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Senior Member
79 Posts Posted - 21 February 2003 : 13:45:09
I hope and doubt you'll be dissappointed with your Disney vacation. I do not agree with public affection, but in the park with the teeny boopers all over their young stallions, I will on occasion give my lover a peck on the lips to see if that will cool the breeders off.
Advanced Member
220 Posts Posted - 22 February 2003 : 04:38:33
Be sure to book a character meal on the big day at Magic Kingdom.
Reason being, there are fewer children in attendance, for the reasons we all know, and the breakfast I enjoyed at the Crystal Palace had very few attendees.
Some people I knew were even trying to book a breakfast with our group..all the way up until GayDay Saturday, to no avail. They were told it was totally booked up all morning.
Reality... Drinking adults aren't always so keen to participate in 7AM breakfasts. So yes, technically they were booked. But really, I would say 50% or more were no shows.
The 6 or 7 children in the entire restaurant got 120% quality time with Pooh and Friends.
So I gues I'm trying to tell you that your kids may actually benefit from having a mostly adult 'convention' around them. It frees up alot of children's activities that won't be overbooked or crowded.
Just a hint.
4 year GayDay veteran
ADC TN-003 MC5 US2002023699
Average Member
34 Posts Posted - 22 February 2003 : 23:17:43
I really doubt that the behavior of the vast majority of people would present any problems for you. Just as I doubt the behavior of the vast majority of people would present any problems for you on any other day.
However, that being said, I have an alternative for you. I am assuming that you will be staying over several days and not just be visiting June 7. If this is the case, you could visit a park other than the Magic Kingdom on June 7, like Animal Kingdom or Epcot and visit the Magic Kingdom on another day. Besides peace of mind, you'd probably also avoid long lines, considering the crowd that's anticipated to be in the Magic Kingdom on June 7.
Personally, I think it would be great for your daughters to attend the Magic Kingdom on June 7. Being witness to affection is great. Hand holding, an arm across a shoulder, hugging, and a kiss between anyone is welcome in my book. If more people were doing that instead of participating in hate, violence, and aggression, everyone's life would be a bit easier. Ok, I've gotten off my soapbox now.
Hope you have a blast during your vacation. If you see me, say hello. I always have a smile and a wave for everyone
Starting Member
4 Posts Posted - 23 February 2003 : 15:35:30
I appreciate all the advise we've received. We can't wait to see the Mouse! xoxo Tiny
New Member
9 Posts Posted - 01 March 2003 : 19:20:23
Hi Tiny, I just want to say I am so glad you wrote and are coming to Disney during Gay Days...It is refreshing to hear from open minded people. I am a Gay Mom,,(a "breeder" if you will--don't like that term..and I apologize for it's use on this site--even in jest I find it in offense). I am bringing my grandson this June..over and over he says.."mee maw, mee mee and Jesse are going to Disneyworld..we're gonna have some fun....see you there...debra
Starting Member
1 Posts Posted - 27 March 2003 : 15:02:57
I have been to to gayday the past three years and I have seen nothing inappropriate. There were some people holding hands, but no more in the gay population than in the straight population. I don't think I say anyone gay, or straight, kissing. Remember: being gay is no more (or less) about ______ and public displays of affection than being straight is. I think the wholesome atmosphere of the Magic Kingdom brings out the best in everyone.
Senior Member
53 Posts Posted - 27 March 2003 : 16:01:10
Several members of my family met us in Orlando for Gay Day last year, including two young children. They all had a very good time, and never saw anything inappropriate. In general, I think that people are extremely aware that the Disney parks are not the place for lewd behavior. If anything, Gay Day can be a great family event. My partner and I are looking forward to the time when we have our owns kids to bring to the event. There's something affirming about seeing the extended family of gay men and lesbians gathered in one place to celebrate life. It's a wonderful experience to share with others.