Best Thread EVER!
Really loved reading everyone's opinion! Negative & Positive!
Ok I consider myself a nerd and this is my 2 cents. :wave:
At first, I didnt know what to think. I watched Avatar ONCE, thought it was ok and have not seen it since or bought any merch for it. The movie hasnt even crossed my mind....I understood its message & loved the graphics but that was it.
But, I do have friends that LOVED the movie, thinking it was the best thing since sliced bread. :brick:
SW & HP,though, I love! I've read the books & watched the movies numerous times. I've gone to Uni & Disney to visit the SW & HP attractions...ETC. IMO these franchises have more staying power & more appeal to the general masses.
So IMO again, I do not think this will trump Potterland.
I wish Disney would focus on what they already have, fix stuff thats broken and work on some original stuff.... but I digress.
Anyway, so when I heard the news I was surprised, because it just didnt seem like something Disney would acquire, although it surprised me that they got Marvel too. :lol: Maybe they are thinking more worldly? It did say this movie was popular in Japan and stuff, right?
So after reading the 1,000+ posts from everyone here, I think my opinion is now this:
For those of you that hate the idea, dont go. There is no one making you go to the new area, just stay to the areas you like. I think most people do that now anyway, right? Everyone has a right to their own opinions & tastes.
Like the others, Im interested to see how they are going to transition an alien planet into Africa or Asia. I mean, its a vastly different world, right? I liked the Austrailia idea better. I think I'd rather go "Down Under" to New Zealand or Austrailia. They could put in a Crocodile Dundee M&G there...:ROFLOL:
But I guess Im glad we are getting an expansion for DAK, right? (sarcasm)
Im not happy about the choice of movie, but I look forward to new innovations in thrill rides, the landscaping, & will wait to see what they do before poo pooing the idea. You can bet when the concept art is released I will be looking at it. When I do go, if I dont like I wont go back, therefore hitting them where it hurts. Their pocketbook. If they change DAK for the worse, I sure wont be going. I'll spend more time at the other parks or Uni when they expand Potterland. I say, Let the Park Wars begin!!
Do I think it fits DAK's theme. Sorry, yes & no. I get the conservation part, but I think of DAK more of like a zoo than anything. Maybe Im part of the problem? Maybe they realize that and are trying to make it a Theme Park again? Bring in the teens?? I can see that.
So am I excited? More no than yes :veryconfu
But I do have some questions:
I dont understand how they can put a restaurant here. :veryconfu What food could they possibly sell?!?
I think a dark ride/rollercoaster would be about the only attraction they could put here. The other ideas thrown around by some people here just dont seem like they could work. What could they do with the rest of the land? Based on that, I just dont see this being a very big "Land" or having a lot of attractions. Maybe I need to watch the movie again... :hammer: