Disney Irish
Premium Member
I agree with the others, I don't see Avengers Campus bending over backwards to be in California or even there being much in the way of California theming.It is still incredibly rooted in California. So much that they bent over backwards to make Avengers Campus California-centric rather than just being a weird superhero land.
Studios Parks haven't been about fake moving making for quite awhile. DHS reduced and eventually ditched the tour awhile back, Animation building was also shuttered. Universal took away the Special Effects show. Paris' studio park rethemed the tram tour to Cars awhile back. Studio Parks are now focused on Universal's model of "ride the movies" rather than learning how filmmaking occurs.
And yes, Studio Parks are often the laziest parks in terms of themeing and cohesion, which is why I greatly preferred when Disney was trying to commit to the California concept rather than just dumping IP lands and attractions in and forcing them to fit.
Really it looks like a generic office park/college campus that could be anywhere, and yeah that even includes Silicon Valley or even in the LA area. But I don't see much to tie it to California other than someone waving their hand saying "Avengers Campus in California at a former Stark facility". And I say all that as someone who likes the land overall.
If we had gotten a West Coast Avengers HQ or even the rumored Stark themed land that had concept art floating around that would have been California themed in my opinion. But what we got could have easily been said to occur at a Stark facility in Des Moines Iowa.