Automated Monorails


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I doubt they would retrofit the existing trains if they intended to get new ones anytime soon.
Probably, but another interpretation is that they have to retrofit the olds ones so they are compatible with the system that is designed to operate new trains. That is, new trains are designed to be automated. Then, Disney could replace old trains one at a time and keep the entire system operational without disrupting the system.

Not saying how likely that is just that the retrofit doesn't preclude new trains. It does make some sense that the next generation f trains would be fully automated and Disney would have to upgrade the current operational systems to do that. It's more than the trains it requires monitoring sensors, communications systems between trains and control centers and safety systems.


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Original Poster
Funny thing when I first saw this thread, I pre-judged what everyone's response was going to be.

I was expecting a "Save the Monorail Pilot" theme to come up with people asking for the Monorail Pilot be added to the endangered species list. Instead it seems people are being very pragmatic. lol

But I still would like for someone to add the Monorail Pilot to the endangered species list.
Add them to the Yesterland web site


Well-Known Member
That website also has bad news, further down, about Anaheim deciding not to build the monorail it was going to build for the DLR area. I thought they decided to build a peoplemover instead of a monorail. If so, I've said all along that peoplemovers are the best way to go. If by not building a monorail in favor of a peoplemover, then all is good and nothing has changed; but if a peoplemover is off the table now, then this is indeed bad news.

As for the WDW monorail upgrade, this was expected. I've been saying all along that the upgrade must happen as a prerequisite to expanding the system. Once this happens, it's just a matter of time before either they announce plans or start planning in secret any - be it small or grandiose - expansion of the system.

What I found most intriguing in the report is than to reverse directions traffic flow. I said in an earlier post that they would need to do this also as a prerequisite to expansion. By reversing directions of the traffic flow, for example, spurs near the TTC could connect the MK and EPCOT lines and, in theory, create nonstop direct gate-to-gate service between MK and EPCOT. It would also make possible the inclusion of the other parks to direct gate-to-gate service if expanded.


Well-Known Member
I don't see that a change to the direction of travel on the beams would be necessary if it's strictly from a "don't drive through a switch backwards" standpoint. Operational guidelines were changed after the accident, and trains aren't driven through a switch backwards now.

To remove a train from Epcot beam, they switch ends in the TTC Epcot station. (This means that the train has to park in the station for about 5 minutes while the train "reboots") They then drive it backwards out of the station (perhaps with a spotter in the non-driver cab that's going forward at that point). It's operating under normal MAPO at this point so there's no need to MAPO Override even though it's driving "backwards". When they're clear of the switch, the driver can then drive the train *forward* through the switch, over to the Express beam's TTC station using the MAPO override while they're on the spur beam.

The one problem is that this scenario requires two reboots of the train if it's then to go into normal operation on the Express beam (because once it's on Express, the cab that was active in the forward-direction drive over should now be the rear cab under normal Express counter-clockwise operation).The old now-deemed-unsafe practice of forward-then-backward across the switch would leave the cab active so that once the train was on Express it could immediately go into regular operation on Express.

If you change either the Epcot beam's direction or swap the MK beams or swap all three, there will still be instances where a train has to be reset before and/or after a beam change.

Exactly what I thought about. I think that would be a significant loss. It was designed so that you got a big preview coming in, building anticipation just like the boat or monorail ride into the MK does, but in this case, introducing you to EPCOT and everything it has to offer.
No, there would still be the EPCOT preview. What they would do is remove the criss-cross situation that happens at the joined center of two loops. By inverting the figure 8 pattern, all monorail traffic flows in a single direction and prevents directional reversal of forward moving trains on any given lane, regardless of of switched circuits.


Well-Known Member
The directional switch for MK monorails and recommendation that pilots never be allowed to go through a switch blind (i.e., reverse) were recommendations that came out of the accident review boards. They've come up in the past as well, but procedures were followed differently in the past. This is part of a larger transportation initiative, but nothing hugely exciting in the short term.


Well-Known Member
That website also has bad news, further down, about Anaheim deciding not to build the monorail it was going to build for the DLR area. I thought they decided to build a peoplemover instead of a monorail. If so, I've said all along that peoplemovers are the best way to go. If by not building a monorail in favor of a peoplemover, then all is good and nothing has changed; but if a peoplemover is off the table now, then this is indeed bad news.

As for the WDW monorail upgrade, this was expected. I've been saying all along that the upgrade must happen as a prerequisite to expanding the system. Once this happens, it's just a matter of time before either they announce plans or start planning in secret any - be it small or grandiose - expansion of the system.

What I found most intriguing in the report is than to reverse directions traffic flow. I said in an earlier post that they would need to do this also as a prerequisite to expansion. By reversing directions of the traffic flow, for example, spurs near the TTC could connect the MK and EPCOT lines and, in theory, create nonstop direct gate-to-gate service between MK and EPCOT. It would also make possible the inclusion of the other parks to direct gate-to-gate service if expanded.

I wish they would consider something like the Ultra PRT that they installed at London Heathrow. I know the scale is WAY bigger but what an amazing system that would be. Don't get me wrong I love the monorails but the infrastructure cost is so prohibitive, especially in a challenging construction environment like central Florida.


Well-Known Member
I wish they would consider something like the Ultra PRT that they installed at London Heathrow. I know the scale is WAY bigger but what an amazing system that would be. Don't get me wrong I love the monorails but the infrastructure cost is so prohibitive, especially in a challenging construction environment like central Florida.
They could do PRT for the resorts and minor attractions and shopping areas. They need high capacity for the parks. PRT is for lower capacity. Or they could do a medium capacity PRT-peoplemover hybrid kind of system, like the highly successful Clarion Health peoplemover system.


Well-Known Member
would love to see all the parks (including downtown disney) connected by SOMETHING (people mover, monorail, etc.) and if I recall there was a rumor at one time about some big transportation changes discussed about downtown disney (not just the new exit and parking garage) so who knows.

I would love to see a resort wide PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) system with the People Mover technology


Well-Known Member
IMO Disney needs something to draw people to their resorts down the road... it's close to the magic, but really beginning to blow up in price while other area resorts/hotels stay around the same with a lot more room/nicer rooms. Something that connects everything in WDW (other than busses) would be HUGE


Well-Known Member
The change will definitely be interesting!! Think of it this way though. The pilot's not driving now, he's making spiels, and I think personal spiels are nicer than the recorded same thing...

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