Pre-Trip Autism Move Over… There’s a Teenager on The Loose and Mommy’s Going Gluten Free!

Welcome everyone to our September 2015 Pre-Trip Report

So here we are…

It’s been a tough year. We honestly didn’t think this trip would happen. It has just been one thing after another since last December! We lost my mother-in-law to Cancer in February. It still doesn't feel real to me. Her first trip to Disney World was with us in February 2008. It was also our 5 year old Julia’s first trip – so we have very special memories.

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At the same time we lost my MIL, my husband lost his job. And since then, we have had a cousin who had a brain aneurysm, my father-in-law had 2 heart attacks, and most recently, Julia dislocated her knee ice-skating and I found out that I have “a few” bulging disks in my back! Mix that in with one of the most brutal northeast winters that I can remember and a summer that refuses to arrive!

Thankfully, my husband was able to get another job quickly and even though it will be tight, we really need some serious “happy time”. So we are heading back home to FQ. As much as Julia wants to stay at POP, I can’t leave FQ. It is too small and quiet and lovely.

There’s me - Mary aka “mom”


Ross the dad aka Grumpy
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Julia – now the teenager – aka “sissy”

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Hope – aka “the Hopester” my 6 year old diagnosed with profound Autism. While our trips to Disney are always a challenge, they are so rewarding and always a positive experience.

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Our past adventures include:

2014 Trip Report:

2013 Trip Report:

Usually, the most challenging part of planning our trip is taking into consideration Hope’s diagnosis of Autism. From the plane ride to the hotel room to the crowds in the park and the ride experiences, I spend a lot of time strategizing on what will help to make the most magical time for us - as well as for the people who are in close proximity to us!

But this year brings new challenges. First, Julia is now a teenager. I’ve heard from a lot of people that trips to Disney change as kids get older and usually not for the better. I am so scared that Julia will be bored or not be too immersed in the magic of it all. So I am trying to think of some new things for us to do to keep her “locked in” Disney Magic.

And then there’s my new diet. A few months back, I started a Gluten Free diet. I do not have Celiac, but I wasn’t feeling so great and I think all the stress in our lives was taking a toll on me. So a few people said I should give going GF a try – and I have to admit I started to feel better and get a lot of energy back. So I’m trying to figure out how eating GF at Disney will be. I will admit I am NOT happy about forgoing the dessert at Ohanna’ nor the pretzel bread at Germany nor Pooh's Puffed French Toast. And of course, Ross is certain that my dietary restrictions will add unwanted drama to our adventure.



No…Not our family…

Figment Forever

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Well - here we are. I can't believe it! These last few weeks just flew by.

We are pretty much all set - just finishing up a few things. I realized this morning I forgot to print out Mousekeeping envelopes - so I had Julia take care of that for me. I actually packed the car yesterday and I'm really glad because it's POURING out right now and it doesn't look like it is going to let up anytime soon.

I also did something crazy this morning. I added Park Hoppers to our ticket. Ross is not happy - I once said that I thought Hoppers, for our family, was a waste of money. Too much time wasted going from park to park especially with Hope who HATED buses. But she has come a long way. This year has been amazing for her. But the real reason why I want the hopper is because there are several days that MK closes early for ticketed events and also - I don't know if AK will turn out to be a full day park for us. So... I went nuts and splurged. We'll see if I made a mistake or not!

Also on the subject of Hope... Spontaneous language is starting to emerge. So a few weeks ago, she decided to tell me that she wanted to go to DD. (She doesn't speak in full sentences yet, so it was something like this:

Me: "Hope, where do you want to go on our
first day?" (Thinking se would say Small World.)

Hope: "Welcome to Downtown Disney!"

Me: (Confused and surprised.) "What do you want to do at DD?"

Hope: "Shop Once Upon a Toy!"

After I got over the shock of her answering me - as I said her language is just beginning, I explained tat we were not going to DD on our first day. She was not happy. Thankfully, she is great with schedules and understanding that you follow a schedule - so we sat down and wrote our Disney Itinerary. Fingers crossed it works!

I also realized that she must "want" something from Once Upon A Toy. Last year she wasn't able to say "I want..." so I had to guess and choose some things for her. Nowadays, she can get communicate when she wants something. I started to realize that all the stores could be a nightmare. So I figured we better put a budget in place for her. We have her on a token economy at home - so I tweaked it to work in WDW! Fingers crossed again!

Does anyone know if they sell Disney Dollars at WDW? Also does anyone know if gratuity is included with Hoop Dee Doo?

I guess we are set - send prayers & positive vibes our way that everything at home stays calm. (My mom is not feeling well & cousin is scheduled for another brain surgery.) I begged everyone, No Drama while we are away!

Thanks everyone for following along!

See you real soon!




Well-Known Member
Yay! I love your trip reports and found them incredibly helpful when we were planning our first trip to the World with my autistic brothers last summer. Can't wait to read the report!

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