Agree with Monty!!! We were there this year in Mid August and I was shocked that the parks were more packed!! very managable crowd wise, but YES it is hotter then heck!!!
We've go every year at the time. If you and your party can handle the heat the crowds are light. Plus, nothing beats being able to come back to the pool at lunch to re charge your batteries.
Me and DBF will be there that week next year, and we've heard all the same things. Hot as anything, and lighter crowds. Maybe we'll see you there! :wave:
We've booked the 20th-28th! I heard the same as above, hot, but smaller crowds as many schools in the south are back in session. We went in July and that was about as hot as the end of August is supposed to be and we survived with daily trips to the pools as rpk4444 stated above. See you there!