TTA's not that great of an attraction, but it adds a lot of atmosphere to Tomorrowland in general and is a good change of pace. I've never had to wait more than two minutes to ride it.
My only really funny story about the ride is the one time my entire family, an aunt, and my sister's fiancee somehow crammed into one car. That's seven children and adults, many of whom are not at all small people. Needless to say the car was absolutely crammed, packed with humanity side-to-side, with a big tangle of legs and feet at the bottom. Looking back, it was an extrodniarily bad idea, but at the time it seemed like fun thing to do, and it was, as all of us laughed hysterically at eachother's incovenience and the absurdity of the situation. It was a wonder the attendents there even let us try it, and if there is a maximum weight limit on those vehicles I'm sure we exceeded it twice over.
Transit Authority
The Anti-rollercoaster
No wait, why not ride?