Aah, Love Bugs - not the cute VWs racing along the interstate are these. No these are Harbingers of Killer 'Cane (Hurricanes, that is). They appear as soon as Hurricane Season begins. It has been said by wise Sachems and Sages that the number of love bugs squished on your windshield
, divided by the number of days at WDW, and then added to the number of character autographs is the number of hurricanes we will have here in FL. Or, the number of love bugs burned into the finish of your hood and grill, divided by the square root of the strokes required to smudge the deceased carcasses goop :slurp: all over your windshield will yield the number of storms. However, you calculate it - here they are and the storms are not far behind. By the way, all of this is subject to the size and mass of the dragon flies also embedded in your windshield wipers. Any dragon fly over 5 pounds must be reported to the Fish and Game people - they use the wings for the blades of the helicopters that spray for mosquitoes.