I know it's been discussed in length....I know Disney prices everything they do where they can then discount on a need-to basis. Yadda yadda yadda. We just got back from our long land/sea/land vacation and the old man's coworkers have been asking him about the cruise part. DCL sails out of Galveston next year which is a little over an hour away from us (more or less depending on the ferry line). A looooot of people around here are talking about the Disney cruises out of Galveston and curious about it. Unfortunately, the biggest arguement we hear from eeeeeveryone is the cost. One of hubby's coworkers was telling him just today that for the price of a 7-night sailing he could take his family twice on the next most expensive cruise line out of the same port. Of course we argue all that Disney includes and lack of nickle-n-diming but the guy has a point, he doesn't think he'll get nickle-n-dime'd for $2k. True enough. Can't argue that.
DH's biggest arguement to not sail out of Galveston is no stop at CC. The ports do nothing for us. With no CC there's just nothing of interest for us.
Knowing how tight in the pocket-books folks around here are, unless there's a flood of other folks headed this way, I forsee some good discounts on the Galveston sailings. Goodness knows these folks ain't missing a second of high-school football season or compromising the almighty athletics to go on vacation. We're curious to see how it all plays out....
DH's biggest arguement to not sail out of Galveston is no stop at CC. The ports do nothing for us. With no CC there's just nothing of interest for us.
Knowing how tight in the pocket-books folks around here are, unless there's a flood of other folks headed this way, I forsee some good discounts on the Galveston sailings. Goodness knows these folks ain't missing a second of high-school football season or compromising the almighty athletics to go on vacation. We're curious to see how it all plays out....