imagineer boy
Well-Known Member
@ imagineer boy, I think that's exactly right about the entertainment industry, but I wonder sometimes if they churn out what they do JUST because of money, or has the general public become less tolerant of new and original things? I don't want to say a "dumbing down" of the average person, but a shift in entertainment values maybe? People want instantly recognizable, easy to understand, and little or no backstory. Perhaps LTE speed phones and on demand movies and tv have hurt our too short attention spans. People no longer want to invest in critical thinking or gathering up the imagination necessary to process certain things? I'm just speculating, but something has changed.
As I've said before, maybe I'm just getting too old.
I disagree. I think the main thing is that sequels and movies based off of existing franchises are a far greater bet at making in money rather than take a gamble with something new. Studios are just playing it safe and raking in the dough as a result.