Vinnie Mac
Well-Known Member
Recently I found myself being recorded by a pair of these morons and instructed them to get their camera off me and to immediately stop recording me or I will call my friends in security. I put my own camera on them while I said this and they did not like it one bit. I found them later camped out by a washroom recording a large swath of the public, for what. These clowns need to be stopped and thrown out of the park - every freaking one of them. We don't go an vacation to have some bozos recording us constantly.
Not gonna lie this ain't really making you out to be the good guy. I get not wanting to be recorded but all that needed was a simple and mature "hey, I'd prefer not to be recorded" instead of you threatening to call security.
You also live in the modern ages where cameras and video technology is everywhere. You don't need to react like this anytime you are being recorded because I guarantee there are plenty times in which you are being recorded and you don't even know it.