Are the Ruby Slippers Still in The Great Movie Ride?


Well-Known Member
The fake props *in* the ride are still there - saw them seven days ago. I didn't notice about the queue. I rather think they are NOT there in the queue at the moment.


Original Poster
The fake props *in* the ride are still there - saw them seven days ago. I didn't notice about the queue. I rather think they are NOT there in the queue at the moment.

Thanks Kevin. So these could likely be the pair of screen worn slippers that used to be in the rides Queue. Anyone notice when they were taken out of the park?


Active Member
The description in the article matches the facts about the pair displayed in GMR. However, the information I'm finding is that Anthony Landini sold them at auction in 2000. Have they been displayed since that transfer of ownership eleven years ago? Here's a page about this pair.

If you're interested, this will surely be on the Hollywood Treasures show on Sci-Fi. They have highlighted the slippers in past episodes, and Joe Maddalena loves this movie. More information may be revealed then, whenever it airs.

*Edit - I think the pair put up for auction was a pair purchased by Philip Samuels. So not the pair once displayed at GMR.


Well-Known Member
I could be completely wrong, but I'm pretty sure the shoes were removed several years ago when the owner put them up for auction/sale/somethng along those lines. Several other movie props/costumes have been switched in and out of the case the slippers were in since their removal.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I could be completely wrong, but I'm pretty sure the shoes were removed several years ago when the owner put them up for auction/sale/somethng along those lines. Several other movie props/costumes have been switched in and out of the case the slippers were in since their removal.

Correct. The shoes haven't been there for quite some time now.


Original Poster
Thanks for the info everyone!! I think you are right, AmongMadPeople, because the shoes that were in the GMR were supposedly used in the dancing scenes and the shoes up for auction were supposedly for closeups.

PS- I am a HUGE fan of the Hollywood Treasures show. I was surprised when Joe suggested the stolen pair may have been destroyed. It will all come out someday im sure....

Fable McCloud

Well-Known Member
So...are all the props in the GMR real?

I was having this conversation with my BF and I thought they were real and he thought they might be reproductions....


Original Poster
So...are all the props in the GMR real?

I was having this conversation with my BF and I thought they were real and he thought they might be reproductions....

To my knowledge the props in the queue are real. Anything in the actual ride aren't. Well there is a rumor that the plane in the Caseblanca scene was from the movie but nobody seems to be able to authenticate it 100%.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge the props in the queue are real. Anything in the actual ride aren't. Well there is a rumor that the plane in the Caseblanca scene was from the movie but nobody seems to be able to authenticate it 100%.
The plane isn't from the film. But the back half of that plane is in the Jungle Cruise at Magic Kingdom just before the hippo pool.


-Notable props currently residing in the queue

Mary's Merry-go-round horse from Mary Poppins

Susan's costume from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

A green peacock Elizabethan dress worn by Judi Dench in Shakespeare in Love


Came across this interesting fact while reading about The Great Movie Ride...

"The ending of The Great Movie Ride was originally going to have more of a foundation in The Wizard of Oz, with the Fantasia scene being the Cyclone, and also a divider down the middle of the theatre separating the A and B vehicles in the final (film clip) scene. Where the screen is now was where the Wizard would have appeared surrounded by flames. The Wizard would say his famous line, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and the show would be "interrupted" as the curtains to the left or right of the screen would open to reveal either your live bandit (on the A vehicle side) or gangster (on the B vehicle side). Along the outer walls of the theatre (to the left of the A vehicle or to the right of the B vehicle), is currently large empty carpeted areas. Here was supposed to be large platforms where models of all of the animatronic characters seen earlier in the ride would be standing and would take a bow."

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
To my knowledge the props in the queue are real. Anything in the actual ride aren't. Well there is a rumor that the plane in the Caseblanca scene was from the movie but nobody seems to be able to authenticate it 100%.
Actually, there are some actual movie props in the ride. Notably, several of the items in the first room of the Alien scene.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Came across this interesting fact while reading about The Great Movie Ride...

"The ending of The Great Movie Ride was originally going to have more of a foundation in The Wizard of Oz, with the Fantasia scene being the Cyclone, and also a divider down the middle of the theatre separating the A and B vehicles in the final (film clip) scene. Where the screen is now was where the Wizard would have appeared surrounded by flames. The Wizard would say his famous line, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and the show would be "interrupted" as the curtains to the left or right of the screen would open to reveal either your live bandit (on the A vehicle side) or gangster (on the B vehicle side). Along the outer walls of the theatre (to the left of the A vehicle or to the right of the B vehicle), is currently large empty carpeted areas. Here was supposed to be large platforms where models of all of the animatronic characters seen earlier in the ride would be standing and would take a bow."
according to Jim Hill, Disney licensed the Wizard of Oz for only a certain amount of ride time. When everything came together, it was too long and that's how we got where we are today. Supposedly, you can see the Yellow Brick Road in the Fantasia scene that was supposed to start the Wizard of Oz sequence, but I have never seen it myself.

John Dean

New Member
The shoes have not be in the queue in many years. And I must say, the last time I did see them there, probably at least 6 years ago, they were looking shockingly faded! Not just a little, I mean badly faded. I remember being stunned by this. If they were in fact the real thing, would they really let them sit under display lights for so long as to fade them? Or were the beautiful sparkling ruby slippers I remember seeing earlier in the queue at some point replaced with reproductions that had then faded? I can only hope that this was the case. To allow that amount of light damage to occur to such a iconic treasure under Disney's watch, is unimaginable.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
If they were different, hopefully it is because they were replaced with a reproduction at some point. Certainly Disney has people who know how to take care of things in a museum-style setting... think World Showcase and One Man's Dream. Especially since the real slippers were likely on loan from a collector, I can't imagine them being damaged under Disney's watch.


Well-Known Member
The shoes have not be in the queue in many years. And I must say, the last time I did see them there, probably at least 6 years ago, they were looking shockingly faded! Not just a little, I mean badly faded. I remember being stunned by this. If they were in fact the real thing, would they really let them sit under display lights for so long as to fade them? Or were the beautiful sparkling ruby slippers I remember seeing earlier in the queue at some point replaced with reproductions that had then faded? I can only hope that this was the case. To allow that amount of light damage to occur to such a iconic treasure under Disney's watch, is unimaginable.

They were real, but you've got to remember those shoes are over 70 years old at this point. They were made to be put on, filmed, and tossed - no one even conceived that anyone would care seventy years later, or that they would become a national treasure. I don't believe anyone knew where any were until the 70's when the first set was found in the vault, and since then several more pairs showed up. Most of the sparkly ones you see have been "restored". I do not believe the pair that was at MGM was (and I'm glad, they are artifacts that should not be tampered with just so they look more like they did in 1939).

The ones at MGM were on loan from a private collector who had them put there right after he bought them, but I believe he took them back for some showing elsewhere but they never returned (somewhere around 2000). They were not the stolen pair, AFAIK.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
The pair coming up for auction have not been on display. They were originally owned by Kent Warner. He's the guy who organized the first big MGM auction back in the early 1970s, when they sold off much of their studio backlot and the majority of the props and costumes still in existence. Kent was in charge of getting everything ready for the big sale ... and in doing so, he managed to "lose" a few items. You have to remember, nobody thought much about this stuff back then. They even considered trashing much of it, and they definitely didn't know what they had in storage. Inventories were inaccurate, incomplete, and even nonexistent in many cases.

So Kent went in and organized it all and was paid very little to do it (well, except for his own self-granted "perks"). When he found the Ruby Slippers, it's said by most connected with the occasion (which isn't a firm confirmation) that he found four pairs, plus the Arabian Shoes (a test pair he sold to Debbie Reynolds that recently went up for auction and fetched $550,000).

One pair was clearly the wrong size (too big--Size 7) and was identified as the pair worn by Judy's stand-in, Bobbie Koshay. Bobbie actually appears in the movie in a couple of shots, most notably when Dorothy first opens the door into Munchkinland (no red shoes in that one) and when she is lifted into the air by the flying monkeys. It's Bobbie being hoisted up, kicking and screaming, and you can see her pair of shoes in that shot.

Kent sold one pair of the "real" Ruby Slippers work by Judy (size 5.5) to Michael Shaw before the auction for $2,500. Kent pocketed the money, and the shoes were never catalogued. The second pair were the ones that came up for the MGM auction, and those are the ones currently in the Smithsonian. They sold for $15,000 at the sale, a record price back then. An interesting fact: Michael Shaw's pair and the Smithsonian pair are actually mismatched sets. They have "serial numbers" stamped on the inside, and Michael's left shoe matches the Smithsonian's right, and vice-versa. They look slightly different, too. One has a larger toe and the bow is positioned slightly higher.

... which leads me to the stolen shoes, which have not been recovered. The statute of limitations is quickly running out. And according to authorities, they're not likely to be found. They were stolen from the Judy Garland museum (while on loan for an annual festival) in her home town of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. It's a small town, and the police think whoever took them most likely trashed them or "got rid of" them (aka at the bottom of a river or something). They have exhausted all leads, and the case is essentially closed. Keep in mind, these shoes could never be sold in public. They would be instantly identified. It's like stealing a famous work of art. You have to basically keep it hidden forever or turn it in. Don't even think of showing it to anyone.

The two mismatched pairs (Michael's and the Smithsonian's) are considered the pairs used the most on-screen during filming. They both have orange felt on the soles. This was to muffle the sounds of Judy's footsteps while they were recording sound.

The final pair that Kent found, the one coming up for auction in December, was the pair he kept for himself. They were supposedly in perfect, pristine condition. Not one sequin out of place. They had no felt on their soles, and it's now been established that this pair was used only for the close-up shots, primarily five big ones: they were on the feet of the Wicked Witch of the East sticking out from under the house; when Judy tilts her shoes to the camera after she first acquires them; when she presents them to the guard at the Emerald City for proof that the good witch sent her, when the Wicked Witch of the West tries to take them from her and is "shocked"; and when she clicks them 3 times to go home. They have only light scuff marks on the leather soles, including circular marks toward the toes, apparently caused by the movement of clicking them together (fascinating!). These had no felt, because it would have been seen on camera, particularly when sticking out from under the house.

But wait, kids, that's not all! A couple of decades ago, ANOTHER pair was found and authenticated. This pair was won in a sweepstakes contest back in 1939, so Kent never saw them, and they were never stored at MGM. All the documentation of the publicity giveaway plus the photos taken, at the time, of the shoes with the owner have proven that they were a "real" pair. They also have the felt on their soles and similar wear and tear to those owned by Michael Shaw and the Smithsonian. They are the last pair ever to hit the auction block, and sold for $666,000 back in 2000. No other pairs have been sold (except for the test pair) in the past eleven years.

So it's a total of five pairs of screen-worn Ruby Slippers, plus the Arabian test pair.

1. Smithsonian (an anonymous bidder won them at the MGM sale and donated them to the Smithsonian)
2. Michael Shaw (stolen)
3. Kent Warner close-up pair (currently owned by Philip Samuels of St. Louis, and coming up for auction in December)
4. MGM Giveaway pair (currently owned by David Elkouby in Los Angeles)
5. Stand-in shoes (don't know who currently owns them)

Disney had the ones Roberta Bauman won in the 1939 contest. She sold them (via auction) to Anthony Landini (for $165,000), and he's the one who loaned them to Disney. When he sold the shoes in 2000 (for $600,000), they were bought by Mr. Elkouby, the current owner.

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