Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


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Original Poster
Hey all,

I just returned from a fabulous vacation at the WDW resort in Orlando and I noticed a change in the behavior of the guests at the theme parks. The last time I was in WDW was in the summer of 2001 and I can not remember such horrible behavior by children. Do you guys think that kids are behaving poorly lately? Many children under the age of 6 were just plane obnoxious, running wild at the parks, running into other people screaming, complaining, and just throwing fits. I happen to love children and how they are fascinated by Disney but lately I am dismayed at the rudeness and lack of control that kids exhibit these days.

Parents seemed to not care that their kids were being distructive or obnoxious. Kids were running into cast members and even trying to topple a robotic tree at Animal Kingdom. The robotic tree was a nice feature, it greats guests at the entrance to the park and it moves by istelf all around talking to guests welcoming them to the park. The tree moves under it's own power and would remind children not to push on it. Kids mobbed the poor tree and continued to try and topple it despite it's please to stop. While the attempted deforestation was taking place, the parents of the 6 or 7 children just stood there smiling. (all the mini lumber jacks involved here were atleast 6 years old, english speaking and capable of understanding the please to stop pushing.)

One thing that realy bothered me was the amount of older kids being pushed around in strollers. When I first went to the WDW resort, I was 4 years old and my parents made me walk the whole park. It wasn't long ago that I was 4, I am 22 now, and I just dont remember being in a stroller and being tall enough to ride Space Mountain. It was rediculous how many kids that were tall enough to ride Space Mountain (44" Tall) were still riding in strollers. Am I missing something folks? Perhapse if parents made their perfectly able children walk they would become more exhausted and would therefore be too tired to be anoying. Not to mention that just dealing with strollers is a pain in the butt.

I was on The Haunted mansion only 2 days ago when it broke down. As we waited in the dark, the ghost host's voice kept reminding people to stay seated, and despite these warnings kids kept trying to climb out. After only 10 minutes of being stuck on the ride, the Cast members were forced to walk out to the doombuggies and let some people off because of unrully behavior. After 10 minutes of being stuck in the airconditioned atraction kids began banging on the doombuggies, stomping around and barking at their parents to fix the ride. No question that kids are in controll these days.

As the Disney Cast members directed us off the vehicles I asked one about the unrully children. I asked the man if he thinks that kids are becoming more out of controll, and the man replied "in 15 years of working at WDW I've never seen it this bad." I agree, and I want to know what you all think.



New Member
No really! I am still a kid basically, I am from the last generation of "good" kids lol. These new kids are crazy losers! No respect! They are at Disney and they are WHINING! Spoiled BRATS!


New Member
Original Poster
Glad you guys agree with me. I mean Im only 22, but I remember my generation going to WDW and behaving. Ive been th WDW 6 times and in the opinion of my parents who have gone with me every time they think its getting worse. Frankly the behavior of children is starting to infringe on other WDW guests. It isnt right for some snot nosed kid to ruin somone else's vacation. I hope things improve.


Well-Known Member
Kids do act a lot differently now,then they used to..alot of parents have basically given up..but I wont touch the stroller issue...I dont think that has anything to do with the way they act..


Well-Known Member
There is a definate change -- and I am looking at this from a 45-year old perspective going to WDW since the late 60's...but I agree that it is not just at WDW, it is everywhere --

The change doesn't come from the kids, it comes from the parents. I work with my patients day in and day out trying to teach them to set limits on their kids - and its hard for 24-year olds who had no limits themselves from parents my age, to set limits for their kids now.

But it certainly isn't limited to just theme parks - watch how they behave the next time you go to a baseball game, or a museum, or a movie or a restaurant. THen watch the parents - where is the cuing they give? Where is the plain old "cut that out and sit down?" and heaven-forbid where is the smack on the butt and the "shut up" that I and my friends grew up with for the most part.

Don't get me wrong, I am not in favor of corporal punishment, but I am a huge advocate of parents teaching their kids limits.


Well-Known Member
You're going to get flamed by the stroller-wielding parents for your comments about the too-old kids in strollers. But I agree with you 100%. I went to Disney World for the first time in 1988 when I was two years old. I walked all day, and that was back when the Magic Kingdom was open until 1am. I think there are so many strollers around nowadays for the parents convenience, not the kids.

And why are kids so obnoxious nowadays? Their parents do not teach them any manners. Obnoxious parents equal obnoxious kids. Nobody tells little Johnny that his behaviour is unacceptable, so he keeps on doing it. When I was little, if I acted like that, I'd get a smack across the butt. That got the message across. But now you're not allowed to do that either. I'm definately not advocating beating your children, but a quick smack on the butt and a "knock it off" seems to have a better result than doing absolutely nothing.


Well-Known Member
I think parents are trying too hard to be there kids' buddy these days instead of their parents. Everything you read now says to not do this or do that because it will someone affect your kids adverselywhen they are older.
Well, my parents disciplined me when I was young and now I have the utmost respect for them for doing so. Don't get me wrong - it's not easy being a parent - it's very difficult at times. I guess it's just the ebb and flow of psychology over the ages and what is deemed as 'acceptable' by society.

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
mmartelli said:
Hey all,

I just returned from a fabulous vacation at the WDW resort in Orlando and I noticed a change in the behavior of the guests at the theme parks. The last time I was in WDW was in the summer of 2001 and I can not remember such horrible behavior by children. Do you guys think that kids are behaving poorly lately? Many children under the age of 6 were just plane obnoxious, running wild at the parks, running into other people screaming, complaining, and just throwing fits. I happen to love children and how they are fascinated by Disney but lately I am dismayed at the rudeness and lack of control that kids exhibit these days.

Parents seemed to not care that their kids were being distructive or obnoxious. Kids were running into cast members and even trying to topple a robotic tree at Animal Kingdom. The robotic tree was a nice feature, it greats guests at the entrance to the park and it moves by istelf all around talking to guests welcoming them to the park. The tree moves under it's own power and would remind children not to push on it. Kids mobbed the poor tree and continued to try and topple it despite it's please to stop. While the attempted deforestation was taking place, the parents of the 6 or 7 children just stood there smiling. (all the mini lumber jacks involved here were atleast 6 years old, english speaking and capable of understanding the please to stop pushing.)

One thing that realy bothered me was the amount of older kids being pushed around in strollers. When I first went to the WDW resort, I was 4 years old and my parents made me walk the whole park. It wasn't long ago that I was 4, I am 22 now, and I just dont remember being in a stroller and being tall enough to ride Space Mountain. It was rediculous how many kids that were tall enough to ride Space Mountain (44" Tall) were still riding in strollers. Am I missing something folks? Perhapse if parents made their perfectly able children walk they would become more exhausted and would therefore be too tired to be anoying. Not to mention that just dealing with strollers is a pain in the butt.

I was on The Haunted mansion only 2 days ago when it broke down. As we waited in the dark, the ghost host's voice kept reminding people to stay seated, and despite these warnings kids kept trying to climb out. After only 10 minutes of being stuck on the ride, the Cast members were forced to walk out to the doombuggies and let some people off because of unrully behavior. After 10 minutes of being stuck in the airconditioned atraction kids began banging on the doombuggies, stomping around and barking at their parents to fix the ride. No question that kids are in controll these days.

As the Disney Cast members directed us off the vehicles I asked one about the unrully children. I asked the man if he thinks that kids are becoming more out of controll, and the man replied "in 15 years of working at WDW I've never seen it this bad." I agree, and I want to know what you all think.


I do agree that there are quite a few children that the parents do just stand there and let their child be obnoxious. But, after walking around all day, when the evening comes, I allow my daughter to ride in a stroller. She is 44 inches tall, and she is 4 years old. I see no problem in this at all.... Besides, some people put their children is stroller because the are being out of control. Do you want out of control kids running around, or would you prefer them to be in strollers? (I also agree that some people need lessons in stroller driving.)

Again, I don't mean to sound harsh to you, and I hope that I am not coming across as harsh, but from your post, it seems like you don't have kids, so until you do.......... you really should not judge others so harshly. I do the best I can as a parent, and I don't feel that it is right for people to judge me (or anyone else) as a bad parent (as I feel you were coming acrossed in your post) just because I use a stroller.

I am glad overall you had a good time at WDW and hopefully you felt the magic... but please don't be so hard on us stroller loving parents who still consider 4 years old as a stroller riding age.

edit, I would like to add that it is definatly the parents, not so much the kids. If my kids can't behave themselves WE LEAVE immediatly. NO questions asked. There is definatly a change in kids behaviors, but it is for the most part the parents, not the kids that cause it. My issue is with the stroller issue....


New Member
I am a parent of a 3 year old who has been to Disney twice and will go back again this year. He has his moments as do we all. I actually find there to be more annoying teenagers and young adults, yelling, singing, running,cursing, and dressing as if they are working at a strip club. If you go and look for the bad, you will find it.

A few years back, I witnessed at Mk, a grown man with his family on main street, yell at the top of his lungs and smack his teenage daughter. I find that more offensive than seeing a 4 year old in a stroller.

At the age of 22, it is so easy to judge parents and how their kids behave. When I was 22, I did the same thing. It is completely different when you actually become a parent. When you were 4, it was more acceptable to give a child a swift pat on the rear end out in public. That is not the case today. As a parent, you have to be mindful of the fact that "society" thinks of it as abuse. I am not stating that spanking is the answer, but the fear of it does not work today like it did 20 years ago.

I am not saying that there aren't people out there who let their kids run wild. I am saying don't limit it to just kids under 6. There are plenty of people who let 10 yr olds run wild and teenagers run wild as well.

Is it any of your business why some one chooses to use a stroller? I don't believe it is ruining your vacation in any way if a 4 yr old uses a stroller. That is not a topic you want to bring up. Just check some of the other threads.

If going to a theme park designed around childhood magic gets you this upset, another form of vacation is best for you. If you go to WDW, expect to see, hear and be around small children. They are going to be there.:lol:


New Member
I agree with are just kids and I think most of them are great! Sometimes better than the adults.

As for children in the past being better than today? Perhaps, sometimes we have rose coloured memories.;)

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Glasgow said:
I think parents are trying too hard to be there kids' buddy these days instead of their parents. Everything you read now says to not do this or do that because it will someone affect your kids adverselywhen they are older.
Well, my parents disciplined me when I was young and now I have the utmost respect for them for doing so. Don't get me wrong - it's not easy being a parent - it's very difficult at times. I guess it's just the ebb and flow of psychology over the ages and what is deemed as 'acceptable' by society.

I agree, everything a parent can do these days is considered some type of child abuse. I mean everything but time out....... You definatly have to be creative these days when raising kids, and it is INCREDIBLY hard at times.


New Member
Like a dirty look is going to do anything!!!! What do you think you will accomplish by doing that??? Not a thing!!!!!! Except one shot back at you!


Have you also notived that some people are riding around in wheelchairs when ther'es nothing wrong with them. They're just using them to get to the front of the line in every attraction!


New Member
That's a better issue to discuss. Its terrible when you see an entire family take turns riding the wheelchair.

Sometimes there are medical conditions that can prohibit walking for long durations and you would not be able to tell by looking at them. I know because I have recovered from a heart condition and I was not able to walk long distances. You could look at me and never know I had it.

Its ashame to see the ones abusing the use of wheelchairs. I always hate to see one person riding and then 30 mins later see the person pushing it riding it.


Active Member
3fordisney said:
Like a dirty look is going to do anything!!!! What do you think you will accomplish by doing that??? Not a thing!!!!!! Except one shot back at you!





Active Member
3fordisney said:
Oh my bad. You must be one of those who's parents let you run wild and act rude and obnoxious. :lol:

WHOA! E-Z guy!

If I acted anything like the kids described, I would still not be able to walk today! :lol:


Well-Known Member
We really should stop discussing kids in strollers and also wheelchair and ecv use.. A thread was just locked so that there would not be any problems..Discuss the behavior of the kids all you want,but please lets leave the strollers and chairs out of it...

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