Original TT was better than Tron Track. But I still enjoyed the original WoM, better. TT has the trills and excitement, but the original WoM was so much more entertaining. The way the ride spiraled up giving views to Future World East before entering the building, to all of the visual sight gags, and finally who could ever get "It's Fun To Be Free" out of their head after riding. Even the post show area was great. They actually had experimental cars and prototypes instead of a mini dealership trying to sell you a truck you could buy at the local Chevy dealership. Epcot is about progress and what the future could hold, to get there we have to look to the past and see where we can improve our society for the better. Don't get me wrong I love a good thrill ride, but when they dull it down to a giant black box with some neon lights video game you have lost my attention. It's sad to see so much potential go to waste. Bring back the past, because "It's fun to be free."