Well-Known Member
Lines uses much more than user submissions. Years of historical data, statistical analysis and projections, as well as their team gathering data multiple times daily. Fictitious wait times should not skew their models as they would show outside of the statistical model as outliers.
While nothing is perfect, Lines was the best that I found on my last trip. Mobile Magic was the worst, especially a few times when it couldn't even recognize what park I was in - which made it worthless.
Their optimized personal touring plans made great suggestions too. I could re-optimize them as the day progressed and I modified my plans. Well worth the $11.
I had lines before. I subscribed one year and then dropped it after it ran out. The wait times were completely inaccurate. That is why I thought that it ran the way all other wait time apps ran, by user submission. I would get to an attraction that it claimed had a 10 minute wait, only to find that it was instead 30+ minutes. I even thought that maybe I was just catching the attractions just as a surge of guests hit it and that was the reason for the difference. But I asked a couple standing outside of ToT (Lines said 10 minute wait) and they said that they have been waiting for their sons to get off the ride and that the ride has been at 30 minutes for a while.