I wish to make a public apology to nWo-Thunder for the thread I started gloating over his termination. It was petty and mean spirited, and (I hope) out of character for me. I had been irritated by his opinions about certain groups, and some of the attitudes displayed in his posts rubbed me the wrong way, but that was no reason for my personal attack on him. It was hypocritical of me to chide him for his lack of compassion towards someone else's situation, then come back and trivialize his. I know some of you belong to his fan club, and will convey this to him. My remarks later in the post still stand. Had he come in with a different attitude, I would have welcomed him, just as I have welcomed many of you. I am very upset to hear that ,allegedly ,someone from this forum has interferred with his group. If this is true, shame on you, whoever you may be! That was not worthy of any of the members I consider friends, no matter what the provocation.